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Johaan-N (also known as his alternate title “Kique7”) is a 24-year old, transgendered GSD obsessed artist most noted for his comic artwork on the cancerous site DeviantArt, where he takes extensive time to draw dog sheaths in the finest detail no matter what angle the dog is in (no matter what), throwing bitchfits when people don’t give asspats to his dull style lacking ‘dogs (they’re not wolves guys!)’, and blocking or sassing any comment that isn't hero worshiping his substandard artwork. Spending up to 24 hours a day drawing dog shlongs, Johaan-N has recently opened his own Patreon, where you can spend $15 of your parent’s hard earned cash to see exclusive comic pages of dogs having seizures while fucking instead of the art and comics of better artists who charge for much less.

An immature manchild, Johaan-N has the attitude of a 12-year-old kiddo because his comic is HIS ENTIRE LIFE. Seriously, the guy never leaves his house. Having decided his comic is his end all goal in life and ‘will continue forever’, Johaan-N will throw hissy fits at anyone who critiques or questions the comic, despite the numerous plot holes and overall sloppy "writing". His girlfriend Megs-n has to talk him down each time, though her own identity is questioned due to their consistent matching pattern of typing, complete lack of any personality and lack of evidence of her existence. She's a mysterious creature and tends to appear only when the god himself feels threatened. Her tagline is 'the girlfriend' - most likely put there by Johaan-N in an attempt to show that someone actually loves him, unlike his family. From 2015 to January 2017, Johaan-N has refused to accept any critique. Instead, when he's not hiding such comments or disabling the comment section for people agreeing, he's telling the commenter that they are wrong and they don't know how to read his flawless comic.


If you were unfortunate enough to come across this comic on DeviantArt, you'd notice that it is a cesspool of terrible anatomy (and look at that pup's reaction to her daddy being mauled!), obvious tracing, multiple dropped plot-lines (the mystery meat's effects and Ghost Wolf's visit = never explained), inconsistencies, shitty panels lacking any dynamic perspectives or angles, complete refusal to grasp the 180 rule (he even says so right here), clear copying of realistic dog breeds and then pasting his own breed name on them to copyright them ("Northern Rifle"? That's obviously a black German Shepherd), a lack of a clean or original style (though he magically had one away from the shit comic and its pages (pay attention to the dates) , lack of any logic (i.e though the comic is about wild fictional canines, everyone is a purebred dog), awful attempts at sexy dog romance with an embarrassing obsession with dogs making 'fuck me now' eyes at each other, a disgraceful fetish for rape and all villains being rapists (seriously, all of them), an unrealistic use of realistic dogs using Paleolithic human weapons for no reason other than to look cool (it's never explained how these realistic dogs tie knots, use tools that require thumbs, or why they even bother), and sexist male superiority "writing" with every female character being a breeder, exposition girl, or damsel. For this, Johaan-N might claim he "can't connect with females" despite connecting to fucking dogs just fine, and this excuse just shows his sexist mentality since according to that statement, and his comic, he can only see females as damsels, love trophies, breeders, and exposition diarrhea.

To top it all off, the comic ends with lazy and never explained sci-fi copouts and random alien antagonist forces that are shown once or twice and never seen, explained or mentioned again. The list goes on and on, but to save you the precious time that would be wasted on reading this book of polished shit: Asmundr is an inconsistent, tasteless, dull, insulting bowl of porridge oats that can only be enjoyed if you've never read good comics, share Johaan-N's obsession with DARPGs and German Shepherds, enjoy fapping to dogs seducing each other, or you like the magical Norse concepts. Sadly, the concepts that look exciting are turned into insulting shit when they're no longer immediately convenient to the shitty excuse for a plot, and they're never actually developed.

Sounds awful, but it gets worse. While Asmundr was finally ending, Johaan-N announced he was expecting a sequel and was taking a break to work on it. Turns out he went into labor early, because he was popping out the next comic's pages in less than a few days. The everyman would expect the sequel comic to be better than the first, but no one was prepared for how much farther down the waste pits it turned out to be.


While comic creators normally improve through time, Johaan-N proves to DeviantArt that you don't have to improve to be successful. Just constantly pander to your rabid shipping fans and you're in the clear.

When Asmundr ended, Johaan-N decided to use the same rapid shitposting method Nickelodeon uses to keep Spongebob alive to get his sequel comic Home up and running. Home somehow managed to be worse than the comic before it and shows that Johaan-N decided he was too good for writing, proofreading or editing any form of a script. If you thought that Home would provide for the lack of world building, relationship development, gender equality, consistency, and dynamic panels in Asmundr's "story", you thought fucking wrong.

Home starts with a page at the end of Asmundr that includes an ironic quote: "and the next generation will bring our species even farther". It's ironic because not only is our main protagonist an only child and gay at the same time (so his parents' legacy is doomed), but the next generation repeats every single mistake seen in Asmundr since characters are as smart or as stupid as the plot needs them to be, so they never actually develop. The story obsesses over awful sexy dog romance so much that the story and world building are nonexistent, the only characters that matter to the "story" are male and in a romantic relationship (this youngster that was a pup in Asmundr barely has character or page time since she's neither of those), we have more dropped plot devices (that traced horse with a sable antelope head exists to shove a dog off a waterfall later and never appears again), more obnoxious use of human weapons to the point these fucking dogs never use their teeth to fight, more obvious tracing (the last two panels especially, with one panel being a dog jumping or laying and the last panel being a dog rolling over), ridiculous inconsistent sage speech (Why not "Let's get some sleep" instead of "Let us fall to bed"? This character hasn't talked like this consistantly in the past btw), female characters again being rape victims, damsels, or exposition vomit, more lack of dynamic panels, and more obsession with antagonist forces being rapists. As we speak, the comic has 200+ pages but no set plot or storyline.

Everything is just scenes, dogs reacting and never being proactive, shit attempts at romance, lack of any development, stupidly obvious conveniences and random "plot" devices, offensive use of rape and mental disorders, and ugly character design choices like this lil shit's zombie cheekbones and jarring Disney eyes. Another insulting move Johaan-N makes for this comic is his use of the comment section as his script, where he pulls ideas for dialogue, plots and plot twists (and plot holes), and where he explains the story and character motives(because Johaan-N forbid the comic fill the void). His butthurt ass will upload some pages with comments disabled after people dare to question the god, but he'd never keep them that way since he needs the comments to continue his comic. The list goes on (again) and the shit storm shows no sign of stopping.

The Cringe Files

The following are parodies or minor edits to panels to emphasize the cringy shit quality of them. One of them isn't edited though. Can you even guess which one?

Tracing and Breed Ripoffs

Yes, Rogio break that back
Yes, Rogio break that back

If you think it's fishy that this (which actually looks good) is the same age, if not older than this shit, then congratulations! Unlike the majority of Johaan-N's brainwashed fanbase, you have critical thinking skills and can see that Asmundr was Johaan-N getting used to tracing photos of wolves and dogs. His tracing skills get cleaner into the comic, but that's the only thing that improves.

Still unable to draw dogs without referencing or tracing every single pose, Johaan-N has come out with a flurry of new breeds, copyrighted despite the fact they are literally sparkledogs of real dog breeds. For as little as 100 deviantart points, you can own one of these obvious copies. If you point out that it took thousands of years of selective breeding to produce the 'wild' canines you see in his comic, you bet your ass you're getting blocked.

Comment Revelations

An insulting move Johaan-N makes for his comic 'Home' is how he uses the comment section of every page as his fucking script, where he pulls ideas for dialogue, plots, and plot twists, and where he explains the story and character motives (because Johaan-N forbid the comic fill those voids). His butthurt godliness will upload some pages with the comments disabled after people dare to question him, but he'd never keep them that way since he needs the comments to continue his comic. When he's not using his fans' theories for the 'story' (without ever giving any of them credit) or touching himself to dog breeding videos on Youtube, he can be found in the comment section of his comic pages explaining things that would've been shown in any well written (or written at all) comic. He'll even use the comment section to explain what he's too shit a storyteller to show or hint in the comic.

Rape Obsession & Gay Dog Sex

Just Kill Me Now
Just Kill Me Now

See the cringe above? It's a panel from a yiff page is on Kique7's Patreon. The whole thing can't be shown here (since it's strictly "Patreon only"), but it's a waste of $15 to buy it since it's just panels 4 and 6 repeated plus a panel of Oreo dog licking Sexy Brown Stud's stomach (which is expected to be erotic, so forget tummy rubs being innocent for your dog!).

Having achieved Patreon status from your parents' hard earned cash, you can now enjoy the numerous canine sex scenes Johaan-N spends hours trying to draw whilst masturbating furiously (for only $15, what a steal!). But the cringeworthy sex scenes are not just available on his Patreon, but in the comic itself. Johaan-N has an obsession with throwing in dogs raping each other, which while realistically dogs have sex with each other with no qualms because they're fucking dogs, Johaan-N has made it perfectly clear that the dogs in his comics are basically humans trapped inside canine bodies. Meaning the rape is just that: rape. Every antagonist he creates has to be a rapist plagued with a mental illness of sorts (traits he takes from a Wikipedia list on mental illnesses because, y'know, he is incapable of creating a villain without copy pasting an ailment onto them), all female characters are raped or otherwise abused in some form or another, due to his inability to relate to females other than by having them gangraped. Wonder what his girlfriend thinks of all this?

Stalked at an early age and given genetics against her will by an asshole god, kidnapped, abused, coercively raped at best, another character, Lifa (from Asmundr), falls in love with her kidnapper, developing Stockholm syndrome. But you can bet Johaan-N doesn't acknowledge that. Her sister is nearly raped repeatedly by numerous different males because Johaan-N is just such a talented writer that he can't put any other torture into his comic aside from rape, and is 'cured' of her 'PTSD' by a pair of dogs saying 'hey, we wont rape u don't worry!'. Ronja (from Home) gets some dick and is thrown to the guy's father to be raped, as are all females in the Meteor Tribe tribe of fuckery. Every single female in the tribe is systematically raped because the overlord Johaan is a sick fuck, yet none of the females show any signs of PTSD and are quite content staying in the tribe despite being given the opportunity to flee. This could have been put down to them having grown up in this environment and normalising the abuse, only an outsider female is wrangled, raped by the previous Jarl repeatedly and makes no attempt to flee. The rape harem established, Johaan-N decides that not only should the females stay in their toxic situation because he's an awful writer/rape fetishist, he figures he'll 'redeem' the male members, because yknow, rapists don't deserve to be castrated and thrown into a fire (spoiler alert, you fucking imbecile, they do.) Many commenters have discussed their own history of abuse and rape (some have discussed their mental illnesses too to try and distill the stigma, mainly of NPD with Ranach), but you bet your ass Johaan-N completely ignores them because he can't have anyone putting a dampening on his fetish. Raela exists only to be breed with by the main character, then is carted off screen never to be seen again. Fucking Ferah (from Home), of course being fucking female, just can't do anything right, especially when she's constantly being sucked into damsel-in-distress situations. You've been big on survival ever since you escaped the rapist Meteor Tribe and you don't hesitate to kill to survive? Are you a wily lil' wild dog who is characterized as cunning except in instances when its detrimental to the narrative? Doesn't matter. Johaan-N will use you as rape fodder or throw you into a victim situation because you own a vagina. Wait till the boys show up to save you again!

Spoiler alert - dogs don't actually behave this way. Nor does Johaan-N seem to understand a shred of canine biology or behavorism. Generally, female dogs go into heat twice a year. It is physically impossible for a female dog to be mated with out of season as the vulva is too small and closed off, it cannot be penetrated. Johaan-N of course doesn't give a shit about this because he's a freak obsessed with dogs being raped and has stated numerous times that the dogs mate at any time for 'pleasure'. Sure they do, you sick fuck. Fucking Ferah gets dragged into the tribe and is there for less than ten minutes before the males start trying to rape her. As for the behaviors of the dogs themselves, they act like complete morons in some sort of horrific attempt at combining human and dog behavior. Johaan-N bases his entire comic on the behavior of wolves - but guess what you retard, there are thousands of years of selective breeding between domesticated dogs and wolves. Dogs do not behave like wolves. Dominance and the alpha theory was based on an outdated study of unrelated wolves in captivity in the 70's. But mention any logic or scientifically proven theories to Johaan-N and you will be completely disregarded or banned.

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Aimed towards a 'mature' audience of 12-year-old children hastily unzipping their pants at the mention of gay dogs rimming each other. Mature enough to throw in rape but not adult enough to deal with the aftermath of it. Honestly, the 'this comic is mature' reasoning is just Johaan-N's excuse to rub his dog dick fetish on the audience. You won't ever see female dog anatomy in this comic, kids!

180 Rule

The 180° rule is a cinematography guideline that states that two characters in a scene should maintain the same left/right relationship to one another (Peña Film Studies: 180° Degree Rule). The rule is not specific to films, and comic artists that make good comics will tell you the same. Johaan-N is just one of few that refuses to ever yield or admit he's wrong. You want examples?

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Inability to take Critique

I've become more mature in my writing these days.


—Kique7, justifying why he killed off "main character" Zilas, saying he killed him off because he had grown older yet made absolutely no progress personality nor story wise. So mature!

When not getting pegged up the ass by Meg using a bad dragon dildo, Johaan-N is obsessively watching the comment section on each new page. Completely unable to take any critique, he assumes he is the greatest artist to ever grace DeviantArt with his presence. Due to his entitled manbaby attitude, any comment even hinting at any critique is either ignored or replied with pathetic excuses to make up for his shit and pretend that the way you worded a critique is the perfect excuse to disregard anything you said. No matter how much effort you put into the critique, or how polite it is overall, he'll hide the comment or type a rejection reply with an obnoxious attitude stating that he knows better than anyone else. The critiquer might even be "peacefully" blocked - that is if his rabid fans haven't shitpiled onto them because JOHAAN-N IS GOD. On SmackJeeves where the bitchy toddler is called Kique7, he's been caught justifying deleting critique comments, even when other people agreed the comment wasn't bad as he pretends it was and all while lying that he accepts constructive criticism. Oops!

When faced with multiple persons critiquing the same comic panel or page in question, Johaan-N will disable all comments or write a journal whining about how wrong they are and how they don't understand anything about his life - aka his comic. He might even go on a "ban party" and proudly proclaim he doesn't give a shit about the most basic of things, like the 180 rule.

Rabid Fans

Since Johaan-N's fans are incapable of accepting any criticism of their beloved tyrant leader, any comment even hinting at criticism will be dog piled onto and torn apart. Any logic in the original comment will quickly be thrown out the window in favor of 'Johaan-N has been stalked/harassed/bullied before, leave him alone!'

Said fanbase consisted almost entirely of 12 year old children who, when not begging their parents to loan them money for the dog pronz, are leaving cancerous comments on every single comic page posted. The vast majority are furry rape apologists or attention craving babies almost as bad as their lord and savior Johaan-N himself. Having no personalities outside of an obsession for wolf comics, it is insanely easy to troll these lolcows, simply post that you don't agree with gay dogs or Home's "main protagonist", Roamer's fucked up cheekbones and Mary-Sue ass and you'll send them into a rage, wetting themselves in fury before mass spamming the same damn comment over and over in the hopes that their Senpai will notice them.

External Links

Kique7 is part of a series on


Visit the DeviantART Portal for complete coverage.

Kique7 is part of a series on


Visit the Furfaggotry Portal for complete coverage.