Sacred Wolf

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Sacred Wolf was restored from the depths of
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Sacred Wolf is the former dead administrator of ACF. She has had so many unlikely "personal traumas" in her life that the community has ended up disbelieving everything she says and mocking her lies. She has multiple personality disorder, like many attention whores; one of her "alters" is Sephiroth, who cybers with Summoner Yuna on a regular basis.

Crying Wolf

Sacred Wolf's child, Kadaj, in a traumatic car crash.

SW arrived on the forums with a long list of previous horrible experiences: cancer, miscarriage, the MPD diagnosis, her own birth, et cetera. One of the more recent traumas, rape, inspired her to spread word of her hardship and struggles throughout the forum, giving unnecessary graphic details to people who probably just mentioned the latest Law and Order: SVU episode.

In December 2004, some apparently drunk next-door neighbor of Sacred Wolf posted that she'd been in a car crash. A few hours later, this drunk returned with pictures to back up his claims. When ex-staff members Undertakeress and Kionae discovered the pictures allegedly showing Sacred Wolf's accident were actually from a Canadian website, they phoned the hospital she was apparently in, in order to clarify the accuracy of the accident reports. When she couldn't be located, they proceeded to call her bluff. Summoner Yuna (who had been having a cybersex relationship with Sacred Wolf's other personality, Sephiroth) reacted by removing them from staff and IP banning them. This was later described by her as a 'rash decision,' but she declined to undo it.

Kadaj all grown up, still scarred by the horrible accident

Sacred Wolf claims to have given birth in late 2005, though there's no evidence that this is true; chances are she just took a massive shit and made the rest up. Either way, she named her shit/son Kadaj after the asexual protagonist of Advent Children; as if her offspring aren't blighted enough by having an idiot for a mother, now she has to go and give them dumbass fucking names as well. Given the ridicule her offspring are likely to suffer, some argue that she should have her children removed from her custody due to child abuse, and also the fact that she's batshit fucking insane.

The Closure of ACF

In June of 2007, Summoner Yuna decided that in order to select a new administrator for the forums, she would accept applications from members and non-members alike and pick the person she and the upper staff (read: she alone and her multiple personalities AND SEFIROS) believed to be the most qualified person for the job. In the end, she decided to pick an 'outsider' whose qualifications were kept uber secret. This person was, at the time, known only as Ghost Rider.

After spending a few days on the forum, it was suspected that this new admin was actually a multiple account of ACF's former cancerous, rape victim, dead admin: Sacred Wolf (dundundunnnn). Their constant spelling mistakes and bad grammar were extremely similar, their style of talking was identical, and many other similarities between the two kept cropping up on a daily, sometimes half hourly, basis. This was fully proven in the end when someone on ACF staff decided to run an IP check on them and discovered that the IP addresses between the members ghost rider, Sacred Wolf and Sephiroth (a known multi account of Sacred Wolf) matched.

The Drama-meter went to Kermit around mid-July after a multitude of things all happened at once and a de-admin Vosslar (Ghost Rider) topic created by lulz-seeking member Dusk, was brought into existence. However, no one seems to remember Dusk did it, much to the ladyboy's annoyance. He did though, srsly.

Despite the many attempts at de-adminnings / de-moddings (see Darkbeat. Faggot) before this time and the huge failures mostly implemented by suck-ups and the ACF staff (also suck-ups), the votes stuck at over 30-0 that Vosslar should be removed from existence and the Internets. Only Tenebrae (Tethar) bothered voting against, claiming that Spammers should have no say in the running of the system.

Then things went batshit crazy. In possibly the single most foolish moment of existence (yes, even worse than the invention of AOL), Summoner Yuna appointed Tenebrae, the 'High Philosopher' of Sephyism, as admin. Having developed a deep-seated hatred of all things Spammer, the power rushed straight to Tenebrae's brain (in his shriveled fanboy penis) and he proceeded to go on a banhammer spree of all the members he didn't like, and closed/deleted any threads that he deemed unacceptable (Most members are surprised that any but Sephyism were left standing by the end). Makes him sound like Teh TERMINGAYTOOR!1

It's amazing how he can type and fondle Sephy balls at the same time.

Dusk, Jay and many others were banned within just minutes of the appointment, but a multitude of threads from Giovanni, V and the rest that I cba to name prevented Tenebrae from doing any worse since he was so busy explaining his cocked up world domination plans, like a new Hitler, to everyone to ban anymore.

But by this point even Summoner Yuna's Ass kissing brigade of senior staff members were fed up of Tethar's hour long reign as admin of ACF. S-mod Lunar, in an act that still confuses many an Elitist to this day, de-adminned Tethar and went about the task of restoring banned members to their previous status, hissy-fitting that she hadn't done it first.

The next day the forum was shut down for an indeterminate amount of time claiming Excessive Drama as the reason. Much lol.

It was during the time of ACF's closure that the Fated Children members Russell, Lilo and Istvan Kovacs started up FCF which, along with FFΩF became a place where people fed up with the bullshit and dramawhoring of ACF could hide in a hole.

The Grand Reopening (lol) of ACF

ACF reopened a few days later with any staff who had previously so much as said a bad word about Vosslar demodded, Sacred Wolf using her original account again to inflict terror and fear into the hearts of all the remaining members (and not quite succeeding), and a new set of rules that would make you wish you were a Jew in 1940 rather than an ACF member.

The entirety of the wanna/b/es, people with half a sense, and Manc all called for her de-adminship because she had two extra accounts. Lulzful threads were made, but ACF's drama meter went to Kermit again 5 times in a day, thus temporarily shutting down the forum ... again, which was great justice in its own sense.

Unable to handle admitting the truth about anything, past or present, SW decided to shut down the forums yet again. This time the closure lasted for well over a month.

The Second Grand Reopening (lol) of ACF

Recently, after the month of ACF's second forum closure, the forum was reopened with a new Admin (Lunar) in charge, and Sacred Wolf banned (though nobody believes this to be true even to this day). As of yet, no drama has happened on the forums since its reopening; however, this is mainly due to a complete absence of sensible members who all pissed off to join FCF and FFOF.

Epic justice.

As of today, ACF is still shit because of SW. In fact, it's as empty as a small child's testicles after Michael Jackson and Pedobear double ganged him, since no one cba with it anymore. Ultimately, it seems SW achieved her goal of destroying the fansite. It is unknown whether SY survived the large amount of cock-sucking she gave the lying cow.

Luckily though, nobody cares either.