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Undo revision 453633 by Cjn4iJN24qobj0b2 (talk) what the hell are you doing?
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[[File:Daniel_Delthero.jpg|thumb|right|The only known picture of [[Tranny|him/her]].]]
[[File:New_OC_Design_WIP_by_Delthero.jpg|thumb|right|Their bestest ever piece. [[No|Isn't it beautiful]]?]]
[[File:Wraith_Lucario_by_Niverian77.jpg|thumb|right|[[Furry|Oh god not another Lucario with boobs]].]]
One of the self-proclaimed best [[Pokemon|Pokemon artists]] on [[deviantart]], Delthero is a whiny, shitty [[Furry|artist]] [[Whore|who thrives off of others]] to make their sorry self [[Emo|feel better]].
They joined [[deviantart]] to supposedly [[Rape|"make friends"]], [[Fail|"become a better artist"]], and [[Masturbate|"to view pretty, pretty mudkips"]]. However, all they have done is cause [[Drama|dArama]], [[bitch]] about their oh so horrible life, and mooch off of others for fame and money. You can even buy their [[Shit|art]] for $35! Wow! I bet [[Nobody|loads of people will line up]] for a chance at getting such amazing [[Shit|art]].
We are referring to Delthero as 'they' because we are unsure about their gender in the first place. Take a look and see what we mean.
==[[Shit|dArama Galore]]==
Delthero often posts journals on how much [[Emo|their life sucks]] and how [[Lies|everyone keeps stealing their oh so wonderful artwork]]. Of course, their brainwashed followers always come to suck up and tell them their art is [[Lies|the bestest evar!!!1]] so their pitiful feelings won't get injured and their [[e-penis]] will continue to grow.
{{quote|I'm really depressed and I can't really trust myself right now, so I tried calling in to work sick (technically I am sick... it's just in my head though)...}}
==Delthero showing their mental illnesses on their journal==
[ This is a common example of their ranting]. Note the poor descriptions and emo bawwing about their life. [ Another example of when they force their followers into taking care of nonexistant thieves]. This shows that Delthero is nothing but a silly [[weeaboo]] with no confidence to actually confront problems about anything. Baww.
They even created a [[boyfriend]] for themselves so it would look like they weren't so much of a stupid [[nerd]]. Nobody could love a [[weeaboo]], so this is all [[lies]].
==[[Truth|"My art sucks baww"]]==
Delthero constant spouts [[Shit|crap]] about how much their art sucks, because [[Fail|they will never be as good as their friends and other nonsense]]. That is because they are a [[12 year old girl]] who mooches off others to make themselves feel better.
[ Their Pokemon shit even got a Daily Deviation]. And they still baww about how much [[Truth|their art sucks]]. If that can't please someone, nothing can.
In short, Delthero is a fanwhore who doesn't deserve the [[Popular|popularity]] they have.
Let's see if we can push their shitty self off of [[deviantart]], along with the rest of the so-called 'artists' on the site. Edit with shit after researching their site, it will cause major [[lulz]] once they find out.
==Fun Facts==
*Delthero gets [[butthurt]] very easily, so they are naturally the target of many trolls. They always baww and cry and wonder what they did to deserve such a thing, while their [[Lesbian|fans]] kiss their ass in an attempt to make their godly favorite pokeyman artist feel better.
*Delthero's mum often [[Raep|ass-raped]] them as a kid with her giant [[Penis|cock]]. This led to Delthero's gender confusion, and they view themselves as a [[Tranny|tranny]].
*Because they are friends with many famous people on [[deviantart]], they secretly think they are better than everyone else. Yet they still say their art [[Truth|sucks]]. Drama llama, anyone?
*Delthero is secretly a [[Gay|40-year old virgin guy]] with no life who still lives in their parents basement.
*If you insult [[Pokemon]] in front of them, they will baww and rant how much you suck. Even though [[Stupid|Pokemon]] is outdated as fuck and only [[Nobody|12-year old boys]] can enjoy it.
*Delthero [[Lies|claims to not be a furry]], yet their [[shit|art]] speaks otherwise. [ If this isn't furry, then I'm a duck.]
*If you insult their [[Furry|characters]], Delthero will baww. If you insult [[Pokemon]], Delthero will baww. If you insult [[Lesbian|anything related to Delthero]] they will baww. More proof that Delthero is a [[faggot]] with no fucking life.
==See also==
==See also==

*[[shitty Art]]

==External links==
==External links==
* [ Delthero on deviantART]
* [ Delthero on deviantART]
* [ Known as StarryLatiasGirl on the PokeCommunity forums]
* [ Delthero's Twitter]
* [ Delthero's Weasyl account]
* [ Delthero's Tumblr]
* [ Known as DannyIkami/wraithphantom73 on Photobucket.]


Revision as of 15:05, 29 November 2012

See also

External links

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