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Kekistan also referred to as The People's Republic of Kekistan is a former nation on the planet Earth and the ethnic origin of Shitposters. Shitposters themselves are a displaced people much like the Romani people and tend to live simple agricultural lives tending to and harvesting memes. Kekistan was involved in The Great Meme War of 2016 and dealt many divisive blows against the enemies of Jeb Bush in the Republican Primaries and later on in the 2016 U.S. Election, helped God Emperor Trump defeat Hillary Clinton.

The National Anthem of Kekistan[


In AD 420, the Kekistani people were heavily persecuted by Shapur I of the Sassanid Empire, who crushed a Kekistani liberation movement, exterminating 7/11ths of the population in what is known to historians as the Kekistani Genocide. The Kekistani fled to Constantinople, where Justinian I gave them sanctuary and allowed them to practice their religion in peace. The Kekistanis became humble, yet prosperous, farmers, often producing a bountiful yield out of barren soil. Other Kekistani people fled to Israel where they stayed for years till the Romans exiled the Kekistani people from Israel, these Kekistani people fled across Africa and the Middle East.

In The Late 1980s After The Great kek fraud The USSR Invaded the great Land Of Kekistan.They Seized our Memes and Introduced The Soviet Kekistani.This only lasted until the fantastic autistic Screeching of 1993.

In 2016, the prophet Alex Jones uncovered the plot to further oppress the Kekistani people by the global elites. He dubbed it the "Gay Bomb", tasked with turning the Kekistani citizens homosexual; as such, if the Kekistani are all homosexuals they can no longer reproduce, thus, ensuring the termination of the Kekistani people. Fortunately, Alex Jones has broken the conditioning and the Kekistani people were able to escape such ill-willed fate.


Kekistan has a long history dating back to the founding of civilization in the Middle East as the first person to make an ironic joke in an ancient Mesopotamian city was the first of the Kekistani, he left with his frogs to found the great nation of Kekistan. Kekistanis have long revered the frog as they believe Pepe the frog is a prophet of their deity Kek. Kek is the deification of the concept of primordial darkness in the Ancient Egyptian Ogdoad cosmogony.

The Free Kekistan Movement

The Free Kekistan movement is an international effort by the scattered Kekistani people to have their historic and contemporary struggles recognized by the world at large, especially by the UN and by the Kekistani Genocide denying Cenk Uygur.


Links - the official website for the Republic of Kekistan - the official Kekistan Twitter account - the Kekistan national anthem
