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Whilst ingame, expect to see people complaining about weapon balance, lag, the map they're playing, weapon skins, modifications, graphics, vehicles, grenades, claymores and just about everything else this game has to offer. The people who play this are stuck in one big bowl of bullshit whining.
Whilst ingame, expect to see people complaining about weapon balance, lag, the map they're playing, weapon skins, modifications, graphics, vehicles, grenades, claymores and just about everything else this game has to offer. The people who play this are stuck in one big bowl of bullshit whining.
If you're looking for a laugh, feel free to go in their TeamSpeak server and make loud noises. Hilarity ensues.
Interrupting a scrim will result in ultimate rage from Mr.Bitches.

Revision as of 13:14, 29 July 2012

If you are in the +3 clan, L3git clan, BOF, Old Guys or ST6 or you are an employee of EA Games, please go here. Also, go there is your name is Mr.Bitches, CinnaStixx, or Lenna. Thank you.

Battlefield Play4Free is a shitty version of Battlefield 2, with awfully balanced weapons, a handful of maps (only a few are played, and they are all from BF2 anyway), retarded developers, butthurt clans, useless community and no technical support for players having issues with the game. Then again, any game associated with Play4Free is some crappy, let-down version of a retail game.


Dalian - Some big blue snow map with is composed of two large beer kegs and some buildings. This map is probably one of the most poorly built maps in this game, or any Battlefield game for that matter.

Sharqi - A lovely place for a shitstorm, this map is only played by people with overpowered, modified weapons on their Assault class and medics with the MG36. This map consists of everyone running past the point right of their spawn and directly to the middle of the map where there are mortar strike, at least 30 grenades being thrown at the same time, troll medics reviving dead allies that are in the middle of a crossfire, recons try to get kills with the SV98 and enginners waving their dicks around trying to kill people with the RPG.

Oman - A map that is only playable if you are a certified helicopter/jet pilot and can do a barrel roll and a skydive at the same time. Of course, nobody actually uses an helicopter like a normal person. The transport chopper is just used for a taxi, taking players from point-to-point to capture them. The attack helicopter is piloted by some asswipe assault person that with a C4 booster that has placed 8 charges on the chopper, and then flies it into the nearest enemy-occupied point. Besides this, on the ground, all you're see is 3 points already belonging to one team, and there being a huge spawn-kill festival at one point (normally A).

Basra - This map consists of a parking building, houses and claymores on every other corner. There are also bound to be a bunch of recons sniping from the same spot with an M95 and people with the AEK-971 running around like cockroaches.

Mashtuur - Some poorly-constructed map that takes place in India and nobody plays.

Dragon Valley - Oman with trees, water and even less buildings. Expect to see people in the air that have just learned to pilot a attack chopper having the time of their lives.

Myanmar - A temple in the middle of a huge map that of 75% obscured by vegetation. Don't expect to see people play this map alot.

Karkand - You know, Karkand, right? That overplayed map that's in every Battlefield game since Battlefield 2 and consists of people capping the point in front of the spawn, then running the middle of the map to have a giant clusterfuck of every class and ground vehicle in the game? Yeah, that map.


MG36 - The most overpowered gun in the game, kills people in 4 shots and is accurate to pick of people from halfway across the map. This gun is for the Medic, and is not the only OP gun the this class.

AEK-971 - A weapon that once used to be a AK-47 with less recoil and more range, is now an overpowered assault rifle that can pick off anyone within 300 yards. USAS-12 - The second most OP gun in the game, everyone has the "Elite" version of this gun, that has 3x more range and damage then the regular USAS-12. This automatic-shotgun was supposedly nerfed, like alot of other weapons.

SPAS-15 - Same fucking thing, just costs more.

MP-446 - A pistol that kills in 3 shots over long range and is stronger than most primary weapons.

L96A1 - A sniper rifle with no bullet drop, insta-kill abilities and fast bolt action abilities aswell. One of the few sniper rifles anyone uses.

SV98 - The most retarded gun in the game, the bullets from this gun go 25 feet, then immediately drop and couldn't kill a fucking rat. G3A4 - The default assault that sucks, but players mod it and go around saying they are pro for using it. If you do this, please know that nobody gives a fuck and you need to shut up and buy an actual gun.

MP5 - SMG, for the Engineer that has no recoil and drops enemies like flies. Of course, no-one complains about it because if this gun didn't exist Engineers would be useless.


The developers don't really do much, this game is pretty much the same it was a year ago. Like any other free-to-play game, they add an overpowered gun that you need to be level 20 or above for. They tend to troll the community by saying they are going to do a large income of gaming content, such as new maps and then not delivering as promised. Other than this, the only thing the devs do is post shit on their Facebook and Twitter.


The competitive community in this game can't be denoted unless you take 20 minutes out of each day to be on trial for a clan and waste time getting to know everyone. Nearly all the currently composed are either inactive, full of butthurt, ran by shitheads or just plain bad. These clans include but are not limited to, L3git, +3 Gaming, BOF, Seal Team 6, Old Guys, and 13th Expeditionary Unit.


The actual playing of BF P4F is pure retardation. Teamwork is null and void, so is intelligence and you can't kill anything unless you put forth about 30 dollars into this game. One thing that diminishes the value of this game are boosters, a overpriced item that can make anything overpowered. For example, you can buy a RPG Booster that increases your RPG damage and blast radius, you can then fire a RPG at a wall and be guaranteed a triple kill. Another is the grenade booster that makes the already despised grenade (which was nerfed to shit but still OP) even worse.

You may also customize your weapon with new barrels, stocks, sights and much more! Oh nevermind, you have to pay for that.

The level system in this game is long and tedious, it takes roughly a year and a half of gaming all day to reach level 25. This wasn't how it used to be, though, sometime near the end of 2011 everything (weapons, boosters, prices, apparel, you name it) was totally fucked over. The level cap, instead of being raised as originally promised, was just made harder to get to, weapons were redone (nerfed, then buffed in some stupid way), a tier 3 of training was added (now with Dead Man's Trigger, the ability to die and get 6 kills by dropping a grenade).


A prime example of the waste that is excreted from this game is Mr.Bitches, a 40-year-old fart who plays this game 24/7, takes a smoke break everyone 5 minutes, brags about his accomplishments that would not be even close to possible if it weren't the two best players in his clan (TheDrunkHobo and AMMO), always complaining about some bullshit and screams at the top of his lungs during every sentence. This sad man is also the leader of +3, a clan that would be more functional with him. Another old fart that's annoying as shit is CinnaStixx, which is just some guy that no-one cares about that's pretty much Mr.Bitches' lapdog. +3 is composed of about 200 members (5 of them that actually play) and si sadly of one the few active clans in this game. These two people, in addition, also take the game way more seriously then what it really is.

Another example is everyone in Old Guys, a clan that you have to pay to be in because they are too poor to host some Battlefield 3 server that is hosting in Mexico. They are all pansies with nothing to do, and are probably bitching about how much taking their insulin hurts right now.

Whilst ingame, expect to see people complaining about weapon balance, lag, the map they're playing, weapon skins, modifications, graphics, vehicles, grenades, claymores and just about everything else this game has to offer. The people who play this are stuck in one big bowl of bullshit whining.

If you're looking for a laugh, feel free to go in their TeamSpeak server and make loud noises. Hilarity ensues. Interrupting a scrim will result in ultimate rage from Mr.Bitches.