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imported>The ArchAngel
Joined the discussion and mentioned an unknown user who deletes the content I post.
imported>The ArchAngel
Joined the discussion and mentioned an unknown user who deletes the content I post.
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Revision as of 18:10, 23 June 2015

Hey protip, seeing as this was moved out of my userspace before it was even near being done, keep an eye out for typos, as they will likely be numerous.

07:59, 21 November 2011 (CET)

Oh goshdang we need to do something

  • This is basically just another way for the Jews to control the world and make more money. If people need any more prove that Jews are bad then you are fucking retarded. Jews did 911 and now they are going to fuck your internet up Kosher style. ~snoɯʎuou∀
  • When this passes the next thing they'll do is to extent this law, so when you make a picture of a mountain or tree in future and put it on the interwebs you go to jail for copyright infringement because that mountain or tree was seen in movie XY. What a piece of shit. But it's clear that 2/3 of the Americans will move to different countries after that so they can give America the finger. Then they build a giant wall around it so America can be forever alone. And then come the nukes and after the radioactive fallout is gone that destroyed land will be shared between Canada and Mexico to have a better purpose than to just troll the world. DekoMan91 15:00, 26 November 2011 (CET)

You forget that the US Supreme Court actually debated whether protesting a slain marines' funeral to make a homophobic argument was constitutional. Like the DMCA, it will mellow out by court time. Loidrage

I'm keeping my poker-face on for this one even though the Jews have already made attempts similar to this years ago back in 1996.

First as CDA or the Communications Decency Act and then later it was passed as COPA or the Child Online Protection Act. What we really need to pay eye to, however, is the decision made the by the Supreme Court, rather than the greed enabling, paranoia inducing hicks over at Congress.

First it was "decency", then it was "won't someone think of the children?" and now we've got "scary pirates" in the latest incarnation, but it's all the *SAME* fucking bill, just slightly reworded and with new acronyms, CDA... COPA... and now SOPA. I mean, what, do they think the Supreme Court isn't gonna notice it's the -EXACT SAME BILL THEY ALREADY BOOT STOMPED?!-

Should the bill actually pass, proving the inattentiveness of the Supreme Court. The CEOs of Facebook and Google will just summon a legion of people to go against the US government, and make them realize that they are the Big Cos. bitch.

What an incredibly stupid waste of tax payer money. Ariodon 16:23, 17 December 2011 (CET)

Hey maybe next time you should put in quotes, you know that way it doesn't look like you're stealing my shit...I'm just sayin.
--Onideus 07:13, 20 December 2011 (CET)
Shit nobody cares about... Ariodon 18:48, 20 December 2011 (CET)
I care, so unless you're saying you want to provide your life as a canvas for me...yeah, probably not a real smart thing to do. Given that you look to be about 12 though, from your DA picture, I'll be nice...this time. Although with underage kids I usually do fun things like contact your parents and school, rather than actually make fauxpics or anything.  :) --Onideus 23:15, 20 December 2011 (CET)
Alright, sorry for not noticing your importance. Ariodon 12:48, 22 December 2011 (CET)
I'm so important that the entire planet HINGES upon the gravitational pull of my epic fawking ego! If not for my massive ego the whole planet would suddenly be thrown hurling off into space! THAT is how important *I* am! Yes, yes it's true, the entire PLANET revolves solely around MY ego! :D
Mmmm, it should be noted though, you can post ~as~ me and repost whatever you like, technically Onideus Mad Hatter is just a character that anyone can use. --Onideus 13:47, 22 December 2011 (CET)

From what I've seen thus far, the bill has been defeated because of the numerous backlash of people calling and emailing. They didn't even vote. Someone should probably update this. --Tommy-Vercetti 21:58, 17 December 2011 (CET)

According to JuniusThaddeus the bill has just been postponed and not actually "defeated" read here for more info. ~Oblique 22:01, 17 December 2011 (CET)

Congress *WILL* Pass It

They're getting a FIFTY MILLION dollar bribe to do it, essentially. And they've no problems at all with that knowing that their "big brother" the Supreme Court will simply step in right afterwards and fix their epic fucking mess...they get to keep all that bribe money of course and the MPAA/RIAA will be out FIFTY MILLION all around! ^__^

The do this all the time you know, there's actually been a whole slew of these idiot "laws" in the past 25 years, every single one deemed unconstitutional by the Supreme Court within a year of their passing through congress, usually due to lawsuits from the ACLU and/or the EFF. The last two major ones were the CDA, Communications Decency Act and the COPA, Children's Online Protection Act. This new bill is basically the exact same thing, just reworded slightly. Same old shit, different acronym. --Onideus 04:05, 18 December 2011 (CET)

So you're saying that even though they got the bribe, it still wont work with the Supreme Court?

Why are we wasting our attention to Congress, then? Is the court easily persuaded with jewgold? Ariodon 04:01, 20 December 2011 (CET)

Uh, no, I'm saying it'll be passed by CONGRESS...Congress passes stupid, idiotic, moronic shit like...every other fucking day! That's practically their job description. But Congress is just like "Step 972" out 3,850 ~other~ steps to actually make something become a law. Laws aren't something that are just shit out on a idle whim by Congress, even Congress itself represents a whole slew of steps. But the bottom line is, even ~if~ a proposed law winds up ~compltely~ approved by Congress, the President, etc, etc...yeah, ANYONE can turn right around and SUE the Federal Government...usually the ACLU and/or the EFF, they sue the Federal Government, it goes to one court and then another and another, and eventually it can even work up to the SUPREME Court who will then promptly boot stomp the piece of shit into oblivion just like they did all the ~other~ ones. The Supreme Court is like the nations last line of defense against epic fucking idiocy and, for the most part, they're *VERY* good at it. Without the Supreme Court you have no ~IDEA~ how fucked this country would be. --Onideus 07:21, 20 December 2011 (CET)
Mmmm, should probably mention, in the event that a really fucked up law does come to pass, it usually takes the Supreme Court about a year or so to completely boot fuck it...BUT, when they're sued they usually file injunctions and shit that prevent them from actually putting the law into effect at even though the law could effectively be completely passed...yeah, that doesn't mean they can actually act on it. --Onideus 07:26, 20 December 2011 (CET)
Hmm, that is what I thought. As I said before, I barely ever pay attention to Congress and whatever fail-filled bill they shit out. Ariodon 11:59, 20 December 2011 (CET)

Now Gaia Online oppose SOPA too 21:54, 4 January 2012 (CET)

Congressman Who Wrote This Trash Could Be Sued

Let's hope so, he's taking some guy to court about it.

It's happening on Formspring too.

Censored version of the Gettysburg Address on a userpage. Notice a few of the smile response icons are blacked out.

Screencap of it

Are you butthurt? BAWWW here. 04:09, 19 January 2012 (CET) (Not)Down

They got them before the bill even got passed. We are fucked if they pass this. I need my porn. --Klasher

Anonymous is pissed. Just raped the DOJ's website over it. Boyvinyl 23:18, 19 January 2012 (CET) Megaupload Mirror. :) Lazarus

Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement

Nope. Apparently we're not done yet. – NuclearDuckie 12:41, 21 January 2012 (CET)

ACTA. --JuniusThaddeus 17:47, 21 January 2012 (CET)
Huh, yes, I saw that. Hasn't been updated in a while. – NuclearDuckie 04:52, 22 January 2012 (CET)

ITS NOT DEAD YET Radiatto 05:43, 25 January 2012 (CET)

It's baaaaack...

... only this time, it's being called "CISPA". It's virtually the exact same bill, however, only it's being done in the name of "cyber security," but it's functionally the same thing as SOPA/PIPA. Boyvinyl 02:23, 5 April 2012 (EDT)

Someone keeps deleting content about SOPA involved with CBS who owns CNET, and other hypocrisy

I thought I should tell you all, SOPA was working with CNET (CBS), Disney.Go (Walt Disney, Co.) and others who profit off of online piracy. When I try to edit the SOPA page someone keeps deleting what I add. So...


--The ArchAngel 19:10, 23 June 2015 (EDT)