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Dreadnought shows his sensitive side via the issue of rape.

<Dreadnought> 	just kinda dont like rape
<Dreadnought> 	rape is in the top 10 of things I kinda hate
<Dreadnought> 	like
<Dreadnought> 	raping a girlfriend
<Dreadnought> 	when both are drunk
<Dreadnought> 	is cool
<Dreadnought> 	coz you dont rape her really
<Dreadnought> 	you just pretend to
<Dreadnought> 	and both agree
<Dreadnought> 	that's cool
<Dreadnought> 	but I dunno
<Dreadnought> 	I know lots of people who got raped
<Dreadnought> 	and I knew most of them before
<Dreadnought> 	and I must say, it changed them
<Dreadnought> 	a part of them died
<Dreadnought> 	so yeah
<Dreadnought> 	that's maybe the reason why I dont like rape
<Dreadnought> 	1 of those people became an hero btw.

Evidence of Asspergers












this phenomenon can be seen in this chatlog where dreadnought tries to suck neolobsters cock, and winds up getting sperm in his hair.

<Dreadnought>  ok
<Dreadnought>  oi
<Dreadnought> last night
<Dreadnought> gonna tell you
<Dreadnought> what we did
<Dreadnought> 2 mates
<Dreadnought> and I 
<Dreadnought> were hanging out
<Dreadnought> at this model competition
<Dreadnought> and one chick I was hanging out with
<Dreadnought>  came back crying
<Dreadnought> and shit
<Dreadnought> so I hugged her, blah blah
<Dreadnought> talked to her
<Dreadnought> whats wrong
<Dreadnought> so she got messages
<Dreadnought> from loads of her ex BFs friends
<Dreadnought> they were all on a party
<Dreadnought> and like being cunts
<Dreadnought> making fun of her
<Dreadnought> coz she broke up with the guy
<Dreadnought> and his dick is too tiny 
<Dreadnought> so he cant handle it
<Dreadnought> so we decided
<Dreadnought> to drop her off
<Dreadnought> at a club
<Dreadnought> and see what we can doo
<Dreadnought> do
<Dreadnought> so we went to my place
<Dreadnought> and did something really high tech
<Dreadnought> we looked up on google earth
<Dreadnought> where the guy has the party
<Dreadnought> planed escape routes
<Dreadnought> etc.
<Dreadnought> and we rocked up there
<Dreadnought> at the party
<Dreadnought> and waited
<Dreadnought> clearly visible
<Dreadnought> and we followed her ex home
<Dreadnought> we intentionally wanted to be seen
<Dreadnought> like
<Dreadnought> that we're following them
<Dreadnought> (his parents picked him up)
<Dreadnought> so we called his parents
<Dreadnought> and asked them
<Dreadnought> to tell their son
<Dreadnought> to come out
<Dreadnought> they got the shits
<Dreadnought> called the cops
<Dreadnought> and we took off
<Dreadnought> later on
<Dreadnought> he almost cried
<Dreadnought> and appologized
<Dreadnought> and wrote 54353456 of SMS
<Dreadnought> but the chick just replied once
<Dreadnought> "fuck off"
<Dreadnought> the 2 people I was with
<Dreadnought> they were all LETS BEAT HIM UP
<Dreadnought> but I told them
<Dreadnought> WAIT
<Dreadnought> USE PSYCHOLOGY
<Dreadnought> NOT VIOLENCE
<Dreadnought> so yeah
<Dreadnought> we pwnt this JASON dude
<Dreadnought> and his family hates him
<Dreadnought> "D
<Dreadnought> :D
<Dreadnought> we told his mum what he did
<Dreadnought> so we kinda made his parents turn on him
<Dreadnought> fucking him up from the inside
<Dreadnought> from the safest place 
<Dreadnought> the family
<Dreadnought> I was the mastermind behind this
<Dreadnought> the 2 mates we're goons
<Dreadnought> they were to eager 
<Dreadnought> like
<Dreadnought> bashing and shit
<Dreadnought> violence is so pathetic
<Dreadnought> fucking someone up with clean hand
<Dreadnought> s
<Dreadnought> is an art

Sparked after someone in an irc channel was condoning rape.

Der Fat Juden

dreadnought being interrogated by lulzwaffen Colonel BURK

[00:26] <Dreadnought> lol jew
[00:26] <BURK> shut up you fat faggot
[00:26] <BURK> go shove a broom up your ass or beat your girlfreind
[00:26] <Dreadnought> lol
[00:27] <Dreadnought> pretty rough speech for a jew
[00:27] <Dreadnought> do u also eat pork?
[00:27] <Dreadnought> rad jew?
[00:27] <BURK> you realy are retarded arent you
[00:27] <BURK> asking everyone for tits
[00:27] <Dreadnought> uh?
[00:27] <Dreadnought> everyone?
[00:27] <Dreadnought> lol
[00:28] <Dreadnought> what did ur mom tell u?
[00:28] <Dreadnought> old snatch just cant stfu
[00:28] <BURK> dread mom insults are so fucking old
[00:28] <BURK> i mean honestly
[00:28] <Dreadnought> so?
[00:28] <BURK> if you want to fuck a 50 year old overweight woman
[00:28] <BURK> go for it
[00:28] <BURK> but dont drag me into it
[00:28] <Dreadnought> good enough for u
[00:28] <BURK> cause that shit is gross
[00:29] <BURK> are you a fucking chubby chaser?
[00:29] <BURK> are you a fucking chubby chaser?
[00:29] <BURK> are you a fucking chubby chaser?
[00:29] <BURK> are you a fucking chubby chaser?
[00:29] <BURK> are you a fucking chubby chaser?
[00:29] <BURK> are you a fucking chubby chaser?
[00:29] <BURK> are you a fucking chubby chaser?
[00:29] <BURK> are you a fucking chubby chaser?
[00:29] <BURK> are you a fucking chubby chaser?
[00:29] <BURK> are you a fucking chubby chaser?
[00:29] <BURK> are you a fucking chubby chaser?
[00:29] <BURK> are you a fucking chubby chaser?
[00:29] <BURK> are you a fucking chubby chaser?
[00:29] <BURK> are you a fucking chubby chaser?
[00:29] <BURK> are you a fucking chubby chaser?
[00:29] <BURK> are you a fucking chubby chaser?
[00:29] <BURK> are you a fucking chubby chaser?
[00:29] <Dreadnought> kinda as much as ure a jew
[00:29] <Dreadnought> but for lulz I'd love to shag your old fat jewish mama
[00:29] <Dreadnought> and make her eat pork
[00:29] <Dreadnought> in front of me
[00:30] <Dreadnought> while I piss on her back
[00:30] <BURK> so you have fantasys involving the mixing of your blood with jews
[00:30] <Dreadnought> oi hold on for a sec
[00:30] <BURK> oh no
[00:30] <Dreadnought> what's the matter with u and jews?
[00:30] <BURK> you want to fuck jews
[00:30] <BURK> you just said you wanted to fuck a hebe
[00:31] <Dreadnought> I already fucked a jewish chick
[00:31] <Dreadnought> I also fucked muslims, gypsies
[00:31] <Dreadnought> and niggers
[00:31] <Dreadnought> they all felt the same
[00:31] <BURK> *facepaws*
[00:32] <Dreadnought> pussy
[00:32] <Dreadnought> how fucking gay is this "facepaws" shit
[00:33] <BURK> oh no i was just taking the time to ctrl c this for future use
[00:33] <Dreadnought> btw come back in
[00:33] <Dreadnought> I got u unbanned faggot
[00:33] <Dreadnought> lol u're even too dumb to realize how I play u lol
[00:33] <Dreadnought> you're a simpleton, ey?
[00:33] <BURK> no you cant fool me jew
[00:34] <Dreadnought> lol
[00:35] <BURK> you realy dont understand how i roll do you?
[00:39] <Dreadnought> u roll?
[00:39] <Dreadnought> u stagnate, brother
[00:44] <BURK> lol stagnate? ya thats what the guy in the closed genetic circuit of australia says
[00:44] <BURK> good luck having kids without downs syndrome retard
[00:44] <BURK> since you have it your kids are more likely to
[00:44] <BURK> it are fact
[00:44] <BURK> i know because of my learnings
[00:45] <Dreadnought> I can't have kids
[00:46] <Dreadnought> no, I TECHNICALLY can
[00:46] <Dreadnought> but I shouldn't
[00:46] <Dreadnought> imagine moar of my kind
[00:46] <Dreadnought> t3h horror
[00:46] <BURK> ya except because your too retarded to take care of them
[00:46] <BURK> the government wont let you
[00:46] <Dreadnought> nah, it's just this planet is overpopulated
[00:46] <Dreadnought> I don't think we need moar humanz
[00:46] <Dreadnought> 
[00:46] <Dreadnought> 
[00:46] <Dreadnought> opps
[00:46] <Dreadnought> sry
[00:47] <BURK> ya keep telling yourself that fag
[00:47] <Dreadnought> that this planet is overpopulated?
[00:47] <Dreadnought> I'm not TELLING myself this stuff
[00:47] <Dreadnought> I just traveled
[00:47] <Dreadnought> and traveling opens your eyes
[00:48] <Dreadnought> and brings stuff into perspective
[00:48] <BURK> are 
[00:48] <BURK> you
[00:48] <BURK> fucking
[00:48] <BURK> kidding?
[00:49] <Dreadnought> see
[00:49] <Dreadnought> you have to ask for it
[00:49] <Dreadnought> get over your angst
[00:49] <BURK> you want to solve overpopulation?
[00:49] <BURK> nuke the chinks
[00:49] <Dreadnought> no
[00:49] <Dreadnought> I just dont wanna contribute to it
[00:49] <Dreadnought> that's a big difference
[00:49] <BURK> you already do
[00:49] <BURK> by eating as much as 3 normal people
[00:50] <Dreadnought> I can adopt a poor nigra if I need a kid
[00:50] <BURK> you fat faggot
[00:50] <Dreadnought> lol fat? haha
[00:50] <Dreadnought> fat, english, jew, nigger... what else?
[00:50] <Dreadnought> AZN
[00:50] <Dreadnought> u haven't called me AZN so far
[00:50] <Dreadnought> I insist on being called AZN
[00:51] <Dreadnought> otherwise I wont react to your stuff
[00:51] <Dreadnought> from NOW:
[00:51] <BURK> well you do have as many chins as a chinese phone book
[00:52] <Dreadnought> lol
[00:52] <Dreadnought> hehehe
[00:53] <BURK> see 
[00:53] <BURK> more jewery
[00:53] <BURK> i didnt call you azn fucktard
[00:53] <BURK> i called you fat again
[00:53] <Dreadnought> dude if you just weren't such a horrid loser, I almost might be close to say, that you're actually funn3h
[00:54] <Dreadnought> *yawn*
[00:55] <BURK> christ you are a faggot
[00:55] <BURK> i mean seriously
[00:55] <Dreadnought> sure
[00:56] <BURK> how retarded do you have to be
[00:56] <Dreadnought> whatever u say
[00:56] <BURK> do you even have an ed account?
[00:56] <Dreadnought> one?
[00:56] <Dreadnought> lol
[01:00] <BURK> no answer?
[01:00] <BURK> more jewery i suspect
[01:00] <BURK> like the jew you leech off of everything
[01:00] <BURK> and suck it dry
[01:01] <Dreadnought> ?
[01:00] <BURK> no answer?
[01:00] <BURK> more jewery i suspect
[01:00] <BURK> like the jew you leech off of everything
[01:00] <BURK> and suck it dry
[01:01] <Dreadnought> ?
[01:01] <Dreadnought> I answered
[01:01] <Dreadnought> ONE?
[01:01] <BURK> just like you have sucked lulz from our irc channel
[01:01] <Dreadnought> coz u said AN ACCOUNT
[01:01] <Dreadnought> so ONE wouldn't really specify it
[01:01] <BURK> shut up jew
[01:01] <Dreadnought> I'm the keeper of the anti-lulz, idiot.
[01:02] <BURK> there is no anti-lulz
[01:02] <Dreadnought> die?
[01:02] <Dreadnought> jews?
[01:02] <BURK> there is only unfunny
[01:02] <Dreadnought> they control the world
[01:02] <Dreadnought> with their jewism
[01:02] <BURK> which is exactly what you are
[01:02] <Dreadnought> they wont die
[01:02] <Dreadnought> final solution is made of fail
[01:02] <Dreadnought> just like u
[01:03] <BURK> so you support gog
[01:03] <Dreadnought> what is gog?
[01:03] <BURK> ya
[01:03] <BURK> like im going to buy that
[01:03] <BURK> you fucking jew
[01:03] <Dreadnought> I'm not into these metrosexual internet shortcuts
[01:04] <Dreadnought> so what is it, fgt?
[01:04] <Dreadnought> you're the soldier of dimwittness
[01:04] <Dreadnought> talking unfunny shit about jews
[01:04] <Dreadnought> boring crap
[01:04] <Dreadnought> face it
[01:04] <BURK> wow
[01:04] <BURK> that realy hurt man
[01:05] <BURK> i mean
[01:05] <Dreadnought> I dont care
[01:05] <Dreadnought> srsly
[01:05] <BURK> my heart is fucking bleeding here
[01:05] <Dreadnought> lol
[01:05] <Dreadnought> poor TURK
[01:06] <Dreadnought> did I mention that my grandmothers brother was in the SS?
[01:06] <Dreadnought> only pure aryans were allowed in the SS
[01:06] <Dreadnought> so stfu, cocksmoker
[01:07] <Dreadnought> and stop the bolognese
[01:07] <Dreadnought> coz noone likes copypasta
[01:07] <BURK> i dont believe you kike
[01:07] <BURK> because i know better then to trust your jew lies
[01:07] <Dreadnought> I dont care about what u belive
[01:07] <Dreadnought> u're feebleminded
[01:07] <Dreadnought> who cares about what u think or belive?
[01:07] <Dreadnought> your pastor?
[01:07] <BURK> LAWL
[01:07] <Dreadnought> or rabbi?
[01:07] <BURK> LAWL
[01:07] <BURK> LAWL
[01:07] <BURK> LAWL
[01:07] <BURK> LAWL
[01:07] <BURK> LAWL
[01:07] <BURK> LAWL
[01:07] <BURK> LAWL
[01:08] <BURK> are you fucking retarded
[01:08] <BURK> the jihad can not be stopped
[01:08] <BURK> not by you
[01:08] <Dreadnought> lol
[01:08] <BURK> not by your kike overlords
[01:08] <Dreadnought> the jihad was invented by native americans
[01:08] <Dreadnought> to get rid of russian imigrants
[01:08] <Dreadnought> back in 1897
[01:09] <Dreadnought> did you know that Adolf Hitler was a native american?
[01:10] <BURK> adolf hitler was part kike
[01:10] <BURK> and cant be trusted
[01:10] <Dreadnought> thats actually true
[01:10] <BURK> himmler on the otherhand
[01:10] <Dreadnought> his granddad was an austrian jew
[01:10] <BURK> no 
[01:10] <BURK> his grandmother was a slav jew
[01:10] <Dreadnought> not heinrich himmlers
[01:11] <Dreadnought> well I'm not a fan of double sided kike dictators, unlike u
[01:11] <Dreadnought> hmm... everytime u have nothing to say u
go caps locked, eh?
[01:12] <BURK> again its called shift
[01:12] <BURK> you see those of us with fully functioning brains are able to use our pinkys to hold down the shift key
[01:12] <Dreadnought> no
[01:12] <Dreadnought> lies
[01:12] <Dreadnought> and slander
[01:13] <BURK> shut up you fucking kike
[01:13] <Dreadnought> only idiots hold down shift for an entire sentance
[01:13] <Dreadnought> smart people tap caps lock
[01:13] <BURK> im going to cut your fucking head of and put it on a fucking steak
[01:13] <BURK> no 
[01:13] <BURK> lazy niggers use caps
[01:13] <Dreadnought> but then again, smart people dont need to write in HUGE FUCKING LETTERS
[01:13] <BURK> everyone who touch types uses shift
[01:13] <Dreadnought> now jog on, fuckwit
[01:13] <BURK> yes because all the smart people smoke pot and whine on the internet amirite?
[01:13] <Dreadnought> whatever
[01:13] <Dreadnought> you're boring
[01:14] <Dreadnought> I'm gonna do the dishes
[01:14] <BURK> and you are a fat pot smoking jew
[01:14] <Dreadnought> it's at least some fun involved
[01:14] <BURK> and you are a fat pot smoking jew
[01:14] <Dreadnought> you're boring
[01:14] <BURK> and you are a fat pot smoking jew
[01:14] <Dreadnought> sure I am
[01:14] <Dreadnought> but only when I'm not batman
[01:14] <BURK> so now you are admitting to dressing up in tights and associating yourself with underaged boys
[01:15] <Dreadnought> please stop making me horny
[01:15] <Dreadnought> also, please learn about IRONY, faggot
[01:16] <Dreadnought> would make your pathetic little life a bit easier
[01:16] <BURK> no, you see irony and retardation are two very different things
[01:16] <BURK> you obviously dont understand that
[01:16] <BURK> which is why you have given me such delicious chatlogs which i will be posting to ed
[01:16] <Dreadnought> I understand that you're too retarded to understand irony
[01:16] <BURK> so we can all lol at your faggotry
[01:16] <BURK> like we have been in pm for the past half hour
[01:16] <Dreadnought> whatever
[01:17] <Dreadnought> I can handle that
[01:17] <BURK> yes im sure you can
[01:17] <BURK> because it takes a lot to effect a downs syndrome patient
[01:18] <Dreadnought> effect or affect?
[01:18] <BURK> shut up faggot rape spider is telling a story
[01:19] <Dreadnought> so what?
[01:19] <Dreadnought> BURK
[01:19] <Dreadnought> BURK
[01:19] <Dreadnought> BURK
[01:19] <Dreadnought> BURK
[01:19] <Dreadnought> BURK
[01:19] <Dreadnought> BURK
[01:19] <Dreadnought> BURK
[01:19] <Dreadnought> BURK
[01:19] <Dreadnought> BURK
[01:19] <Dreadnought> TURK
[01:19] <Dreadnought> BURK
[01:19] <Dreadnought> BURK
[01:20] <Dreadnought> BURK
[01:20] <Dreadnought> oi BURK
[01:20] <Dreadnought> BURK
[01:20] <Dreadnought> TURK
[01:20] <Dreadnought> JURK
[01:20] <BURK> *facepaws*
[01:21] <Dreadnought> lol
[01:21] <Dreadnought> faggot