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7OLS, or Timothy Kade Rench Spawned into the world on May 10th 1996 making him 28 years old, Is the result of generations of inbreeding among his americunt genepool. he is a delusional fucktard who represents the 7OLS gospel "gang" (stands for 7 OF LEAKING SHITS, due to his Jenkem huffin' tendancies) even though this kid isn't a real gangster and is just some white trash mongoloid from the trailer park . He is an adderall addicted autistic mountain dew can collector who pisses in bottles and stashes them under his bed. He has a YouTube channel also called 7OLS. He tries to troll people on Skype under the name gingerkiller99, but fails every time. He claims to have a life outside of the internet, but his autism makes it impossible. He speaks in a voice like that of a Nigger yet he's as pastey and white as they come, and he used to claim to be 19 when his Facebook profile said he's only 15. He thinks he is a rapper and refuses to listen to good music. He is obsessed with the bible, mainly Corinthians 11, Romans 1:16 and Hebrews 10. Any attempts to talk to this weird alien have failed as it refuses to listen. He doesn't understand that he's a potato, and a complete grade A fucking moron. His favourite catchphrase is "7/11 on the dot, Thank you come again" which he chants in a Paki accent. He believes North Korea caused 9/11. He claims to smoke weed and thinks he's the second incarnation of Jesus. He also wets his bed and has been known for pissing his pants in public while being caught by the cops when spraypainting his local mall. This birthchild of Beavis and Butthead we have here known as Tim is a soulless creature kept alive by the force of his virginity, it will repell any and all chicks in a 30 mile radius and will disturb bystanders who spot his pencil thin pedophile mustache and hear the grotesque autismal laughter that is emitted at a loud volume as he proceeds to rap out tone deaf "flows". Whenever he isn't making weird whale noises he can be found at his nearest atheist convention pretending to not care about God. He is seemingly a redneck. The only things important to him are his stupid retard gang, parathetical situations and documentation, jenkem, Mountain Dew and telling people they don't know what they're talking about. He is the next big Chris-Chan-esque mongoloid autist lolcow of the internet. I HAVE SEEN ABORTED FETUSES COMING OUT LOOKING BETTER THAN THIS FAGNOZZLE. It is also a well known fact that Tim is a compulsive molester of Kittens and will drink your piss for a dollar, every night he appears on skype people flock to troll him and endless waves of his reprobate whiteknight buddies who rush to gain a place in his so called "gang" all of whom likewise to Tim do not know their arse from their elbow because they are so mentally challenged. Nice Acne Tim. Tim's now deceased father was a Juggalo known as Joedy G. Legault whom went out one night for a pack of smokes when Timmy was a smol boi never to return and subsequently and conveniently for him died of cancer from being a full blown crackhead, heroin addict and alcoholic. once Timmy was all grown up, his smother mother (definitely a one night stand) is known as Patricia Tara Rench and she is known to keep Tim like a prisoner in his own home denying him access to the internet and chasing after him to wrangle him when he tries to run/skate away from home and basically being the antithesis of Tim, his arch-nemesis and likely the bane of his very retarded existence. also, any and all NIGGERS (yes black niggers) that try to get close to Tim are ENEMIES OF THE LULZ and should prevented from accosting him at all costs. It is also known that Tim doesn't use a windows computer whenever he has access to a computer but rather an crap apple imac desktop.

Earthworm Tim, Part boy part earthworm.
Poor Timmy..
HAHA!! YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT!! - famous quote of the butthurt bitch himself




Some of his weird YouTube shit can be found here:

Tim Rench in disguise

mysteriously he reuploaded one of his old videos in 2020


The Music he is known for playing full volume when he's butthurt


[Collapse GalleryExpand Gallery]

The Piss Bottle Collection


need i say more?

2021 Onwards

"Is that a piss bottle Tim?" "UHHHHH NAH."
Once again, we await your glorious return, ya fucking tard.

This is a brief personal account of events as he is still even today a largely unknown and massively underrated lolcow (was only really well known among Skype circles). Tim went scorched earth and presumably ghosted the internet around 2018 (confirmed as presumably due to the death of his father in 2018), although around that time, he attempted to run away from home, hiding out in his garden shed before running across his garden onto the street and proceeding to skateboard down the sidewalk, only for his psycho mom to appear in clear view while he was on camera right behind his shoulder to grab him when he least expected it (apparently the fat bitch is a fast enough runner to chase down and wrangle her tard son half way down their street on a skateboard), after this he wasn't seen or heard from again for a while. He was presumed MIA, but in January of 2021, he made a sudden but brief return to Skype like a mythical cryptid, only to disappear once again as there wasn't enough lulz to keep him interested like there were back in those golden days of Skype yore. During his brief return to Skype, he mentioned that his mom doesn't let him on the internet at all anymore and he just sits at home on the couch staring at a wall or maybe watching tv and suffering from extreme boredom. as of 2022 he is or will be 26 years old.


for those who find this article to be a tl;dr mess, this list of facts is for you.

  • Tim apparently hates Gingers although his hatred remains unexpressed and the only reason this is known is from his Skype and former youtube username "Gingerkiller99".
  • Tim LOVES Energy Drinks, Monster, Bawls and especially Mountain Dew (if you can even really call that an energy drink).
  • Tim is the Epitome of a Wigger.
  • Tim has a fissured tongue that looks kinda like cracked sand flats or some shit and funnily enough, having a fissured tongue is unironically a symptom of The Downs.
  • For as long as Tim has had a presence on the Internet, It has been unknown what is actually wrong with Tim, all we know for sure is that he is retarded. UPDATE according to Timothy himself, he has "high functioning autism"
  • Tim is a poorfag but can somehow owns a Mac.
  • Tim's psychotic mom loves him dearly and would probably even suck his dick if it meant keeping him sheltered from the big bad internet.
  • Tim loves Niggers.
  • Tim is a full blown gay for Jesus Christfag.
  • Many suspect Tim to most likely be an Autist.
  • Tim once got catfished by a 13 year old boy pretending to be a chick, whom he flashed his pecker to resulting only in him being heavily ridiculed.
  • Tim has been known to frequent a health food store in Lansdale, PA called "Arnold's Way", a place he was (and still is) unable to STFU about as he became obsessed with Banana Splits and "Green Smoothies" that looked like raw sewage in a plastic cup, many cracked jokes and insinuated homosexual deviancy was taking place involving Tim at "Arnold's Way" (more like Arnolds gay amirite?).
  • Tim STILL lives with his mom.
  • Tim's mom is a whore and is just as retarded as Tim himself (understatement of the century).
  • Tim once punched his step-dad (named Jeff) resulting in him getting bitchslapped.
  • Tim once punched his mom while she was driving the car like the true retard that he is, causing her to be extremely butthurt and likely distressed. He probably thought he was trolling her.
  • Tim doesn't have standards when it comes to the opposite gender.
  • Tim would fuck anything with a pussy.
  • Probably even his own mom.
  • Tim is likely a rapist waiting to happen. (that's if it hasn't already happened)
  • Tim has a criminal record for doing stupid stuff, spray painting the King of Prussia mall definitively but other charges are unknown.
  • Tim could easily be lured back to the internet by the voice of a female on the phone, has been tried and tested.
  • Tim is probably a bisexual and doesn't even know it.
  • Tim is from Norristown, PA.
  • Tim has always been and probably always will be a bitch boy.
  • Tim is somehow STILL in highschool at age 26, disclosed via phone call by the tard himself and apparently gets bullied there.
  • Tim claims he no longer collects cans and pisses in bottles.
  • Tim's mom only lets him have a flip phone in Current Year because that's all she thinks he's worth.
  • Tim has a million sock accounts or as he calls them "flooder accounts" or "gang members" on youtube.
  • Mentioned previously above, Tim Rench believes that North Korea did 9/11.
  • Tim is half mexican, half Irish American.
  • Tim thinks his mom is a chode.

See Also

External Links


7ols is part of a series on YouTube.

Visit the YouTube Portal
7ols is part of a series on Aspies.


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