User:Wiitard/Object Shows

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This community/group is a herd of lolcows, and should be trolled and made fun of for great justice.

You can help by adding more info to this page to make them all cry.

Object shows are a genre of Jewtube videos that are rip-offs of Total Drama Island. Since they're the genre that BFDI and Inanimate Insanity falls in, they have absolutely terrible animation, and are generally watched by autistic faggots. If you call object shows bad, you will be cyber-bullied by their army of severely defective homosexuals.


Object shows generally have the same plot, they take random objects, give it a personality of a person who has ass burgers. As the copy of Total Drama Island it is, it involves the objects doing retarded shit. And of course, to help infect more kids with autism, and to keep the already infected children, they let them vote on who should be eliminated. Now this helps the algorithm to push their videos out to more [Baby|brain-dead]] losers and keeps the cycle going, giving them money to further "help" get their "cause" out to more brain-dead losers (sound familiar?). In the end, they earn some dumbass shit.

How is this entertaining?

Good question. Luckily, due to extensive late night studies, scientists have found the answer. Autism. Due to this disease, anyone who carries it has the brain of a toddler who just learned that the square does not go into the circle hole, therefore entertaining them.

Groups that find this entertaining


As mentioned before (multiple times), the fanbase is incredibly autistic, therefore their fanbase is also going to be reeking of autistic behaviors. If you dislike the show and have expressed it online, you've successfully milked them for the lulz.

The fandom (not to be confused with FANDOM) is known to be mean :( to anyone who disagrees with them, which causes a fuckton of arguments because they're extremely sped (and is the reason why their Wikia discussions got disabled for a while) and that's what sped people do when their feewings get huwt. The fandom is known to make shitty fanart featuring "OCs" (which are just giving random objects a face and limbs) or drawing the already existing characters into their imaginary situations.