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Added some rant videos made about him in the YouTube section.
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Revision as of 00:19, 2 March 2018

This person is a sick fuck!

They should never be trusted by anyone!

Possible side-effects will include at least one of these:

  2. Bestiality
  3. Cuckoldry
This person has Assburgers Syndrome,
so you can't say anything bad! :-(

Be aware of that, you insensitive fuck.
Kphoria's imaginary girlfriend.

Kphoria (Powerword: Keith Richard Arnold) is your average vore fan who makes shitty videos out of MS Paint and Windows Movie Maker, and thinks they're the best things invented since sliced bread. He is very popular on YouTube because of his loli videos (all his little girls wear short skirts), and everyone can relate to his characters because they ALL LOOK THE SAME. Flaming him only results in him summoning his loyal army of fantards to return the favor.

See? Did I tell you Kphoria is King of the World

On YouTube

This is what happens when you watch his gallery.
He is TOTALLY original.

Kphoria's videos consists of the same plot - some little girl or furry is hungry, so they pick up some helpless jailbait and swallow her in one bite. He receives much praise, yet his fans do not realize how repetitive and fucking awful his work is. Because of this, His ego has risen so high, he might as well be in the top ten percent of YouTube. Beware, since he's the King of the World, he might block your comments and send you a message telling you are in the Blockhead Legion of YouTube, and whine to his friends about how he is deeply hurt by the trolling.

As of 2018, he has over 162,000 subscibers, but has faced numerous problems regarding the community guidelines of YouTube and has received strikes probably because of the nature of his vore and loli videos and has decided to set up a Dailymotion account in the future. He also disabled comments altogether due to him being butthurt so you can no longer send him any lulz on YouTube.

Your typical Kphoria videos:

Shy Ranger's Guard Duty, involving Princess Peach vore.

Stalin Battle: Sonic Vs Stalin II

Beware The Jelliwocke, Elasta Vixen Part-1

Fang Captures Sonic

Why the Powerpuff Girls though?!

Pinkie Pie voring Cream The Rabbit

It only makes you wonder what the staff at YouTube were thinking when giving him this "award"

Rant Videos people have made on him

Rant by Super Menace

Rant by The Cringe Master

The Coyote Dissects: Kphoria

Another rant video by SSJAJ Peck

Cringe Commentary Ep.2: Kphoria

Rant by Sam Gaku

Another typical DeviantArt Browsing The Worst rant video, including Kphoria in it.</center

On DeviantArt

Kphoria's DeviantArt Gallery is filled with Loli and Vore, proceed with caution!!!
Euvoria Siren, the ultimate mary sue. Remember, you too can become an internet celebrity with copy and paste.

His gallery is made up of sluts, specifically Princess Peach from Mario, eating Koopas, that should fucking rip holes through her stomach because of the sharp spines. Take caution, his gallery will rape your eyes or cause you to become an hero. Most of the people who goes to his gallery fap to the flat-chested loli.

Examples of Kphoria's Vore Art

[Collapse GalleryExpand Gallery]

Fanart people have made for him

[Collapse GalleryExpand Gallery]


Last Thursday ThatFheWuck, a 16 year old girl, decided to troll Kphoria thinking it would be TOTALLY FUNNY, and she would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for Kphoria's cock-suckers. Though her videos were all unfunny and pointless, they offended the entire vore community.

Kphoria's hilarious jokes make me LOL every time
Alright, well, before I leave my comment, there needs to be some explanation.

I used to be a lurker here, for a LONG time, back in the days when Karbo's only work was The Clone, and my only intrest. Today, I am closed, out bi-sexual, who is now an ex-vorephillia (i still get some side effects, like the pleasure from biting or touching anothers belly ;P) but that is really it. I am more interested in my orientation as a bisexual, and stopped coming to this site only for my "needs" about a year ago.

But I did read alot of what you forum people here at Eka hade to say, ever since I first came here. But I remained silent. For so, so long, I remained silent. Topics on this forum would come up, and I would remain quiet, even though, so incredibly bad, I wanted to speak up on issues that were important in my life and those around me.

And today, I cannot stay quiet. This time, I registered after seeing this video. And...and I have to say with shaking hands as I type this that I hath as much fury as any. This is just prejudice. Complete and pure hate to another because of their intrests or sexuality. Its because of things like this that I have not come out openly in my highschool (yet) because of the hate that garners around another's sexual preferences. I have gay friends who get their lockers vandalized, get called names and the crap kicked out of them as they shout "Faggot!" or "Queer!" in their faces, where soon their foot will land.

Seeing this video has made me sick. Sick to the point where I actually feel sorry for the person who actually has enough pain in their own lives to push their hate upon someone else because they are insecure in their lives.

I'm not a vorephile anymore, but I remember the fear. I remember clearing history on my family's computer in order for no one to find out. The horror of my parents knowing. But since my coming out to them, and leaving this site behind, I have become a better person, and understand myself better. I like myself. Which is rare in our society today. And, after checking this site, after being curious at what had happened to it, and then finding this video, I will say that I am thoroughly disgusted, and am here to support you against people who hate others just because they are deemed "socially unacceptable."

There. Heh. Thats what I have to say.

Ah, and if this sparks more anger, it looks as if this "guy" you speak of on the forum is not really a "guy" per say.......actually, hes a woman. A woman who says that she has "many fetishes of her own."

Watching more of this "second hate video," I wonder...what exactly those fetishes she has are, and how are they any more "disgusting" than the ones here on Eka's Portal?


—seventhslayer, assaulting your eyes with tl;dr text blocks and srs bsns.

Argh >.< Those hatefull people, such hate.... make me want to rip there jaw off and claw there eyes out.



—Kernac at Eka's Portal, dividing by zero.

That green thing is going to eat the little girls. Seriously, what a waste of loli.

It probably motivated ThatFheWuck to continue making hate videos, until she pissed off the entire forum to the point where they were seeking war on the internet. Srsly. After this, she created over 9000 videos on fixing Euvoria Siren, a Kphoria parody video, and threats to Eka's Portal. This was the point when they REALLY WANTED TO KILL THAT BITCH. Less than three days, ThatFheWuck got her well-deserved, underage B&, along with SholyHhit, CesusJuckingChrist, and Maklopdsisafailure.


One of Kphoria's BFFs is none other than #1 wanker Mikeroach113. When Mike was cornered by trolls, he bawwed to Kphoria, telling him the trolls were hackers. Kphoria and his cock-suckers went internet tough guy on the trolls, resulting in much lulz.

Another one is EvilReu, a weeaboo who really wants Kphoria to fuck him up the ass. He even made a poem for his lover:

Tribute to Kphoria

A guy named Kphoria, The Man who made Voretopia Is your favourite vore superstar, He's in Canada, not quite Far.

"Viva Euphoria" That's what he quotes, He's a vore creator, not a Joke. He's no plain joe, he's a famous guy! He pwns DA, he's super fly!(LOLZ)

Euvoria heroes, unite! Swallowing Villains, that's right! More Vore from the greatest star The best creator there is, by far!


—EvilReu, On being a Faggot.

Moving on, EvilReu is a super genius, and blames ever thing on Drunkenlazybastard. Little does EvilReu know, he's just plain wrong and his art looks like shit.

This is EvilReu, the assbaby of Sephiroth and Evil Ryu. Also, is a Mary Sue

Famous Quotes from EvilReu

Why i'm so evil! Is i'm soo demonish and I finally found the bloodline of me! I am the last living life form!



—EvilReu needs to lay off the LSD.

Can i make a tribute to you? Make poems? make a page that is truly bout you? Anything! You are my Master!



—Yeah, he's gay for Kphoria.

I am going to start my own league of evil enforcements! My league will be soo powerful that i will rule the world!
  • evillaugh*

The Master! Le maître! Der Meister! マスター!
That Master is ME!




—Holy shit guys, he's totally bad ass.

Reaction to this Article

After this Article was made, Keith made petitions and basically butthurted his way into trying to get it removed. People have tried editing it, but failed miserably. He's sent his legion of Nazi furfag friends to spam and edit it as well, but they have also failed! Kphoria is just another Chris-Chan, wanking at furries and going batshit insane over young interdwebs girls.

Also, he sent out his ass-kissers AGAIN to vandalize this article.

Here are two of Kphoria's responses to this article:

Whoever wrote this article is a complete liar and I would appreciate this article removed. I'm not nagging again over a personal problem.


—Kphoria, on nagging over a 'personal' problem.

Seeing as I have no control over what people think of me, I'm asking everyone here a small favour. If any articles, blogs or whatever should appear on any site excluding YouTube, DeviantArt or Eka's Portal, I don't want to know what they contain. I'm deeply hurt by a recent article brought to my attention. So I'm asking for the sake of my self-esteem that I'm not shown these hateful and ignorant works of discrimination. Feel free to defend my good name and hard work but don't get yourselves into trouble over me.



—Kphoria, being butthurt, and crying about how his videos are too good to be made fun of.

The CuringCancerComics Drama

Kphoria a thief?

As time went on, an unfunny parody artist by the name of CuringCancerComics caught on to the fact that he might have been stealing from an 8th grader. He claimed that he stole bases from another website and used them in his shitty windows movie maker animations. Knowing Kphoria like we do now, he decided to coward his way out and eventually got banned from Eka's portal thanks to his unoriginality. His YouTube account is still intact however, but the creator of the bases that he stole claimed that he would have them removed.

Aftermath of the Deactivation

Of course, like every other fanboy on this fucking planet, his fanboys bawed and raeged over his deactivation because now they had no bases to draw off of because they suck dick at drawing. They claimed that they would have all the trolls that attacked him banhammered and removed from the internet. A white knight of his named Kaiju56monster caught on to this and proceeded to throw a bitch fit and claimed that he would avenge the death of Kphoria, but as we all know it failed, miserably.


An unoriginal recolor artist decided the best way to avenge the death of the "Vore King" was to mirror his work, issue death threats to random people he hated, try to ally with Rosalina (no seriously), and apparently censor any comment that did not pat his ass and tell him how much of a hero he is. Later on however though he decided enough was enough and decided to deactivate his account, but CuringCancerComics claimed that he did this to avoid getting banned, something that is strictly against the TOS of DeviantArt.

Kaiju later returned but he was the REAL CuringCancerComics all along!

Kphoria's Personal Info Leaked

Kaiju also got ahold of Kphoria's info which was later given to ED.

Name: Keith Richard Arnold

Phone Number: (905) 358-3338

Address A: 4694 Zimmerman Ave Rear

Address B: Niagara Falls, ON L2E 3M6

Email: [email protected]

Kphoria Dox Confirmed

See Also

Kphoria has assburgers

Where you can find Kphoria

Kphoria is part of a series on


Visit the DeviantART Portal for complete coverage.

Kphoria is part of a series on

Homosexual Deviants

Visit the Faggotry Portal for complete coverage.

Kphoria is part of a series on


Visit the Furfaggotry Portal for complete coverage.


Kphoria is part of a series on
Sonic the Hedgehog

Kphoria is part of a series on Aspies.