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Balddumborat (also known as Paula "i do it for the money" Wilkinson) is yet another sick fuck stemming from the endless pool of cancer that forms the furry fandom. Becoming slightly internet famous at least 100 years ago, when she stopped copying manga and hentai book drawings on Y!Gallery and started drawing the sickest shit a human being can imagine and depict on paper, she since then increased her popularity among mostly 40 year old virgin basement dwellers who like to sit in their mom's basement all day and jack off to badly drawn pokemon furry porn and the like. Funny thing is, she actually earns jew gold through beforementioned drawing engagement.

Paula, in dire need of a proper shave
Being a fugly failure at life and dissapointment to your family is perfectly acceptable, as long as you can still morph into multiple fursona characters.

I find most furries to be stupid whiny idiots who pay their parent's money for badly drawn porn. And guess what? I cash in on that. <3




Paula asking Furraffinity-Admin "Dragoneer" wether submitting lolicon artwork is legal on his Site
D'awww, underage lesbian relationship ^__^

On her main Furaffinity Account she's reffering to herself as a "pansexual/gender-neutral oriented" person, which basically suggests that she takes everything up her ass/cunt she will find mildly satisfying, including dicks of all shapes, sizes and species. So far so furry, but there's moar of course.

Like most other furrys, she meets the typical egomanic and manipulative behaviour-type persona you would expect from one of these folks.

Despite her countless abominated sexual fetishes, she also likes to draw and imagine highly perverted guro porn variatons of all kinds, at this point it is not yet guaranteed if she's doing this to appear like a bisexual tough guy-super lesbian hybrid or if she's actually that sick and desperate to enjoy such shitty semi-porn artwork. Additionally to this, she's quite a fan of lolicon porn, as some of her PMs from the leaked YiffyLeak Data from mid-2010 suggest. Only Raptor Jesus knows what other things rest inside the private part of her Furraffinity profile.

Drawing shit

Paula mainly draws animals, preferably for her customers in multiple sexual posses, doing fucked up furry stuff. Laughably she calls these feble insults for real artists actually her"Art" and quickly morphs into butthurt mode as soon as anybody claims otherwise. Examples of this fine, so-called "Art" of hers can be easily found on such sites as Paheal, 'Booru and so on.

Aside from her furry porn income, she also has a bunch of unimportant and lame-ass fursona/custom characters which fullfill all things she couldn't obtain IRL.

Disgusting semi-artwork About missing Pics
[Collapse GalleryExpand Gallery]

Redneck Family

Paula was born and raised in the underpopulated and boring shithole that is known as Portland City Area. Particulary, she was raised in Beaverton and spent her childhood days in said redneck shithole. This might very well has been a dramatic catalysator for the later to follow-development of her, let's call it "tastes".

Being the immature overage crybaby she is, Paula managed multiple times in the past to piss her dad that much off that he was actually leaving her mother, causing a hopelessly crashed wreck of what was once a happy living together family. Due to this, her mother's also a quite psychotic person, as Paula states in her journals, spelling errors included:

I just hope lack of sleep doesn't collapse into a manic episode, my mom's had them 3 times and she warned me lack of sleep was a sign one might be approaching. Urghh, doctor said it would be unlikely for me to have bi-polar but it's still a chance since my mom has it.


—Paula, confessing how she's going batshit insane with a bipolar personality disorder because of some unimportant shit

Small Edit: Pichu is no longer a cub. She is now a partial micro, being very tiny because she is a mouse, but her genitalia are indeed that of an adult. She's a "baby" pokemon who refuses to evolve, and we all know even a baby form of a pokemon can become level 100. So she can stay a pichu but become a mature adult.

So yes, she is now a very tiny gal, and not a cub.


—Paula having a supposed monolouge about pokemon genitalia and her pet.

By the way, it's a confirmed fact that Paula loves her Pets actually moar than her family members, as she has stated multiple times, like in this entry for example.

At this point, she owns two bunnys, some rats and at some point in time she even found a kitteh on the streets which she heroically saved untill it died because it had to live in that filthy shithole apartment with Paula's furry rommates who abused it all day long.

Youtube Fagottry

Because all cool people are there, Paula decided with her mad 1337 PC and internet kowledge to join in the fun on Jewtube some months ago. So far she posseses three accounts that are filled with her faggotry. The first one, named BaldRattie, is a quite shitty depiction that provides an uninteresting glimpse into what is supposed to be her "daily life" or something like that. On this account, countless shitty AMV's and some weaboo stuff along with shitty homemade private videos of her pets can be found. Interestingly, she has subscribed to the Channel of Anthony "Starlight" Taylor, a confirmed Horsefucker, on said account.

However, her second account is named after her main nick and was empty most of the time untill this April. It was then that he was quickly instrumentalized to help spreading her recently produced Pony Voiceovers, causing fangasms of her former furry companions and those relatively normal users who don't know of her other activities yet. In relation with this came another pony-related Account which is supposed to depict some sort of lame-ass OC character.


Some rant about religious stuff

Oh Lawdy is dat sum webcamz

If anything, Paula should stick to the singing business, as this video from her weaboo phase in 2007 prooves

Furry Denial and first encounter with Anon

Soon after the mentioned Pony Faggotry started, Anon got track on Paula and digged into the shithole that formed her activities from the past, which were spread all across the internets. He was able to extract a lot of valuable information due to Paula's fucktarded, non existant knowledge of internet privacy. This is contrary to Paula's claim that she's a "clever girl"who "cashes in on the stupidity" of her furry friends/customers. After a few rounds of bitching arround on teh Tubes, however, soon after she realized what she were ridding herself into, Paula decided to do what countless furries already did before: She thought that a massive blocking action on Jewtube against her opponents would be quite an effective and helping step, which was of course a highly failing assumption, due to the fact that you can't simply kill a hydra with killing just one of her multiple heads.

Also, ss a first impact generated by this very article, it seems like Paula deleted at least one of her private Profiles. Her Fecebook page seems to have been sealed off very recently, with her account no moar listed in the Database, despite Paula knowing that all relevant information about her was already leeched and secured quite a long time ago. Silly Paula.


Gallery of Baldness About missing Pics
[Collapse GalleryExpand Gallery]


  • Full Name: Paula Wilkinson
  • Age: 21 (some Sources say 22 tough, but who fucking honestly cares how old this fucked up bitch really is?)
  • Currently residing in: Lee High Acres, Lee County, FL
  • Born in: Portland, OR
  • Star Sign: Aquarius
  • Yahoo IM: bare_naked_rattie
  • AIM: way2sexeh4u
  • Ebay Account:
  • Supposed Paypal Email Adress which she used for DeviantArt comissions in teh Past: [email protected]

Note that there are also a shitload of other roleplaying accounts and the like on various other sites, but those aren't lulzy and thus not relevant to Anon's interest as of now.

See Also


Balddumborat is part of a series on


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