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Tom Metzger, the leader of the gay chapter of the Neo-Nazis' (photo taken on the rare occassion his head isn't being smotherd by a couch pillow while being slammed in the ass by one of his followers.) He is also known for his enthusiastic coprophilia
Typical followers of Metzger (Yes, America; These people want to rule the world)
Some of their artwork.
What Metzger thinks he looks like.
What he really looks like.

The site is known for being ludicrously racist, and a breeding ground for white trash who weren't hugged as children. Run by a melted lump of an old man by the name of Tom Metzger, it is an American hate site urging white Aryan males to rise up against their many enemies in today's world, often well beyond the point of hilarity. It is somehow affiliated with the cartoonist A. Wyatt Mann. Due to the complete idiocy of this website, you may feel free to spam the P.O. address given.

 The Insurgent
 P.O. BOX 401
 Warsaw, IN 46581 
 Phone: (574) 267-5036

Born in a rugged log cabin

First launched in 1997, has stayed true to its humble beginnings, looking as much like an 8-year-old's Geocities site as it did at least 100 years. Unlike a Geocities page, however, some of the images show up, but that does not keep it from being filled with fail. No one knows when the first cartoon was introduced to the /b/tards, but it is generally agreed upon that the results were bix nood. Many images have been welcomed onto /b/ since then, but unfortunately for those losers who missed them, the site currently lists only racist cartoons about Mexicans. Some argue that the site still having the original page intact as an orphaned link shows that it really is some 8-year-old's crappy Geocities page, except for the fact that an eight year-old would not be able to match the unadulterated idiocy of the mongoloids behind the site.

A rich tapestry of culture

Their racism also spreads to all religions and foreign people. Besides their massive collection of anti-black cartoons, also has tons to say about gays (most of which being "AIDS lol!") - even though 100% of their members take massive butt hurt from each other while crying "WHY DIDN'T YOU EVER HUG ME DADDY...YOU HUGGED THE MAILMAN!!!"), and Indians (the kind with sniper dots on their heads), because instead of bitching about race and other gay stuff, they did something with their lives by becoming doctors and/or owning 7-11's. Paying off the group's membership to NAMBLA made them too busy to take the credit for 9/11, so naturally they hate the fuck out of Jews too.

Metzgers HAWT wife/sister

To prove that they have shit for brains, they began to make hilarious cartoons that are nothing but a way for Tom Metzger to indulge his overwhelming obsession with feces and gay bukakke. Their cartoons are as funny as a Sinbad special on Comedy Central.

Daggone guv'mint!

In addition to their proud racist ways, the maintainers of try desperately to appear intelligent by complaining about their rights and using fancy, polysyllabic words like “insurgent” and “Zionist." They also have many of their own conspiracy theories, mostly relating to ZOG. Although one might assume that loves its Republican leaders, actually seems to believe that every American administration since that nigger-lovin' Lincoln was in office is a puppet regime. Lulz.

To add to their faggotry, they have survival guides ripped from the government they've sworn to hate. These contain detailed instructions on how to survive under certain conditions and environments but in reality they would be better off by printing manuals on how to find the remote if it gets stuck in between the couch and their rolls of fat.

Also, they have P.O.W.s, people who have been arrested and who are in jail because "THEY DONE FUCKED UP TOO MUCH". Included are their addresses and ways you can send them money. But why send them money, you know they're just going to pay Bubba to not rape them in the ass. Some suggestions are to send them pictures of gay interracial couples with adopted white children sitting down to a nice turkey dinner, or extensive documentation of the Holocaust.

Declaration Of White Womanhood

This is intended to separate the men from the boys. It has come to the attention of several White racist females that there are some "conservative, Christian, right-wingers" amongst us who long NOT for the survival of the White race, but for a return to the days when women were submissive and silent and tolerant of the intolerable. While I agree the feminist movement has done severe damage to our race, it disgusts me that you would use our movement as a means of muddying White women by urging them to act like mindless breeders with the brains of a sub-Saharan nigger. We, the bearers of the future of the White race and civilizers of men hereby declare: We are proud White women, not puny, weak, submissive, Asian geisha girls and will not tolerate being treated as such. We pride ourselves on being set apart from the muds because of our strength and good genes. Those who expect White women to act like muds have insulted our honor and are no different than Sheeple men who find Yellows to marry and bind into eternal servitude. Even the thought of being treated like a mud insults us! We are not tortillas. Perish the thought that we'll be White on the outside, but non-white on the inside for the benefit of the egos of weak, wild-eyed, unworthy, right-wing wackos. Our fighting spirit prevents us from acting in such a despicable manner. Understand that no White woman worth her bloodlines will give her heart and body to any man so weak he would expect of her the behavior of a female wetback, who crossed the border yesterday in the back of a manure truck. Stop whining about strong White women and look to them as partners in the Struggle, rather than just ovaries with tits who provide meals, sex, housecleaning, and child care for you. That expectation sounds more like what a non-Whitce, instead of crying about feminism and the non-Whites and race-mixers barbecued in Waco. We are beyond the point of expecting right-wing Reaganite politics to save our race. The right-wing does not serve our race, and all loyalty to any entity that doesn't serve our race should perish, especially Christianity. The only "ideology" that should be supported is whatever is good for the White race. Choose your priorities carefully. In closing, I warn you all that White racist women have a little network independent of men and we have begun taking notes. Those who treat us like common mud whores will soon learn that bad treatment equals fewer dates.


TL;DR, gb2kitchen

NOTE: after this declaration, most of the members were reduced to indulging in faggotry, because no woman, even the biggest whore, would ever have sex with any of these buttfuckers.

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Sieg Heil!

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