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DarkSydePhilEx-GirlfriendFantardsPsychoanalysisPCGaming20162017Sons of Kojima

Phil and his Easter Island statue faced, gold-digging girlfriend PandaLee.

Given this is the internet we're talking about, even the fat fuck has people that think he's the shit and gobble up everything he says. Some of them mimic him to the point where nobody is allowed to have laughs at the expense of a person denser than any black hole, so they take the ball away and go home. Here are two of them.

  • "Eden's Cross" - the OG

Eden's Cross aka UmbranAlchemist is a white knight of the worst kind, defending Phil's every mouth diarrhea, up to and including Phil whining about his parents not buying him the first print of a toy... and yes, he argued about that shit in his thirties. Of course, everything that Eden seemed to have taken out of it was that parents aren't supposed to refuse you your wishes and blow sugar up your ass instead.

He gets a special mention because even Phil almighty in all his narcissism and need for attention told him to shut up. Great job there, buddy.

Another point of interest: He brags about his enrollment in animation school but spends 8 hours a day white knighting Phil and picking fights with weeaboos. Say hello to the next Tom Preston!

  • "KGhaleon" - Eden's Cross' Evolution


Someone doesn't like his 5 minutes of e-fame
Oh my fucking God, it burns!

Eden's Cross was bad. KGhaleon was so bad Eden's Cross told him to stuff it and man up.

KGhaleon started like your average white knight, standing in for his Lord and Savior and missing the point of pretty much everything any of Phil's detractors have to offer. That alone wouldn't make him worth even a throwaway sentence, but then he went full retard.

While suffering of a period despite being a man, KG thought it'd be a brilliant idea to try and dox somebody from the brigade of people exposing his bullshit... by posting his IP address. Of course, when members of the KWO called him out on it, he deleted the tweet and called them hypocrites - because potentially revealing somebody's location is apparently on the same level as putting together some of Phil's gameplay footage for the lulz. Predictably finding no approval by the mean people on Twitter, Ghaleon took the war to Phil's forums - and was promptly called out there, too.

Yes, fans of the greasy pig thought KG's actions was bad for their image. Of course, instead of using his brains for five seconds and realizing he turned up the retard switch, he bawwwed for a bit and then ragequit the forums. He's also connected to several malicious hacking attacks against the KWO: dspositive.tumblr.com/KG

Also, just to round up the loser quota, he's a brony and almost 30, thereby proving once more that merely being an adult on the internet doesn't prevent you from acting like a foulmouthed child on a sugar rush.

To his minor credit, he has been vocal about Phil's recent Bullshit involving his shitty Project 7 being canceled after his fans paid him $1250. For his previous loyalty, his comments on Phil's cancellation video where deleted and he's shunned by Phil and the other fantards. Showing that Phil will throw you away as soon as you aren't sucking his tiny dick.

Fun Fact: The dumb fuck KG tried to bawleet this paragraph about himself on April 10th, 2014, one day after it was published, and was promptly banned off ED. Better luck never, Ponyboy.

Honorable Mentions - Meet Phil's crew of white knights

  • Mashinka21 - Is he a DSP fan? Is he a DSP detractor? No idea, but he is a fucking moron. DSP may be the king of hate, but this guy's the king of analogies. You got a logical, well thought out argument? Here comes Mashinka to derail the entire thread with posts that make absolutely no sense to anybody.
    How does this genius come up with this shit?
  • Timboslice - Confirmed racist homophobe who believes he has a moral high ground against's Phil's "no-life jealous tween haters" while using personal attacks as a form of argument. Quote: "Go back to Mexico, fag." He is no longer defending Phil thank God since he was fucked over by the manchild and has been calling him out on his bullshit since.
  • Kamran Mackey - Squeaker supreme who believes Phil's $3000 PC should be capable of running games at 200fps. Poster boy for DSP's underaged audience.
  • Micah Walbridge - Faceless opportunist white knight that interjects into Twitter conversations that he believes he can undermine people with 5th grade debate tactics and a belief that DSP is a good person who needs defending for the sake of being defended.
  • WiseNate/KainBringingthePain - Two faced little cunt and one of the guys behind Gamer Talk Live who Phil told to go die once now trying to suck Phil's dick and even having a DSP emote when making his retarded, inbred hick ass known on the stream chat. Banned a fellow by the name Fred Fuchs prior to this and that also got him into a shitstorm.
Too bad this isn't Spain, you fucking retard
Atleast somebody loves him
  • Jamie Scoins - Possibly one of the biggest sycophants of Phil ever. If Phil were to punch someone in the face and he tried to make up lies about it in one of his videos, it's 100% certain that Scoins would kiss Phil's ass 100 times over to the point of nausea. He blindly agrees with everything Phil does no matter what like a sheep.
  • Thedoctor5437 - A Dr. Who fanboy and pedophile who white knights Phil 24/7 and even tried to copy him in some of his piss poorly made, shitty ass videos on YouTube. Can't even fucking cook pork for shit let alone make anything edible for a cat to eat. Gave one of his awful looking meals "tree" out of five making him a bigger retard than Phil normally is.
Vomit inducing sick fuck
  • icureditwithmybrain - One of Phil's most prolific bootlicking mods and drones. He's a manbaby who literally has 0 fucking life outside of having his whole world revolve around modding for Phil and only made his Twitter page to tweet shit to Phil. That's pretty pathetic even for a fanboy and really shows how much of a mancrush he has on the pig. Even after all that drama that went on over at The King of Hate Forums, the guy decided to continue to stick to Phil like glue.
  • GamerJLee - Everybody has atleast one redneck, backwater fan. This is DSP's! Being the whiteknight he is, he posted a video defending DSP and really sticking it to the h8rz and then promptly took it down because everyone made fun of his speech problem. Not to be "tooken" seriously.
  • averagegamer277 - Poster boy for DSP fans. Got rekt by some dudes on twitter after he was found riding the DarkSydePenis. Average describes him perfectly.
  • Wanglord - Hypocritical, flip flopping assclown whose sister Phil insulted before the collapse of the old forums now once again licking Phil's Axe Body detailer smelling balls like the faggot he is and giving him Patreon suggestions on the new forums. Stockholm Syndrome must run in the family of Phil's dicklickers. Hell, the motherfucker even had his name on the agreement that Phil broke. This just in, he's also a pedophile. Is anyone really shocked?
  • Joseph Collins - Backstabbing weasel who tattletaled on the Sons of Kojima and got their hangout thread locked over at The King of Hate Forums by the overweight, obese Judge Dredd wannabe. He's another loser white knight that goes back and forth from wanting to give DSP a blowjob and hating his fucking guts.
  • The Mighty Onyx - Dumbass from out of nowhere who helped Phil rebuild his shitty forums and has become just as an authoritarian twat as he is, deleting threads and banning people left and right. Claims to be studying computer programming yet the website he came up with looks like a 5 year old did it.
  • darksouls259 - This motherfucker takes the cake for being one of the biggest mongoloid idiots out there who happens to follow Philly Boy around. Not only does he defend Phil 24 hours a day, but his lunatic ramblings are so incoherent that it's almost impossible to tell what the fuck this mushmouth is trying to say. He's so delusional that he named himself "The New King of Hate" on Twitter. Good luck with that, scrub in training.