Dayron Arias

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Dayron Arias is a Faggot who creates magazines that nobody gives a fuck about. He is an attention whore that he even wrote his own Wikipedia article, seriously. He made a shitty kickstarter project to get attention for his magazines, since nobody was reading them and he was desperate for attention. He is also a retarded person who thinks he is famous and have millions of followers but all he has is 4 followers from his alt-account

YouTube Channel

He has a JewTube channel where he makes shitty unboxing videos from products nobody cares about, he also sometimes make fake vlogs bitching how is life is better than yours but it's all fake and he is the most pathetic human on earth. He also hides the like/dislike ratio and removes all the negative comments (all of them) since he is such a pathetic faggot that can't handle criticism. He sometimes leaves positive comments from his alt-account or his husband's account since he's really desperate.


Dayron Arias is part of a series on YouTube.

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