Columbine Copycats

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This is a comprehensive list of every known copycat of the Columbine killers, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. The two shooters warned of a revolution of violence caused by the creepy autistic admirers they would have after their NBK. Their predictions came true, as over 75 fanboys (and rarely, girls) have actually committed to their own attacks, or made serious plans for violence. Most notably, these include the mass murderers Cho Seung Hui, Adam Lanza, and Pekka-Eric Auvinen. Eric and Dylan have also inspired thousands of outcast Loners, and have countless obsessed fans from the cesspit that is Tumblr; these freaks are called Columbiners, and we have a page covering them as well.

This list is desperately needing names. Please fill in whatever details you can find, along with a brief description of the suspects.

The following people are sorted by first name; Pairs and Groups too.

A, B, C

Alvaro Rafael Castillo

Alvaro was another disturbed teenager obsessed with Columbine. He even went as far as to buy the same type of guns that Eric Harris had, namely the Hi-Point 995 Carbine. He also made a pilgrimage to Columbine High School and the Memorial nearby. He made videos demonstrating his guns and trenchcoat. He killed his father at home, to "Put him out of his misery." Alvaro sent his creepy videos and letters to the news, warning about his imminent attack in the same way that Cho Seung Hui did.

He then shot up his old high school on August 30th, 2006. He set off 3 smoke grenades, damaged some windows (which injured two students), before getting v&. While being dragged into the partyvan, he screamed "Columbine, remember Columbine!" He was eventually sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole. Good riddance.

Videos relating to the court case can be found here. These are very educational and strongly recommended for view.

Murderpedia article

Adam Lanza

Adam extensively researched Columbine, along with every other mass murder in history. He had various files relating to the killers on his computer and cited them as a major inspiration / topic to research.

Alex Hribal

Alex is a pimple-faced little dweeb who sliced up his school and stabbed a few dozen kids before getting tackled and v&. He was known to have been an admirer of the shooters.

Asa Coon

This little faggot was the cringiest copycat of them all. He wore a Marilyn Manson shirt during the shooting. He got punched in the face and peed his pants, before retaliating by shooting the nigger bully in the ass. He shot a few others but failed to pwn anyone except himself. He also wore a trenchcoat and probably listened to the SCMRPG OST like the autistic nerd he was.

Brooke Higgins & Sienna Johnson

Two hot 16 year old girls who lived 10 miles from Columbine, who wanted to go NBK at Mountain Vista High School. They got caught from vandalizing some bathroom and will now likely be v& for life. Good job, you dumbfucks.

Sienna had a Weebly page, which you can View here.

Cho Seung Hui

Cho was a batshit insane gook from Virginia who shot up Virginia Tech back in April 16th, 2007. He directly murdered 32 people, and still holds the American High Score Omar Mateen holds the American High Score with 49 kills. Anders Breivik is the current world champion.

Cho was obsessed with columbine as soon as it happened when he was like 12. He directly mentioned "Eric and Dylan" as "Martyrs", and wrote poems and reports on them during his time in school.

D, E, F

Daniel Hawke Fears

Dimitris Patmanidis

Alias: Death_Salvation

Dominick Sergio Maldonado

Farda Gadirov

F, misc

  • Five kids from New Bedford, Massachusetts were arrested for planning an attack on a High School, wearing black trench coats.
  • Four young people are arrested in Loudown County, Virginia for the stabbing/slashing death of one of their fathers, wearing black trench coats.

G, H, I


(Apocalypse Now only wrote articles about mass murderes on wikipedia played no games and barely saw movies absolutly obsessed with other murderes)

Hans Van Themsche

(Neo Nazi)

H, Misc

3 kids arrested for planned attack on their high school in Hoyt, Kansas. Each possessed a black trench coat.

J, K, L

Jacob D. Robida

(Neo Nazi)

Jeff Weise

Jeff Weise was a fat injun goth outcast from some shitty rez in Minnesota. He copied columbine extensively; He researched the shooters, wore a Trenchcoat 24/7, watched the same movies and listened to the same music, and during his school shooting, even asked a victim "Do you believe in god?" the same line that Dylan Klebold spoke to one of the students during the Columbine Massacre.

Johnny Lee Wicks

John Odgren

John Zawahri

Joseph Hunter Parker

Josh Magee

Kim de Gelder

Kimveer Gill

This guy was another loser who failed to get the High Score. He shot up his school, Dawson College, and killed only 1 person, injuring 20 others, before becoming an hero. He was known to have been obsessed with Columbine, 9/11 and other tragedies along with conspiracies. He wore Trenchcoats, obsessed over Goth culture, and made various posts / rants relating to or mentioning Columbine.

Kyle Huff

Lindsay Kantha Souvannarath, Randall Shepherd, and James Gamble

A trio of tumblrinas who were obsessed with Columbine, gore, BDSM porn, and other degeneracy. They planned to slaughter a mall in Canada, but were stopped by a snitch as they made threats directly hinting at their intentions. One of them (the one with the guns) became an hero, while the others were quickly v&. James was the ultimate fanboy of Eric as he wore KMFDM shirts, dressed the same, listened to the same music and made the same retarded rants on his shitty site.

M, N, O

Matthew Murray


O, Misc

  • Oaklyn Public School, Camden, NJ 3 boys were arrested after they attempted to carjack a vehicle on their way to attack a school. They were wearing black trench coats.

P, Q, R

Pekka-Eric Auvinen

Pekka was the Finnish school shooter who murdered 8 noobs back in 2007. He idolized the killers and made dozens of videos about them. He even plagiarized their manifesto (specifically, Eric Harris') and words on his channel & manifesto. He considered himself another Eric Harris, who would inspire his very own followers. Only his friend, Mr. Saari, took him up on the offer, killing a few more with a similar shitty .22 that he purchased from the same gun store.

S, T, U

Sebastian Bosse

Sebastian Bosse was another pissed off 18 year old virgin. He tried to shoot up his school using Flintlock pistols and a shitty single-shot rifle. These are the types of weapons from the 16th ~ 18th centuries, that required you to take half a minute to carefully load, and were usually as accurate as a sawed-off shotgun. Impressively, he injured 20 people total, but sadly the only fatality was himself. He also wore trenchcoats.

Scott Dyleski

Stephen Kazmierczak


Sulejman Talovic

They planned to steal his guns afterwards and shoot up their school, the plot failed because the man had stored his guns in a safe.

Tim Kretschmer

W, X, Y, Z

See Also

External Links