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Image:167789 - Gorillaz Humon Russel_Hobbs del.jpg
Image:167789 - Gorillaz Humon Russel_Hobbs del.jpg
==See Also==
*[[Tom_Preston|Tom Preston]]

==External Links==
==External Links==

Revision as of 10:22, 14 May 2013

Hey! This article isn't lulz just yet, but its coverage can spark a lollercoaster.
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(This article needs more coverage on Humon's racism, hypocritical social justice, terrible art, critique drama/fascism and just generally all-round shitty behavior. Screencaps of dumb shit said and/or deleted, photographs, contact details, etc. I've already gone through just 3 pages of the thread on the forums and given up after the sheer fucking workload. Also if there's a way to make the quotes take up less vertical real-estate that would be much appreciated.)

And that is why I joke. It is never ever to hurt. Just me attempt to deal with my own traumas or express my love of something.

For example, I don't joke about pedophilia because while I have friends and family who's been thought it, I haven't and I don't feel like I understand it at all.


Humon, the artist of the above picture: a man molesting his daughter who was born as a result of him raping her mother. She said she was doing this to remind people that the character was actually a bad guy. This is what Humon thinks fixing a mistake in characterisation looks like. This is the artist you look to for "Scandinavia and the World" comics.

Humon is another DA "artist" with a large fanbase in spite of her technical incompetence. Humon obsesses over alternative gender/sexuality and has an ignorant enthusiasm for British culture, mostly to compensate for her own lack of culture or personality. Ultimately Humon's comics betray the fact that it's all really just a cover for her various fetishes including male-on-male rape, female-on-male rape, incest, and all of her characters having the same face.

Femdom Fetish
I just realized that there are a ton of things about my Amazon, shield maiden, rich guy "story" that people have no way of knowing. Didn't really occur to me before people started asking questions.

1) The rich guy was one of those asshole'ish rich people who did whatever the hell he wanted, such as torture, r.ape , and death. That's why he has the classic "evil dude" hair and moustache. It's very likely that it was some of his employees who let the Amazon capture him.

2) The Amazon and the shield maiden are supposed to be traveling back to the Amazon's home town.

3) The shield maiden is married to one of the "naked warriors" (who aren't quite naked) from that older picture of mine (I'll draw them together later). She's not needed at home though because her people have slaves to do most of the work. Neither is she expected to stay faithful to her husband because their culture is inspired Viking culture where neither husband or wife were expected to be faithful, and where all children they had with other people were still considered legitimate.

4) Shield maiden would never have sex with a slave because, like in Viking culture, in her culture women are considered to be of "higher class" than men, and should therefore never have sex with a man of much lower class then her, only of higher status. Only men can have sex with slaves, but not with women of higher status than them.

5) The whole thing takes place in a fantasy universe, so while I use as much as I can from old myths, the Amazon is not Greek (Greece doesn't even exist in this universe) and the shield maiden is not a Viking, nor is her husband.

That's the main questions I can remember right now



...why does the little girl have tits too?

It's okay that the guy is being held against his will and treated like a sex slave cause he's an evil rapist. Never mind the first time she mentioned this was in her journal.

These comics - deprived of background, panels and context - fail to convey the "historical context" that Humon uses to justify producing and publishing her drawings. This "historical context" comes as a wall of text uploaded to explain what the hell is going on in the comic itself. This textual band-aid demonstrates Humon's poor grasp on conveyance, but that's only a minor offense compared to her trivialization of rape - as long as it's happening to men, it's clearly A-OK! In Humon's comics and drawings countless numbers of men are forcibly tied down, abused, or heavily implied to be abused later on. which is clearly empty justification to draw Spirograph-sempai about to violently cornhole Circlehead-kohai.

It's pretty disturbing to consider, but you might think it's no big deal. Isn't this just charming and harmless fun? If you find this degrading or offensive, men, I think you just have a real problem with your own sexuality! All men secretly want this! Teehee! Let's try swapping the genders around, then.

Not so cute anymore, is it?

Homosexual Misrepresentation/Generalisation

Humon's Artstyle Tutorial

It's not unusual for Humon to display these fetishes under the guise of obscure historical facts, like she's a perverted bizarro-world Kate Beaton or something. Like this lovely series about Germans having to prostitute themselves after WW2. It's supposed to be serious and sad you guys. Super serious, guys.

These 'comics' are actually something of a break from the norm for Humon - her fetish for shipping homosexual couples is generally drenched in rainbows and sunshines, misrepresenting same-sex couples as a sex-obsessed, yaoi-wowwy conglomerate with no issues or social conflict or character - flying in the face of modern homosexuality and lesbian culture, let alone the "historical context" Humon often uses as empty justification.


Humon's only comic with black people in it. Niels is a blond-haired blue-eyed sociopathic hitman or something who puts his dick in all the black people. Actually all the characters have swathes of backstory, but Humon's storytelling format strips all that out of the comic and just puts in gay joke after gay joke instead. Every strip starts in media res, which is cinematography slang for "right in the middle of a situation with no fucking context whatever", and the result is lots of strips about diminutive characters having sex or implied sex or implied rape or implied facial structure or implied story in general. And by 'implied' I mean either 'read the fucking manual' or 'psychically guess what Humon's intentions were'.

Duncan always had troubles with the law, and had been in prison a few times, but he mostly did “harmless” robberies and were the kind of burglar who would just run off if the owners of a house came home or woke up.

Natalie simply worked as dishwasher at a hotel. In other words, neither of them made a whole lot of money.

So when it turned out Natalie was pregnant, everything went down the shitter. All of a sudden they needed a lot of money, but when Natalie’s boss found out, she fired her for “various reasons”. Duncan wanted the child to have a nice childhood so he tried to get a steady job, but no one would hire him with his criminal record. They started to get desperate, and that was when Duncan made one of the biggest mistakes of his life and lend money from “Johnny”. When he couldn’t pay the money back, Duncan got the choice between loosing all his fingers, or come work for Johnny. Suddenly Duncan’s crimes weren’t so harmless anymore. Without going into too much detail, he was forced to do some bad things. To make matters worse Natalie had a miscarriage. Now they had an apartment full of baby stuff they didn’t need, and all their problems with Johnny seemed to be for nothing, but Duncan couldn’t get out.

It was around this time Niels met Duncan. At this point Niles had become Johnny’s right hand man, and spend an awful lot of time at Johnny’s place. One day when he went out to get some air while Johnny talked with some of his “employees”, he met Duncan who was still so low in the hierarchy that he hadn’t been allowed to come inside. Duncan knew who Niels was and got rather nervous, both because Niels was technically his boss, but also because he had heard of the things Niels was capable of, and was convinced that he was a complete psycho. Therefore he got rather surprised when Niels turned out to be quite pleasant company. Over the next month they started running into each other more and more often. At first Duncan didn’t think much of it, until he realized Niels was stalking him. They then spent about two weeks playing an unspoken game of “I see you! No you don’t!”

It all culminated when one day Duncan came home to his apartment, and found Niels sitting on the couch, talking with Natalie. He went absolutely berserk and started shouting all the thoughts he had had about Niels for last couple of weeks, until Natalie stopped him, and told Duncan that Niels wanted to help them. Niels then explained that he was following Duncan to see what kind of people he hang around with and if he was trust worthy, because Niels was just as sick and tired of Johnny as everybody else and was working on “separating” himself from him. If Duncan would come and work for him, Niels would cancel Duncan’s depth. That was of course very risky business, but Duncan decided to take Niels’ offer.

It was from here the real seduction of the couple started.


So basically he saved two black people from a life of petty crime, debt, and out of wedlock pregnancy and they reward him with sex. Oh humon.

The titular character is clearly supposed to be a sex-obsessed sociopath. The titular is drawn in chibi-form and passed off as 'adorable' and 'quirky' because he makes silly rape jokes. The characterisation that explains his behavior is passed off in large walls of text, so as a result lots of people failed to realise this character was supposed to be a villain. A sane person might have attempted to fix this by adding some of the actual plot into the comic. Humon?


Year and years and YEARS ago she used to have a site called The Daemon & The Zombie which was a Gorillaz fansite packed full of smutty yaoi pictures of Murdoc and 2D. She also used to type like some ghetto chick and had a huge crush on Russel (the big black guy of Gorillaz). The website is dead now but the pictures were saved.

See Also

External Links

Humon is part of a series on


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