Ilija Grahovac

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Ilija "Zmaj" Grahovac also known as the Dragon of Sipovo is a multiply awarded cattle breeder from Cifluk, a small village near the town of Sipovo, in the Republika Srpska in Bosnia a former republic of Yugoslavia, which has undergone a few minor management and structural changes since the early 90ies (as seen on Tv).

Ilija Grahovac, well known for a healthy dose of insanity, in sipovo and the sorrounding area, rose to fame and became an internet phenomenon through a few short videos which emerged from the internets (around 2005). These videos were showing excrepts of a strange but awesomly funny speech Ilija held some time ago. Later it was revealed that the whole speech had an unbelievable lenght of over 3 fucking hours and was held at the funeral of Ilijas father Jovo, in front of ilijas shocked family, during a freaking hot summer day (40°C). After a few fans, from the area, have managed to smuggle DVDs with fan-made covers and title "Kome smeta junacka Rjec?" into local video-stores, the wohle epic speech became available on the internets.

The content:

  • Ilija, after his uncle refuses to do so, starts to hold a speech about his deceased father.
  • Ilija talks about the (orthodox) church
  • short intermission, Ilija is greating his neighbor Pero.
  • Ilija talks about geometerics and allotments.
  • Criticism of the ustasha and muslims
  • Apologies for the said above, cause some ustasha and muslims are present at the funeral
  • Ilija talks about a horse ride, the good Dr.Karadzic, the geology of the Vojvodina, a hatchet which was owned by his father, all the weapons he has at home,...
  • Someone interrupts the speech, and now Ilija starts to yell at the people arround him.
  • Nearly everyone has lost their nerves cause they think the speech is far too long, and people are demanding Ilija to come to an end and bury his father, who has already started to smell.
  • Ilija strongly refuses to do so until he has ended his speech.
  • His aunt tries to intervene, but is verbaly bitchslaped by Ilija
  • ...

After the speech became popoular on the internets Ilija was interviewed by the media where he showed that he is either a great entertainer or a “Budala” which means stupid in nearly every country on the balcans.

To show that he has humor and is even more crazy than people assumed him to be, Ilija made a second Video (Dioba) in which he shows how he and his brother divide their heritage… cattle, what else. This second video is also filled with lulzy speeches Ilija held while drinking his brain into oblivion, talking about trivial and important topics no one cares about.


Now there are rumours about a third film a porn-movie in which Ilija plays a leading role. The existence of this last movie is not confirmed but Ilija is known for satisfying 6 women in 6 hours, beside being a cattle breeder he is a sexmachine too.Don’t ask about the connections.


After Ilija rose to fame some trolls have called him under various, unpleasent pretenses to milk him like the lolcow he is, and record the ensuing drama consisting of Ilija furiously cursing and threatening to kill them in various ways, and even going as far as expressing his abuse in the shape of a sermon like chant similar to those heard in the orthodox church(starting at 3:40 in the video below). These prank calls are available on Youtube, unfortunately only in serbian, but Ilijas violent cursing is still epic, even if not understood. [1]

I fuck your mother in the mouth, I fuck everything you have, your whole family, male and female, I fuck everything you call yours, I fuck your mother. You are threatening me? I fuck you in the mouth!


—-Ilija telling it how it is

Fun Facts

  • Ilija says that he is the strongest man in BiH, and a man amongst men.
  • Ilija is known for recieving hundreds of calls each day in which women ask him to impregnate them and as far as we know, iljia has been able to help each of those women.
  • Ilija was kicked by a bull and flew several meters through the air, he also was kicked by a mare and this flight lasted even longer, he survived both incidents without a scratch.
  • Ilija only drinks milk and rakija, but he refuses to drink water.
  • Ilija never lost a fight, ever.
  • Ilija father is a gypsy and his mother is a racka.

What Is This I Don't Even...

Ilija talks about Bull (on Bull) fights


Through him being something like a celebrity, Ilija ended up in a shit Serbian reality tv show called "Parovi" ("Couples") where, since March 2015, he generates insane amounts of drama while also constantly trying to bone anything even remotely female. Truly a man of profound distinction, this cunt.

Quote: "I am a fucker amongst fuckers. I can statisfy 6-7 women in a row, while being able to stay with each for an hour. Here I will prove this to you. If you want get in a row so I can prove it."


Since Ilija has never given as much as a single fuck about anything else but cattle, it is no wonder that he somwhoe ended up letting his cows and horses run amok thorugh the town of Sipovo, where they cause a ton of trouble and hold up traffic. After many attempts, the town officials are unable to get shit sorted out since they are dealing with Ilija, who inhabits his own level of crazy, far beyond their comprehension.

See Also

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