User talk:Turkey

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This Should Be Entertaining

Time to make popcorn! :D

10 to 1 says she has a spastic meltdown in less than 24 hours and attempts to manually vandalize every article on ED.

--U Mad Bro 14:02, 1 April 2015 (EDT)

I'd just ignore U Mad Bro. He's always doing everything he can to bait contributors in hopes of running them off the wiki. When that doesn't work he'll cry to zaiger in an attempt to get them in trouble.
Should U Mad Bro decide to harass you on the wiki, don't take the bait. Instead you should contact zaiger, owner of Encyclopedia Dramatica. Explain what is happening, and most importantly, be polite!
If you have any questions, I'm happy to help. reply 08:54, 2 April 2015 (EDT)
Suntard is not a "contributor"... at all. She's a deranged nut ball who went spastic because her name showed up in a random article and ever since she's been hell bent on trying to "get back" at me. Hopefully her expected vandalism will be limited to just articles that I contribute to (as it'll be easier to clean up), but then this is the girl who stayed up for two days straight and blew an entire weekend just to try and spam FaceBook pages with likes, friend requests, comments and messages... and it's also the girl who created over three dozen FB sock accounts in less than a week... she's basically a raging shit storm of basement living crazy just waiting to happen and that's if you only believe HALF the shit that her "friends" told me about her. I'm just glad I don't have to be the one to worry about cleaning up her likely mess when she suddenly goes ape shit out of the blue. She's like a fat, asexual, angry-tard, female version of Runtshit couched in the guise of a wannabe Cracky Chan. --U Mad Bro 10:26, 2 April 2015 (EDT)
This is exactly what I was talking about. U Mad Bro simply can't be reasoned with. I hope he doesn't alter how you view Encyclopedia Dramatica. And that reminds me, if you need to contact zaiger, he sure to do so in private. Your best friend is either irc or the email form. U Mad Bro lies through his teeth and you don't want to deal with him. What you do want is for his harassment to stop. So again, contact zaiger in private. I'm really sorry to see him harassing new contributors. He does it all the time. reply 10:38, 2 April 2015 (EDT)
Furtard here ignoring the fact that she already vandalized a slew of different articles AND got herself banned (which had nothing to do with me even in the slightest).
--U Mad Bro 10:44, 2 April 2015 (EDT)
Could you please stop harassing contributors? I know it makes you feel better about yourself but it doesn't help the wiki. Maybe you should take your drama to the forums. reply 10:50, 2 April 2015 (EDT)
Could you please stop harassing me with your furtard autism? I know it makes you feel better about yourself to try and inflict your weird ass sexual fetishes onto others, but it doesn't help the wiki. Maybe you should take your furtard self to Fur Affinity where your kind belongs. --U Mad Bro 10:57, 2 April 2015 (EDT)

Who says i'm a girl?

You are such a scrub. -- Turkey 14:07, 1 April 2015 (EDT)

Popcorn made

According to the recent changes,
Good timing was good.
I am going to f*ck right off now.
freepopcornpopper 15:41, 1 April 2015 (EDT)


I just fleshed out Onideus' shit stub page.. I see nothing wrong with this. --Turkey 15:59, 1 April 2015 (EDT)

Hey Faggot

You do realize every last person can undo your edits with one click of 'undo', right? Good luck being a pussy StarsThatSing 16:36, 1 April 2015 (EDT)

Hello Onideus sock. Pleased to make your acquaintance. --Turkey 16:43, 1 April 2015 (EDT)

LOOOOOOOOOOL another paranoid faggot alert. No wonder you like Ichigo! StarsThatSing 17:18, 1 April 2015 (EDT)

I have my sources, but it's not paranoia. ;) --Turkey 23:06, 1 April 2015 (EDT)

No, you're a crazy fuckin nutball Rea, there is no question. Since you've decided to show up on ED though I think I'll have some fun with you... I didn't want to do anything on FB that would risk my account, but on ED you're fair game... as are all the fun private messages your "friends" sent me about you. And the pictures. LOL How are those "suicidal ideations" of yours? Still going to therapy? :D
--U Mad Bro 23:40, 1 April 2015 (EDT)

Tigercommander 01:29, 2 April 2015 (EDT)
Still haven't figured out what the Forer Effect is, eh KittyCommando? Why don't you tell us more about your incredible 24K a year income or the five AK-47s you spent 50k each for. LOL
--U Mad Bro 01:35, 2 April 2015 (EDT)
First I haven't paid a single Dinar for those AKs, and second i have better things to do than argue with diaper wearing jobless losers in their 40s Tigercommander 01:41, 2 April 2015 (EDT)
Lie to us, but please don't lie to yourself. We're all here because we have nothing better to be doing, or at the very least are too goddamned lazy to be doing it. Talk | Contribs 01:44, 2 April 2015 (EDT)
No, you really don't actually. I gave you a mercy blocking on FB because I royally skull fucked you in every other direction... I'll admit, it was overly mean, even by my volatile standards... but if you really want to keep playing I have no problem at all exposing every last sordid detail about your rag-head infested life, Sand Nigger. I tried to be nice to you, because you're weak... because I'm not a bad guy... but if you insist on continuing to play even after I give you an out... well, fine by me! :D
--U Mad Bro 01:48, 2 April 2015 (EDT)

I have no problem at all exposing every last sordid detail about your rag-head infested life


Plz do, and this time dont delete everything when likeicare shows up Tigercommander 01:52, 2 April 2015 (EDT)

That's the thing, kiddo... you got bitch slapped so fucking hard all the sharks started smelling blood and after likeicare showed up and started laying into you too... yeah, I decided to be "nice" at that point. I mean in less than a dozen posts I got your dumbass to expose every last major detail about your personal life right down to yer income and yer political affiliations using only the most BASIC of confirmation bias techniques. You exposed every last major nerve center in your psyche like waving a giant fucking banner... and you're whining that it got hidden? LOL, you're either a masochist or you're just plainly fucking stupid beyond measure. --U Mad Bro 02:02, 2 April 2015 (EDT)
Has the bingo game started yet? freepopcornpopper 01:57, 2 April 2015 (EDT)
Yeah he made 5 empty threats just now Tigercommander 01:59, 2 April 2015 (EDT)
To be honest it probably needs to be revised a bit. I think Oddguy made that version and, well, he's pretty good, but I don't think he has too much experience utilizing the Forer Effect to its greatest potential. Bingo Memes can be pretty fun to make, especially if you know what you're doing when you make it. --U Mad Bro 02:02, 2 April 2015 (EDT)
I think i need a new card i'm gonna lose this one. freepopcornpopper 02:04, 2 April 2015 (EDT)
Can you guys have a dick slapping contest not inside my convos before I reply. StarsThatSing 03:41, 2 April 2015 (EDT)
I mean in less than a dozen posts I got your dumbass to expose every last major detail about your personal life right down to yer income and yer political affiliations using only the most BASIC of confirmation bias techniques. You exposed every last major nerve center in your psyche like waving a giant fucking banner


AHAHAHAHAHAHA, ok so you got my personal information as you say. Whatcha gonna do? dox me? AHAHAHAHHAHA

likeicare showed up and started laying into you too...


Likeicare made you his bitch on the forum, also he only came there and said that arguing with you is pointless

Tigercommander 10:15, 2 April 2015 (EDT)

Libyan Canon Fodder


You got bitch slapped so badly Chris basically told you to run the fuck away before you could make it any worse.

Also, I have no interest in doxing some camel fucking, sand jockey, from Libya who's being used as cannon fodder by his own country for a measly 24k a year. Your dumbass is all, "WOW, NEATO FREE GUNS, 24K AMERICAN DOLLARS, I ARE FREEDOM FIGHTER NOW!"


Head shot! :D

I really was serious by the by, when you're dead I'd like to have your watch.  :)

--U Mad Bro 10:42, 2 April 2015 (EDT)

Yeah and that's why you refuse to fully post the convo, I'm so intimidated now and my E life is ruined cuz of this pic Tigercommander 10:46, 2 April 2015 (EDT)
I can upload the entire thing if you really want me to... I have no idea ~why~ you'd want that... I mean... you got verbally fucked in every other direction by a supposed cutesy, ineffectual, fun loving, baby fur... that's gotta be pretty gawd damn humiliating. :D
Which do you suppose is worse... getting your ass beat by a clown, an old woman, or a babyfur? I mean, if you had to choose.
--U Mad Bro 10:54, 2 April 2015 (EDT)
Here is another example of U Mad Bro misbehaving on the wiki. He's been harassing Tigercommander for weeks. Now U Mad Bro is escalating the situation like he always does. Please make sure you look at my message above Turkey. If U Mad Bro refuses to stop, contact zaiger in private. Don't do so in public because U Mad Bro has no interest in retaining new users. He has an established history of abuse. reply 10:55, 2 April 2015 (EDT)
Here is yet another example of Schnookums being a furry on ED. He's been harassing the entire wiki with his furtardation for weeks! And now he's escalating the situation like he always does. Please stop sexually harassing new, non-contributing users with your fur covered grubbies. Nobody wants to be verbally groped by a furry... nobody. ಠ_ಠ
--U Mad Bro 11:01, 2 April 2015 (EDT)

Look U Mad Bro, can't you just knock it off. Again you're escalating with name calling and all that crap. But really dude chill out already. If you would stop harassing contributors then we'd leave you alone. I don't understand it. reply 11:04, 2 April 2015 (EDT)

Look Sparkles, you just need to calm down and knock it off. No likes an angry furry who doesn't ever contribute at all. If you would just stop stalking me and try and edit an article... just ONE article... cmon furry, I know you can do it. If you'd just edit articles instead of not doing anything all the time "we'd" leave you alone. --U Mad Bro 11:49, 2 April 2015 (EDT)
I Think you guys are doing a great job, everybody! I came for the lulz but I am staying for the latent homo-eroticism. freepopcornpopper 18:20, 2 April 2015 (EDT)