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EddyTheOkapi, also known as Eddy Belly or Fat Goodra, is a 29 year old male furry who obsesses over Pokémon, as well as an autistic basement dweller who most likely lives with his mom and spends most of his time drawing his fetish for fat Pokémon with weird anthropomorphic proportions. He frequently has autistic mental break downs to make people feel sorry for him a couple times every few months or so in order to gain himself some sympathetic fans and new followers to love his weird fetish for fat Pokemon, while also hurting others by taking out his frustration on them. EddyTheOkapi is easily upset whenever he sees people comment about Pokemon they don't like and goes into a fit of rage about it, but when the moment of heat gets too much he calls on his little fans of white knights to step in to defend him.

EddyTheOkapi's weird fat goodra character

EddyTheOkapi keeps a small ring number of so-called "Loyal Friends" at his disposal who are ready to jump to his defense for him and tell others what a mean and disrespectful person they are. Eddy has created a lot of enemies over time, from those he's hurt personally or victims of an indirect attack by his white knights who came to save him. It's known that he only keeps a collective of 5-8 people as his personal friends who are of course are just people he's met online because they are also furries with similar interests. The reason for Eddy's small ring of personal friends is because he quickly gets tired of some of them and hurts them turning them to hate him instead for what he has done.

Eddy's favourite Pokemon is Goodra(also has a sexual fetish attachment for this one for his main character), Lugia, Dragonite, Fraxure, and Haxorus. He has used these Pokemon in particular to base his own characters off of, and giving them weird same attires like hey're supposed to be sexy or attractive.

EddyTheOkapi is part of a series on


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