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And they will be reported, discussed, and broadcast by the same mass media outlets over and over again until you believe them.
Common Jewish tactics employed by GLP.
Just another typical day on Godlike Productions.
The NWO isn't coming, it's already here. The Mayans knew their shit.

The God of GLP, warning the public.

Godlike Productions, the self-described hub for the Lunatic Fringe, is a forum for paranoid and mentally disturbed individuals. In reality, Godlike Productions is a government run site filled with disinformation and is used to track anyone who knows the truth, anyone posting this fact will be permabanned.

What you can expect

The only forum on the internet where these are the most popular topics.

Imagine giving every single YouTube commenter more than 500 characters and hundreds of stupid emoticons to work with and you will have an accurate representation of Godlike Productions. It is that bad. No two people on GLP ever get along and every thread in the website's history has wound up generating some sort of flame war. No matter what you say, you will always get some cunt with every discovered and undiscovered mental disorder to hate you and accuse you of being a Reptilian Nazi Rothschild Zionist Communist Freemason Illuminati Pagan Asspie Globalist Bilderberg Jew. This rule applies to every combination of words in the English language.

Needless to say, Godlike Productions is a prime trolling spot due to the fact that every single member fits into at least all of the following categories:

  • Anarchists
  • Communists
  • Rabid Ron Paul supporters
  • Zionists
  • Asspies
  • Paranoid schizophrenics
  • Evangelical Christians
  • Militant atheists
  • White nationalists / White supremacists who hate Hitler and the Nazis
  • People who want to declare war on Iran
  • Hippies
  • Neo-Gnostics
  • Jews
  • Every alien abduction victim ever
  • Ex-Illuminati / CIA / NASA / Rothschild / Area 51 agents who want to leak the top-secret information they have access to and expose the conspiracy
  • Psychics who can predict the future (especially the end of the world)
  • Extraterrestrials who want to share their intelligence with the people of Earth
  • Trolls

Typical threads

With a userbase like this, you can imagine the types of threads that make their ways onto this website.

Government-run disinformation site


See Also

External Links

Savitr/cleanup is part of a series on


Visit the Truth Portal for complete coverage.

Savitr/cleanup is part of a series on


Visit the Trolls Portal for complete coverage.

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