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RLJ is done with ED This user (RLJ) is a whiny defamatory bitch. You can help by assassinating their character more thoroughly.

WARNING: This user is a fucking crybaby.

Please start WikiWars with them k thnx.

This person has Assburgers Syndrome,
so you can't say anything bad! :-(

Be aware of that, you insensitive fuck.
This is America Beware!:
This user is a self-proclaimed troll in denial who doesn't understand that Encyclopedia Dramatica is a satirical wiki, and cannot come to terms with themselves. You can help ED by reverting every single edit.

Session Start: Mon Mar 31 09:27:16 2008 Session Ident: #ed

  • Now talking in #ed
  • Topic is ' �'
  • Set by h64 on Mon Mar 31 06:41:16

<RLJ> Hi <RLJ> I am butthurt and resigning from #ed and <tobago> hah drugs might do that to you, RLJ, just try to walk it out <RLJ> Just wanted to say bye. Btw reasons:1)sherrod and weev are the only intelligent people on this whole website 2)there are too many faggots in #ed (not fags from /b/, fags from ed) and 3)burk. Now maybe if ajt can take a break from fucking burk up the ass, he can get his homo rocks off by glining me again. <RLJ> Too slow nigger. <tobago> it isn't true! <Darkwingstalker> eeerr <Darkwingstalker> i think we just got trolled :) <Merkin_Muffley> lolol <@PunaKone> lol <@PunaKone> and nothing of value was lost <Darkwingstalker> who was that guy? : <Darkwingstalker> ;P <Porfa> YHBT AYHL. <@PunaKone> he has been here for a while <mister8ill> <@PunaKone> made few articles <Darkwingstalker> and i mean, he came to #ED and proceeded to "Delete fucking everything" zewb ([email protected]) has joined #ed <Darkwingstalker> thats ironic <zewb> lol <Darkwingstalker> hey zewb.. <tobago> where do you run from ed? encyclopedia? <Hrodulf> what delet fucking everything <zewb> im using my ds to ssh into my comp and use irssi <Darkwingstalker> <RLJ> Just wanted to say bye. Btw reasons:1)sherrod and weev are the only intelligent people on this whole website 2)there are too many faggots in #ed (not fags from /b/, fags from ed) and 3)burk. Now maybe if ajt can take a break from fucking burk up the ass, he can get his homo rocks off by glining me again. <Darkwingstalker> and i mean, he came to #ED and proceeded to "Delete fucking everything" <@PunaKone> though he fucked with them <@PunaKone> im reading again about the kikes attacking un positions in 2006 <@PunaKone> makes me hate those damn jews even more <tobago> god damn to hell whoever put a hundred random dane cook snippets on my ipod. i cant <Fou-Lu> who was that rlj faggot? <tobago> ed/user:RLJ <Darkwingstalker> hes on the way to being a hero <Darkwingstalker> i feel it in my bones :P <tobago> a hero? <tobago> he shall save people? <tobago> from peril? <Darkwingstalker> maybe i should of said An hero <Darkwingstalker> :P <Porfa> lol guys <Porfa> anyone played daytona usa? <Porfa> i think im turning fully gay


<ajt> Where the fuck is that faggot rlj <ajt> I am going to mouth rape him and then use his ass as a place to park my one millimeter tool <ajt> and give him burk's aids <ajt> Where is burk <ajt> I havn't fucked his ass in two minutes and I'm getting horny again <burk> right here lover after you bone me like you own me we can gline people for no reasons and fap to pain series and tubgirl <ajt> sounds like fun. in other words, every thursday <sherrod> WHAT ARE YOU FAGGOTS FROM /B/ DOING ON MY IRC burk has been kb'd by sherrod (faggot) ajt has been kb'd by sherrod (faggot) <sherrod> Important news guys <sherrod> I am shutting down ed <sherrod> You are all faggots <sherrod> and you do not deserve lulz <sherrod> Go fuck each other in the ass and get the fuck off my websites and irc <sherrod> ***SERVER DISCONNECT*** RLJ IS A GIGANTIC FAGGOT AND NEED TO DIE OF GRIDS HERE IS WHAT HE NEEDS TO FAP TO :