Emma Sulkowicz

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Emma Sulkowicz is yet another in the long line of fine, upstanding young women who claim to have been raped at college. As with some before her, Sulkowicz's tale tragically unraveled in the face of reality, revealing her to be just another attention whore.

Taking attention whoring to the next level.

Her Story

It all began in the summer of 2012. Emma Sulkowicz was a student at Columbia University, where she met a nice boy named Paul Nungesser. As is typical of a young college couple, the two engaged in sexual intercourse, and as is growing evermore common, the girl afterwards regretted it and claimed rape.

An investigation was launched, and Nungesser was cleared of any guilt. Normally, it'd end there, but the appropriately-named Sulkowicz wasn't done with him yet, and started a public campaign about the crisis of campus rape culture. Sulkowicz drew attention to herself by carrying around a dirty mattress, which made her story go viral.

The feminists on social media and their SJW allies in the press quickly elevated Sulkowicz on a pedestal, making her a national hero, with the fact that the accused man was cleared being only a pesky, minor detail. U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) invited her to attend the State of the Union with her, along with many other media engagements. Again, keep in mind that this was all well after Nungesser had been cleared.

Paul Nungesser Speaks Out

During the media feeding frenzy, Nungesser initially laid low, the man believing in his youthful naïveté that the media would eventually dig a little deeper on the skank's story. Finally however, after seeing his lying accuser become a nationally celebrated figure, Nungesser finally had enough, and decided it was time to give her a metaphorical raping.

Nungesser went to the media and released many e-mails between Sulkowicz and him. The e-mails, sent after the alleged rape had occured, showed that despite Sulkowicz's claim to have "suffered in silence" and have been "shattered", that "silence" apparently didn't apply to the man who had supposedly did the deed.

On Sept. 9, on a morning before an ADP meeting, it was Sulkowicz who initiated the Facebook contact, asking Nungesser if he wanted to “hang out a little bit” before or after the meeting and concluding with:

whatever I want to see yoyououoyou

respond—I’ll get the message on ma phone

On Oct. 3, Sulkowicz’s birthday, Nungesser sent her an effusive greeting; she responded the next morning with, “I love you Paul. Where are you?!?!?!?!”


—A clearly heartbroken Sulkowicz works up the courage to contact the man who raped her.

Sulkowicz told The Daily Beast that she would provide them annotations explaining the context of these messages, but never did.

Nungesser continues to try to get his reputation back, with it now being abundantly clear that this woman lied about the assault. But that’s not a compelling story for SJWs, and it remains doubtful anyone will be inviting Nungesser to the next big shindig in D.C.



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