Art theft

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The animu Eureka 7 actually stole her art.

Art theft is a common, and rampant form of plagiarism. It incites an overwhelming amount of ED quality drama; hence why this page exists.

Art thieves are usually some of the most butthurt, lulzy, asshats that can be found on the internetz. They usually spend their time fapping to animu shit and and wishing they could be japanese, considering most art thieves are weeaboos. They usually realize by the time they slither out their obese hooker mother's wrinkly vagina that they have no talent for arting what-so-ever, but they're full of wonderful ideas, so they wonder how can they get their e-peen stroked? By tracing a screen-cap of Sailor Moon, re-coloring, adding cat-ears, and posting it to dA it of course! And considering these inspiring artists get 9000 pageviews each day, it leads too strong cases of USI. That fact alone provides sweet lulz.

What kind of people are art thieves?

The typical art thief is either as smart as a rock, a troll, or have some vendetta against people that have more talent than they do, so they upstage or revenge on them by taking their art.

By definition, everytime you post a picture you have not created on the internet makes you an Art Theft.

SoubisLover, on a debate against a barely popular tracer, explaining why he's fighting art theft.

Where can this faggotry be found?

Oh noes, dinks!

DeviantART is the most common breeding ground where many art thieves spawn and have gay sex. Upon the even that you interact with one in its natural habitat, it is recommended that you call them out as "a thieving asshat" and wait for the AT's shitstorm of butthurt over it, troll them into the fucking ground, watch them baaaaaawwww, then SCREENCAP THAT SHIT and post it here.

Species of art thieves

Abigaille is a common example of a Ripper.
  • The Photobucket Tart uses DA as its personal army. It loves to link the images all over its MySpace page, hoping to get moar e-peen strokes even though it usually has no friends. Plus, who the fuck uses MySpace anymore?
  • Tracer DA's most common art form other than furries and animu, which is usually traced too. The screen caps are usually used by artists for merciless butchering into their fan-fucking-tastic Mary_Sue.
  • PoeTART This breed of retard takes images from an anime straight off Google, pastes it into MS paint and writes some shitty poetry all around the image, usually lyrics from an MCR song. "HURR DURR IM SO DEEP"
  • CopyPasTARD copies work from other artists and never gives credit, then throws a shitfit when called out some of them will try and claim that the original artist ripped them off, even if it is a known fact they have no talent at all.
  • The Re-colorist simply re-colors over others work, usually in MS paint for extra lulz. They also take animation stills and create their own shittyoriginal character with them.
  • Slideshow Makers take their favorite pictures and put it to great new pop music. They are very common on JewTube.
  • FameTARDS upload famous work and expect people to believe them, and for some reason continue to get 200,000 faves and a daily deviation. "iTS NOT TEH MONA LISA, IT'S MY OC KIMI!!11!!! STFU JELOUS!!11!11!"
  • ProfiTARTS Unable to survive in the working world, this breed of TART tries and sell their shitty artwork, only to realize that they have no talent and resort to art thief.

Things to look for when you suspect an art thief

Oh em gee! An epiphany

Word on the street is that the one way to identify a thief are these common attributes:

  • Style and quality is inconsistent (from ripping different artists or animu screencaps).
  • Unnatural growth of skill (from shitty stick figures one week to professional anime the next).
  • Drama whoring
  • Anything done with 'Vectors'
  • Anything resembling a cartoon with any hint of MS paint present

Usual reactions when accused as an art theft

but i didn't make money off it!


Kuu invokes one's wrath

Art thieves never like being called out on their deeds. They piss, moan, cry, whine, make death threats and rants on how unfair it was that "their" art got removed. One of the funniest things to come from them is the fact that, without a doubt the only reason to remove someone's work is "Because you are jealous of their/my talent". Aside from that, the vultures are playground bullies waiting to make some 12 year old cry for ripping Yoshitaka Amano's work. Of course, if you praise them they'll be eternally thankful. Most are dumb enough to believe their traces/rips/whatever are 'great talent'.

thank you <3

Originality White Knights

What NOT to do, if you're a good tartlet

  • DO NEVER, EVER use the "report a deviation system"! admins will just delete it, that's all.
  • NEVER contact a moderator! again, they will just remove it and case will be closed. As a victim you won't get justice.
  • NEVER EVER WAIT to report one and write a journal about it, as they win YOUR pageviews!
  • NEVER come without proof : like, post a photoshopped pic using layers that clearly shows how traced or eyeballed a pic can be.
  • IGNORE the CreativeCommons license, there's only one law about pictures : the Copyright, enforce it.
  • NEVER give up insulting the person who offended you, as a theft you're in your right, may he have stolen your art or someone else.
  • NEVER FORGET, the internet *IS* your personal army.

In all cases, you're fucked. Popular or not someone, somewhere stole your precious art or make profits over someone else's creation. It's okay to cry.

Misadventures of art theft

[Collapse GalleryExpand Gallery]

See also

Art theft is part of a series on


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