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Typical ad on /adv/

/adv/ is the Advice board on 4chan populated by 16 year old girls and 13 year old boys pretending to be 16 year old boys seeking dating advice. If you thought /b/ and /k/ were bad it gets worse.


Most threads are questions about relationship advice, that any person not born in the South could resolve on their own. Such questions may include:

  • What does vagina feel like?
  • Did I cross the line raping my girlfriend?
  • I really like this boy in my class but I'm afraid he'll think I'm too fat
  • How do I convince my girlfriend to let me fuck her butt?
  • I'm in love with this loli but she's 14 and I'm 22. Do I wait for her?
  • Should I take my girlfriend to Burger King or McDonald's?
  • Will my girlfriend find my tranny porn cache creepy?
  • Is it just one guy posting girls in stockings pictures on /s/ or do boys really like them?
  • How do I tell my boyfriend I'm HIV positive?
  • Am I supposed to cuddle with my date?
  • Do girls like it when I shower daily?
  • I want to go over to Good Korea and have sex with all the girls of Girls' Generation but I don't speak Korean! What should I do?
  • I want to be a girl (rarely, OP will want to be a boy), what do?

For the remaining threads that aren't about relationships, I was just kidding. All threads are about relationships. If you see a thread not about relationships, odds are you're seeing a troll thread.

What /adv/ is not

(Besides a good board, that is.)

Newfags occasionally pop in to /adv/ thinking it's Anonymous' version of Yahoo Answers, only to be told that they're trolling the board by asking questions that require some brainpower.

External links

Adv/ is part of a series on


Visit the Chans Portal for complete coverage.

Warning: Display title "adv/" overrides earlier display title ""/adv/"".