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Real life photo of the Autist
Given Name(s) Zachary "Zack" Grohl Auburt
Location Washington, USA
Email [email protected]
Nationality Americunt
Occupation Blogger

Midnight-Fantom, also known as Esoteric Entity is an intellectual 19 year old Anarcho-Capitalist who frequently browses DeviantTART and uploads videos onto JewTube about political and click-bait shit(which is the one word to sum his content all up, no srsly). He had a keen fetish for vore and roleplaying since the age of 12, and has recently become a subject of ridicule on DeviantART for his major ego and easily rustled jimmies of anything negative towards his political views in the style of a YourMovieSucks wannabe. He's currently ban evading after trying to attack a major troll by reuploading their artwork and adding MSPaint scribbles over it and declared it a "parody", but got raped anally by the law for being a Autist. He'll deny that everything in this page is "a bunch of lies written by pseudo-intellectuals" and list over 9000 fallacies(which we'll get to later), but we here at ED can positively guarantee you that this page is 100% true and honest. Therefore any response to this article by him will be deemed as butthurt, but don't worry Zack! We have a help desk that you can address the issue at right here. :^)

In The Beginning

In the early years of Zack's Midnight-Fantom account, not much is known, because who the hell cares? All we know is that he uploaded furry drawings(using this lightly), is a fan of Sonic, and LOVES vore. He loves it so much, he frequently posts journals of requests for a vore rp. Nothing worth of importance happened until the ACR Saga, which occurred on February 24, 2017. It was duly noted that he's a mixture of Lordelthibar and mike-the-cat politically speaking, thus making him a perfect target for rape. He was seen very early trying to discredit the fucking weather channel due to their founder(and ex-CEO) being fired for questioning climate change. So he has a little Alex Jones in there as well, which is understandable as his "trusted" sources are consisted of the following:

File:It's A Cult.png
Yes srsly, he did this.

And no folks, we're not joking either. He openly believes climate change is a fucking cult, and will deny any evidence suggesting otherwise. He also believes in other conspiracy theories such as pizzagate, are you surprised at this point anyways? Are you? If you think that's nothing, wait until you find out he thinks all Socialists are Nazis or SocDems, because National Socialism and Social Democracy has the word "Socialism". Despite National Socialists and SocDems are fucking Centrists, he'll frequently call them left wingers, regardless of the ideology's actual position on the spectrum. We all know IRL Midnight won't be able to fight a Socialist 1V1, due to being a major pussy, he's such a pussy that in fact he CENSORS the word pussy. No srsly, we're not even joking once again. He also considers ANY response more than 6 paragraphs as spam and will ignore the point made because "TL;DR faggot". AND THEN proceeds to write a 7 page essay on why Anarcho-Capitalism is NOT an oxymoron and why you're wrong and he's right. Thus either considering him a really good troll, or an Autist. Perhaps both if you read the following(Read if you want to lose your IQ points!):

Don't be surprised, since his JewTube content is pretty much the same, as shown here:

Capitalism is srs bsns

The Epic B&

The post that started it all!

DeviantART user Kasaundra1 uploaded an epic maymay about how cancerous Midnight's post(notice the featured by owner highlight), which was so cancerous it caused your waifu to get cancer. Midnight got uber butthurt over that and proceeded to start a flamewar in the comment section, to which people just scrolled by and rolled their eyes at his pathetic attempts to socialize. However unfortunately for him, the wrong person came in and saw that post. That exceptional individual would be known as Mocha, who Midnight will proceed to hate for the rest of his life. Mocha proceeded to his profile and began to start an epic debate in which will spark the great war between the two, mostly because Midnight was uber salty over the DMCA. In which 7 responses in(where he also brought out his fake diploma), Midnight proceeded to block Mocha and declare victory but alas, it was premature... As the second he uploaded a status declaring his new rule where each passerby must follow, the troll ridiculed him for being a general pussy and not to mention being Autistic enough to lie about what happened between the two. Midnight getting her panties into a bigger twist than from the wedgie he got from his high school bully, he proceeded to make a HUGE journal on how Mocha was a 'disgusting, dishonest little cunt'. Memorable quotes resulted from this, such as:

Bullshit, and fuck you for lying about me.

The thing that's makes you the worst is that YOU KNOW FULL WELL that you're arguing in bad faith, you know that what you're saying is bull shit. Yet you ignore the facts, and substitute them for your own fantasy version of what happened. You are a textbook example of a pseudo intellectual, and what you're doing here is defamation. You're lucky that I don't report your ass for slander.




If they were making a genuine point, then I would leave it.



Zack, notice he hid his comments too

No I didn't, you just insulted me, used Ad Lapidem fallacy; then when I LITERALLY SHOWED YOU A PICTURE OF ME HOLDING A DIPLOMA, you used mental contortions and claimed it's fake because it invalidated your claims. Fuck you, you disgusting piece of garbage.




You get called out; and now EVERYONE knows just what a disgusting, dishonest little cunt you are




Fuck off, and KYS.




I'm just angry is all.




It also seems like that journal wasn't enough damage control, because he then proceeded to re-upload Mocha's art and used MSPaint to re-paste bits of Mocha's bio and claimed it a "parody". Mocha seeing this, proceeded to send in a copyright strike on his ass, to which he proceeded to have a bitch fit over.

So in response, I decided to make 10 parody pictures; including an edited version of the DMCA'd picture that can't be taken down ;)




Also, you just made the biggest mistake you've ever made here on DA.




I am about to make 10 parody pictures of you now. Including an edited version of the one you just took down.

You just fucked with the wrong person, now you're gonna pay for it; you fucking down syndrome piece of fucking shit




Though I feel like any other special snowflake; it won't take anything more than the slightest resistance for them to back down.

Unfortunately for them, they started a war; and I won't stop until they get what they did was wrong, or leave.


Zack, and he lost, miserably.

I don't back down either.

I won't stop until they go down. If I get banned, I'll just make a new account.


Zack, which he did.

the photo in question

This resulted in....

Aftermath Responses

After the great Midnight war, many TARTlets were pleased to see this colostomy bag was b& forever. Then all of a sudden, a video by hi was uploaded ridiculing Mocha for doing the right thing, unfortunately the video was taken down, so enjoy this summary(incoming walltext):


Summary of what I took from this video:

-Midnight got IP banned (Yaaaay!) for what looks like to be repeated copyright infringements of Nazi-Lesbian's art.

-Midnight doesn't understand how fair-use works and thinks he was actually taken down for being right wing

-He calls for his fans, or lack thereof, to go and report Nazi for "false DCMA take downs". This coming from the guy who took someone else's work and used it to insult them.

-He tells other right wingers to "abandon ship" because the site has been taken over by special snowflakes and SJWs

-He says that he didn't do anything wrong but make parody art, which we all know he doesn't actually understand what parody means.

-He tries to shift the blame again onto Nazi who actually did make parody art. She didn't use the picture to attack Midnight but to just have a laugh.

-He calls Deviantart a biased website because his attack picture got him banned while the actual parody pictures weren't taken down. Claims DA is biased against right wingers, yet has no real evidence of this outside of him being taken down for his violation.

-Blames the TOS for him not following the TOS. Maybe if he actually read what the TOS were he would've made the mistakes that he did.

-He claims Nazi "abused" the TOS to get him banned. I can't wait for him to try and explain copyright and fair use though! Considering the fact that I've studied fair use and copyright laws in my program because as producers we have to understand that shit to a T.

-He claims that DA's copyright rules aren't like the DMCA's rules. He thens goes into a bunch of bullshit without evidence which requires it's own point.

-To quote him: "Basically if somebody else created it(?) they can arbitrarily it(?) theirs, even if you've edited it and it doesn't even slightly resemble the original work". OH BOY HERE WE GO....

  1. 1 By "it" I assume you are referring to the copyrighted work.
  1. 2 You can edit someone else's work if you make it transformative, as in changing the meaning of the original piece. If what you made based off of the original work isn't transformative, it is violating copyright law.
  1. 3 Your "parody" was a blatant re-upload of Nazi's art only with bitter text directed at her. Fair use doesn't protect you when you use someone's work in an attack piece.

It's clear he has not idea what he's talking about and is just going based off of what he's either read from youtube commenters, other youtubers who don't understand fair use, or his most likely equally retarded friends who're still in high school.

-In one sentence alone he blames snowflakes, communists and hyper authoritarian totalitarians for why DA is so biased.

-"It is no longer a safe environment". You mock SJWs and snowflakes yet you whine about DA not being a safe space for you.

-He basically tells everyone to leave DA.

-He talks about putting time into work and how you shouldn't on DA because he's been on for 5 years and everything got taken away from him. Oh yes all those vore pictures took so much time and effort right? Even though if you go back to my screenshot of your gallery, they're pretty terrible.

-He compares DA TOS to people with guns to your head.

-Did I mention how he can't speak for shit? He studders more than I do and it's clear he's talking based off of nothing but what comes to his mind.

-Makes the comparison again and whines about DA not being a safe space again.

-"I can't even really believe it honestly"... I can't honestly believe I got taken down for using someone else's work to personally attack them.

-He's not Youtube only, so he's not completely out of our lives forever.

-"I don't really care if you do please report this person". He just contradicted himself in the same sentence... I wanna die

-"They can't get away with this". How dare they understand what fair use is and report me for breaking it!

-He says Youtube's TOS is better than DA's.... Which goes to show how he hasn't read either.

-I have a hard time believing he's 19 years old.



Parody video that he hates


  • He's secretly a leftist
  • He never finished high school

See Also

Social Media