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{{fat|This article is about a '''fat fuck.''' Therefore, images and videos of this individual may be disturbing to some viewers.}}
[[File:DrmusicIRL.jpeg|thumb|The Werebeast's [[Fugly|true form]].]]
[[File:Werejohncandytable.jpg|thumb|320px|right|This is actually one of it's better works, laughably enough.]]
[[Fursona|Fursonas]] come in all shapes, sizes, and species. You have obese raccoons whose only goal is to become fatter by eating trash disguised as food, foxes who want nothing more out of life than to get fucked up the ass by every species on the planet, and [[Prince Jeremy|otters who aspire to be great authors of our era]]. Sadly, these constitute as little more than [[typical|"run-of-the-mill"]] for the furry community, as the extremes that exist within their vile ranks make the standard furry seem almost acceptable by comparison.
She lurks in the darkness of the dA forums, seeking out it's prey. With a taste for trolls, she leaps from the shadows and into the spotlight, becoming the center of attention wherever it hunt may take it. It's fursona is so oddly specific, there could not possibly be a pack or tribe of it's kind: ''[[What|It is a werewolf version of Canadian actor John Candy]], trapped inside the body of a supposedly 40 year old [[aspie]].''
Welcome to the world of '''''DrMusic2'''''; ([[powerword]] [[Romanian|Mariana]] Hanks), a [[Self-diagnosis|self-declared]] "natural born werejohncandy".
==[[Autistic|Artistic]] Endeavors==
Like most tartlets with [[No life|plenty of time to spare]], Mariana has a substantial body of work behind it. She has posted a minimum of three "stories" per day - as well as a varying number of "photomanips" sporadically over the course of a week - since it first registered it [http://monstermaster13.deviantart.com/ deviantART account] in July of [[2009]]. Yet, despite this body of work and the time she has spent on deviantART, she has only managed to amass 119 followers as of February 2012. Of course, this fact hasn't slowed Mariana down at all, as she has multiple submissions filed under literally every submission category deviantART has to offer. Now '''THAT'S''' [[retarded|dedication]].
<u><center>Unsurprisingly, there isn't a single decent or salvageable piece in it's entire gallery.</center></u>
===Written Works===
[[File:Transformation_Trauma_by_DrMusic2_1.jpg|thumb|130px|right|Fanart of Mariana in it's [[Hilarious|dreaded]] "weregrinch" form. Just kidding. It has no fans]]
[[File:Weregrinch by DrMusic2 1.jpg|thumb|130px|right|You wouldn't like it when it's angry!]]
{{quote|My monster world character is named Nathan Talbut who is a weregrinch, his nicknames are Nate and The Grinchman. His monster nickname is Growler.|Excerpt from [http://drmusic2-1.deviantart.com/art/Monster-world-me-162653074|"Monster world me"]}}
{{quote|As you know most werelenos are evil, they act nice to trick their victims and to hide their truly villainous nature and you know how traumatic it was was when my character got turned into one, he'll never be able to live it down - the chin stretching out and becoming like a proper wereleno chin was the worst part.|One of it's more recent [http://monstermaster13.deviantart.com/journal/42500629/ journal entries]}}
A large bulk of it's writing deals with it's [[Personal army|imaginary army]] of [[Furby|imaginary monsters]], whom she sends after it's real e-enemies to exact it's "revenge" upon them. In their off-time, they'll [[Real_Life_Super_Hero|fight imaginary crimes offline]], hang out in an [[hugbox|imaginary bar]] which caters exclusively to [[furries|imaginary monsters]], or [[Gay|hide in their imaginary closets]] ''(Mariana apparently does not understand the [[Gay |connotations]] that come with doing so)''.
Outside of it's "Monster" series, she also pens a series by the title of "Tales From the Web" ''(Which serves more direct call-outs of it's online enemies)'' and a number of one-off stories. They are childish at best, and unsettling at worst. To think that any one person could devote so much time to producing stories and still be such a poor writer is a baffling prospect, especially when it is taken into account that it's choice of subject matter is more becoming to the works of a 4th grader than a supposedly 40-year-old. (she was actually born in 1990, and claimed to be older as asspies always do)
To read through the entirety of it's written works would take more time to spare than anyone should care to calculate, let alone spend. To legitimately enjoy it's writing would take the mental state of a thoroughly tasteless toddler.
'''Selected Works:'''
*[[DrMusic2/The weregrinch in your closet|"The weregrinch in your closet"]] ''(In which Mariana alludes nearly a dozen times to "coming out of the closet")''
*[[DrMusic2/Fright Force|"Fright Force"]] ''(Roll call for Mariana's [[personal army]] of monsters)''
*[[DrMusic2/Grinchin Out|"Grinchin Out"]] ''(A story in which she murders a troll who made fun of one of it's friends)''
*[[DrMusic2/The Truth Behind ED|"The Truth Behind ED"]] ''(Mariana reveals [[ED]] to be a front for "aliens from another universe" using tartlets "as test subjects for their bizzare experiments")''
*[[DrMusic2/Monster factfile: EDiots|"Monster factfile: EDiots"]] ''(Mariana continues to blow the lid off of the ED conspiracy!)''
*[[DrMusic2/Night Of The EDiots|"Night Of The EDiots"]] ''(Mariana finally solves deviantART's ED problem by pretending to slay our userbase in an unfunny Evil Dead parody! Notice it's fixation with the handsome strong jawed shop assistant.)''
*[[DrMusic2/School rant|"School rant"]] ''(In which Mariana confirms she is a 10-year old girl trapped inside a 21-year old woman's body)''
*[http://liveweb.archive.org/http://forum.deviantart.com/devart/general/1405561/"] ''(Mariana describes how she could best it's idol [[Goku vs Superman|in a fight]])''
[[File:Werejohncandysports.jpg|thumb|130px|left|While she isn't drawing or writing, [[Lie|Mariana likes to play sports]].]]
it's art, however, is far more convenient to flip through, and elicits far more [[lulz]] from the [[you|viewer]]. The majority of it's artistic submissions are simply [[MSPaint]]ed pictures of it's werejohncandy [[fursona]], touching upon every variety of [[List_of_sex_moves|suggestive pose]]. Never mind the fact that John Candy was never much of "a looker" in real life: Slap a heap of fur onto his face and make him strut his stuff, and it's nearly enough to make you [[Tubgirl|vomit in your mouth]]. Remember folks: ''This is how Mariana imagines itself as what she "really looks like", trapped inside it's shell of a human body''.
It's visual deviations will occasionally deviate from it's so-called "norm". It hosts rather large photograph galleries, [http://drmusic2-1.deviantart.com/gallery/#_browse/traditional/bodyart of it's "friend" made up in various face-paints] and [http://drmusic2-1.deviantart.com/gallery/#_browse/artisan it's collection of children's plushies]. She has drawn a number of [http://drmusic2-1.deviantart.com/gallery/#_browse/anthro celebrities in their animal forms], and [http://drmusic2-1.deviantart.com/gallery/#_browse/gameart concept art for it's upcoming video game]: Military Koalas: Marsupial Squadron. She has even paid tribute to the late [[Michael Jackson|"King of Pop"]] itself, [[:File:Enterprise_MJ_by_DrMusic2_1.jpg|as a redshirt from Star Trek]].
Putting aside it's [[Copypasta|repetition]] of themes and characters in it's works, there are plenty of lulz within it's gallery. From the utterly ironic to the hilariously inept, nearly every picture in it's gallery is amusing in its own right. All that's left for it's to do is post some proper [[Rule 34]] of itself, and she will have officially dabbled in every genre of art officially recognized by the internet. However, until that day, there are still enough lulz to last a lifetime on it's page right now.
''For selected illustrations, see it's gallery section [[DrMusic2#Galleries|here]].''
==The White Knight==
===[http://www.metokur.org/devart DevART Coalition for Quality Control]===
{{quote|Did I mention i also have connections with the mafia?|Mariana, on the comments of [http://dcqc.metokur.org/2010/03/21/month-in-review-march-2010/ "Month in Review: March 2010"]}}
[[File:Raccoonbywerekatt.jpg|thumb|right|A photomanip [[no|worth fighting for]], according to Mariana.]]
A project run by a group better known for [[METOKUR|their YouTube commentaries]], DCQC is designed to troll tartlets with terminal cases of [[USI]]. The concept of fair use eludes their targets, and they cannot grasp the concept that someone has the legal right to review and mock their "art" under the [http://www.metokur.org/devart/legality/ fair use exception] to copyright laws. After commenting on [http://werekatt.deviantart.com/art/Raccoon-12212967 a laughable photomanip of a girl as a raccoon] as part of [http://dcqc.metokur.org/2009/07/16/raccoons/ a larger article about raccoon art in general], Mariana discovered the page and left a series of [[butthurt|disapproving comments]]. It turned out that the picture was the work of a friend of it's, and that it was committed to having the article taken down. After a failed attempt at [http://forum.deviantart.com/community/rips/1443279/ convincing the dA staff to get involved], and having temporarily hijacked [http://forum.deviantart.com/community/rips/1439813/ another tartlet's complaint thread] in order to rally users against DCQC ''(as well as further promote it's friend's artwork)'', Mariana began to comment on other articles on the page, and to fight other tartlet's battles for them.
[[File:Drmusic2_dcqccap.jpg|thumb|left|The beginning of a beautiful [[User:Habermann|friendship]].]]
Mariana's comments teach a valuable lesson in [[irony]], as well as the inability of [[aspies]] to realize when they're being trolled. When called out on being a shameless promoter for it's friend and a creepy furry, Mariana responded by announcing that it was [[Lie|''"actually a pretty nice guy"''. It would later "prove" this point by boasting that ''"a lot of [it's] friends, and [it's] family think [she is] a nice person"'', and that she has ''"donated to numerous charities"'']]. When it was later pointed out that she could not go a single comment without shoe-horning in an obnoxious number of irrelevant pop culture references, she stated that she is ''"quite an avid reader – [[Shit nobody cares about|[she has] not only all of Roger [Ebert]’s film books but [she] also [has] read Bruce Campbell’s autobiography If Chins Could Kill as well as Make Love The Bruce Campbell Way, [she] also thoroughly enjoyed Jay Leno’s book Leading With My Chin]]."''
Numerous trolls and tartlets alike have begun to [[flamewar|argue]] with Mariana on the comments of the articles, in the hopes of getting it's to confess more lulzy secrets and leave more laughable quotes. Recent posters have taken to imitating Mariana, and causing it's to [[rage]] about it ''"identity being stolen"''. As DCQC exists entirely to attract complaints, they have yet to [[stfu|"silence it"]], and don't have plans to. So long as this is the case, Mariana will likely continue to [[troll bait|comment]].
In November 2010, Habermann [[banned]] Mariana from METOKUR after months of it [[spamming|disrupting the site's activity]]. It still stalks their [[deviantART]] page daily and almost certainly attempts to post daily in halfhearted attempt to get unbanned and "apologize". Regretfully, METOKUR [[Goodnight Sweet Prince|went offline]] in late [[2012]] due to the [[asspie|admin's]] loss of interest in the site, and the content on Mariana most likely lost forever.
'''Posts Mariana has commented on:'''
*[http://dcqc.metokur.org/2009/07/16/raccoons/#comments Raccoons]
*[http://dcqc.metokur.org/2010/03/21/month-in-review-march-2010/#comments Month in Review: March 2010]
*[http://dcqc.metokur.org/2010/04/20/sunrises-dont-smile/#comments Sunrises Don't Smile]
*[http://dcqc.metokur.org/2010/05/07/nathan-f-on-encyclopedia-dramatica/#comments "Nathan F" on Enyclopedia Dramatica]
===[http://slapstickanarchy.com/ Slapstick Anarchy]===
[[File:MarianaandRents.jpg|thumb|right|Mariana attempts to have a [[srs]] debate about how to kill the imaginary monster she invented, before going on to compare [[ED]] to [[Perez Hilton]].]]
A decidedly obscure blog by the name of Slapstick Anarchy reviewed a piece written by Mariana entitled [http://drmusic2-1.deviantart.com/art/I-love-Werejohncandyism-151681967 "I love Werejohncandyism"], under the assumption it was an elaborate joke. When Mariana came to defend it's honor, however, the author soon found that she was indeed [[batshit insane|legitimate]]. Overnight, rents' blog which had previously had no more than a comment on any of it's previous articles found itself knee-deep in walls of text, posted by none other than the werejohncandy itself.
Noting the success of it's first entry, rents would later write two companion pieces, including an in-depth explanation of [http://slapstickanarchy.com/?p=877 the anatomy of a werejohncandy], and a public service announcement detailing [http://slapstickanarchy.com/?p=895 how to slay a werejohncandy]. Mariana, in all it's childish stupidity, mistook these joke articles for legitimate guides, and argued that rents had "got it all wrong", completely oblivious to the fact that nobody in the world takes the concept of it's fursona seriously besides itself. It's would enter [[tl;dr|pages-long]] back-and-forth debates with the webmaster, whom apparently had nothing better to do than to argue with an [[CWC|autistic 40-year-old men]] who believe they are [[Twilight|werewolf actors]] trapped inside human bodies.
'''Posts regarding Mariana:'''
*[http://slapstickanarchy.com/?p=870 This Week in Illiterature: The Life of a Werejohncandy]
*[http://slapstickanarchy.com/?p=877 Special Feature: Anatomy of a Werejohncandy]
*[http://slapstickanarchy.com/?p=895 PSA: Top Five Ways to Kill a Werejohncandy]
==Fursona Swapping==
[[File:Naturalbornwerejohncandy.jpg‎ |thumb|left|Overnight, Mariana's deviantID changed from this...]]
[[File:Naturalbornweregrinch.jpg‎ |thumb|right|... To this. So much for "natural born"!]]
{{quote|I've decided to change my monster persona from a werejohncandy to a weregrinch. The reason why is that the weregrinch is simply more badass and besides no one would dare to pick on a weregrinch.|Excerpt from [http://drmusic2-1.deviantart.com/journal/32053364/ "Monster Form Switch"]}}
{{quote|Well it all started when I was at Universal Studios Hollywood, I spotted Jim Carrey while sight seeing, I tried to go up to him but he was too fast and he bit me on the hand - now every night i turn into a grinch. | DrMusic2, [http://comments.deviantart.com/4/10688233/1568507368/ on the origins of it's disease.]}}
[[File:John-Candy.jpg|thumb|165px|right|John Candy is [[disappoint]].]]
[[File:Werejohncandyggro_s2.jpg|thumb|165px|right|The legacy of [[Shit|fine art]] Mariana is now leaving behind it's.]]
Overnight, following this article going live and [http://www.metokur.org/devart/2010/05/07/nathan-f-on-encyclopedia-dramatica/ DCQC announcing it] on their page, Mariana decided to ''swap out it's fursona in a desperate attempt to avoid being trolled''. Whole-heartedly believing that by announcing she was one species of imaginary monster instead of some other form of imaginary monster, that [[Unrealistic expectations|the Internet might leave it's alone]], completely oblivious to the fact that it's claiming to be '''ANY BREED''' of imaginary monster warrants continued trolling.
Never mind the absolutely retarded idea that Mariana [[srsly]] believes - now that she is a "weregrinch" - that she is beyond mockery: The fact that she is now feverishly denying ''ever having been a werejohncandy'' is perhaps candidate for the single most absurd "turn on a dime" ever performed by a victim in the history of documented trolling. Since the day she joined dA, she had been claiming to be a [[Retarded|"natural born werejohncandy"]]. One sleepless night later, and it's page now boldly claims that she is ''and has always been'' a [[Retarded|"natural born weregrinch"]]. How you can be "naturally born" as one species, and then claim the next minute you were "born" some other species is beyond me. Not even [[Transgender|trannies]] deny that they were born as either a male or female before deciding to make the change.
'''Evidence confirming Mariana's past as a werejohncandy:'''
*[[DrMusic2/The benefits of being a werejc|"The benefits of being a werejc"]]
*[[DrMusic2/Werejohncandy tf guide|"Werejohncandy tf guide"]]
*[[DrMusic2/Werejc facts|"Werejc facts"]]
*[[DrMusic2/History of the werejohncandy|"History of the werejohncandy"]]
*[[DrMusic2/Brotherhood of the werejc|"Brotherhood of the werejc"]]
*[[DrMusic2/Werejohncandyism For Nitwits|"Werejohncandyism For Nitwits"]]
*[[DrMusic2/Chronicles Of A Werejohncandy|"Chronicles Of A Werejohncandy"]]
*[[DrMusic2/How to care for a werejc|"How to care for a werejc"]]
*[[DrMusic2/Werejcs and MJ|"Werejcs and MJ"]]
*[[DrMusic2/Infamous werejc|"Infamous werejc"]]
*[[DrMusic2/John Candy For A Week|"John Candy For A Week"]]
*[[DrMusic2/A Werejohncandy tale|"A Werejohncandy tale"]]
*[[DrMusic2/10 drawbacks to being a werejc|"10 drawbacks to being a werejc"]]
*[[DrMusic2/About the werejohncandy|"About the werejohncandy"]]
*[[DrMusic2/Werejohncandyism For Nitwits|"Werejohncandyism For Nitwits"]]
*[[DrMusic2/The_life_of_a_werejohncandy|"The life of a werejohncandy"]]
It can be concluded from these so-called "stories" that Mariana did, at point in time, believe she was "born a werejohncandy." The reason for it's deciding she no longer wishes to affiliate with it's made-up species of make-believe monster is that she legitimately believes in it's made-up monsters, and legitimately believes that it' made-up weregrinches are beyond real mockery. Unfortunately for it, it's monsters ''aren't'' real, and the Internet doesn't take kindly to [[Furries|sick fucks who have given up on humanity and wish instead that they were born as animals]]. As such, even as it pretends to be it's new weregrinch fursona, it will still be subject to mockery, as it rightfully should be.
'''UPDATE: New fursona!'''
Elaborating on it's [[inflation|fetish for transforming into overweight comedians]], Mariana has now professed to be a [[Shit no one cares about|Wereleno]] on her new dA account. That's right: part [[wolf]], part [[Hambeast|Jay Leno]], and part sasquatch turd. And as of late 2011, Mariana created the Werestallone, a.k.a. [[Shit no one cares about|Stallonian]], only to abandon it when [[User: Endsenten|Endsenten]] created photomanips that were posted on dA, eliciting many lulz. She has returned to the [[Mary Sue|Wereleno]] fursona as of March 30, 2012, but reverted to the [[What|Werebelushi]], half mangy wolfdog, part [[Hambeast|John Belushi]] that she used to great extent on the [[Ghey|Blues Brothers]] Central forums in [[2007]] and [[2008]] shortly after, she continues to use the "werebelushit" as her fursona with signs that it is permanent. While it would be great if Mariana [[Overdose|met John Belushi's fate]], she will probably die alone in middle age in a group home atop a pile of her own [[shit]] with her [[ginger|Andria Kilgore]] [[Kevin Havens|doll]] [[plushophilia|between her legs]] with its head in her [[vagina]].
Large humanoid shapechanger with a big chin.
Special Quality:
Have the appearance, voice and characteristics of Jay Leno circa 1980 to 1998, skilled fighters, great at being villainous, chin emphathy, remarkably deadly and sinister like Dracula, extremely high intelligence, keen senses, a keen sense of humour, make great villains, have a powerful chin, can sense when danger is near.
Beware of the chin. WereLenos are the most diabolical werecreatures in the land.  They have the appearance, voice, and characteristics of Jay Leno circa 1980 to 1998 as well as various interesting super powers including chin based hidden powers, they have dark fur with silverish undertones, a long mane, pointed ears, claws, fanged canine teeth, a black nose, glowing orangish eyes and bushy eyebrows. VVereLenos are very rare and elusive in some states and trying to find one is an impossibility as is becoming one.
To become one of these you have either have a birthday on the same date as Jay Leno himself, touch Jay's chin (this is the classic way) or be a blood relative of his- another way to do this is to have a special bond with your chin (this is called "Chin telepathy") in which your chin must become sentient in order for it work.|- CHIN POWERS. You can't make this shit up.}}
==Political Agenda==
As per usual with Asperger's syndrome, Mariana is deeply engaged with current events which divides the fabric of today's society. It mainly focuses on rallying people together and fighting for what's right on Change.org, often failing to gain a single signature, not even it's own name. This disturbing trend provides an insight to what is happening around the world today. Turns out people do not care about such pressing issues as "McFarlane Toys: More Chris Walken Figures", "All of the internet: Make screencapping illegal" or even "The Internet: Take Combusting Herpes down" (which has been down for almost 2 months now after it's self-destruction.)
http://i.imgur.com/ovH9OdZ.png - Nathan Forester's most successful petition which turned out to be the same 3 people signing over and over again.
==Continued Trolling==
[[File:Sasquatch_by_DrMusic2_1.jpg|thumb|right|Take care not to confuse the Sasquatch with [[Trolldin|a proper troll]].]]
Trolling Mariana is just about as easy as can be, and keeping her continued attention is as simple as not giving into her demands: If she wants you to take down a copy of one of her pictures, rehost it on as many image-hosting services as you can and send the URLs to her. If she wants you to leave her friends alone, harass them until they leave deviantART. Whatever you do, [[Ondore|don't believe her lies]], and don't let her convince you that she's a "nice guy" ''([[aspies]] are subhuman, and are incapable of emotion)''.
If you're too stupid to figure out on your own how to piss off a furry, here are some helpful tips you can use to pretend you're a troll:
*Suggest that a werewolf version of John Candy is a stupid fursona to have
*Suggest that a werewolf version of Jim Carrey as the Grinch is a stupid fursona to have
*Suggest that a werewolf version of Sylvester Stallone is a stupid fursona to have
*Call her out on her [[Goth|Elvira]] obsession and call her a cougar-chasing [[lesbian]]
*Remind it that John Candy died of a [[HNG|heart attack]] at age 43, and that Mariana "doesn't have much time left!"
*Remind it that Jim Carrey is a talentless hack, and that the live action Grinch movie sucked
*Tell her [[truth|Steve Martin is better than Jim Carrey]]
*Say you like Were(insert another dead comedian)s better!
*[[Troll|Critique]] her art, and watch her accuse you of [[flaming]] regardless of how legitimate your criticisms are
*Make fun of it supposed friends
*Make fun of it supposed friends' pictures
*Remind it that online acquaintances are not real friends
*Remind it that only children believe in imaginary monsters
*Accuse it of being gay
*Accuse it of being egotistical
*Accuse it of shamelessly promoting for her supposed friends
*Any or all of the above, but on a site that isn't deviantART that she can't delete your entries on ''(Or have [[Moderator|someone else]] do it for her)''.
*Tell it she is violating copyright law.
*Tell it that her "friend" Andria Kilgore is a sockpuppet
*Tell it that she will go to a group home or a mental hospital when her [[parents]] die
*Call it a "budos olah" (Hungarian gypsy term for "Stinky Gypsy")
*Make fun of New Zealand or Romania maliciously
*Simply respond to it with "Fuck off Nathan, nobody gives a shit."
==Reactions to [[Encyclopedia Dramatica]]==
'''On deviantART and DCQC...'''
[[File:MarianasReaction.jpg‎|thumb|left|Mariana, failing to spell "goddamn" or "Encyclopedia" correctly.]]
[[File:DrMusic_on_DCQC.jpg‎|thumb|right|Denying it's history as a werejohncandy, and cursing ED.]]
[[File:MarianaAndHabermann.jpg‎|thumb|right|An amusing exchange between [[Faggot|Habermann]] and Mariana.]]
[[File:DrmusicArgument.jpg|thumb|left|Mariana explains the [[science]] behind it [[assburgers|madness]].]]
[[File:EDGoAway.jpg|thumb|left|Mariana tosses the word "[[lulz]]" as if she knows what it means.]]
{{morphquote|Dmusic|background-color: white; margin: auto;|font-weight: bold;
|Technically you deserved it. And unless you take down that article on ED about me i’m afraid i’m going to have to write another one – perhaps about one of your minions. And i didn’t [[Star Wars|maul]] to death, i spared your tie and your shoes.|Excerpt from a comment on [http://www.metokur.org/devart/2010/05/07/nathan-f-on-encyclopedia-dramatica/#comments "Nathan F" on Encyclopedia Dramatica]
|So what if i still believe in monsters? There is nothing wrong about believing in monsters or that you are one.
[[BAWW|They don't understand me]], no not at all.|Excerpt from [http://drmusic2-1.deviantart.com/journal/32053107/ "Enclyopedia Dramatica gone too far"]
|Attention EDiots, if you're looking for lulz you have come to the wrong place. In fact all the lulz here were already gone before you showed up.
In fact by the time you read that article on ED it will already be too late, the lolz are all dead. The lolcow has been milked and slaughtered to death and is now a dish at the lolstakehouse. There is nothing more for you to see.
There is nothing more to add, there is nothing to see here - move along now.
You can all get on with your lives now.|Excerpt from [http://drmusic2-1.deviantart.com/journal/32109252/ "The lulz are gone"]
|... You have no right to do this to [[scum|people like me]].|Excerpt from a comment on [http://www.metokur.org/devart/2010/05/07/nathan-f-on-encyclopedia-dramatica/#comments "Nathan F" on Encyclopedia Dramatica]
[[File:Drmusic yahoo.png|thumb|right|]]
'''On [http://madworldofdocm.blogspot.com/ it personal blog]...'''
File:DrmusicBS1.jpg|Demonstrating it's inability to ''not'' make pop culture references.
File:DrmusicBS2.jpg|Singing the gospel of [[Uncyclopedia]] and [[Urbandictionary]].
File:DrmusicBS3.jpg|Mariana lying through it's teeth, and systematically denying everything.
File:DrmusicBS4.jpg|Attempting to rally it's imaginary personal army against [[ED]].
'''And even on [[Encyclopedia Dramatica]] itself!'''
[[File:DM2onED1.jpg|thumb|600px|center|[[MysteryBot]] can not compute the humanoid concept of "dreaming".]]
[[File:DM2onED2.jpg|thumb|600px|center|Plugging Uncyclopedia on an [[Talk:DrMusic2|article's talk page]] is a great way to convince ED to take your article down! Love the [[Idiot|bad spelling and grammar]] btw.]]
==EDF 2 Saga==
In July 2011, after the forums has been resurrected for the 2.5th time, an EDiot made a topic about ED's asspie brother [[METOKUR]]. A few posts after, something brown, furry and [[Canada|Canadian]] appears! Mariana Hanks started bitching about how she white knighted some furry chick on METOKUR, which caused it's to be IP banned. EDiots quickly hung it's up like a piñata and beat the lulz out of it's. She continued to contradict itself in the thread, which turned into a "DrMusic2 Gangbanging Thread". Then, she made a thread pleading to [[Zaiger]] to take down it's article, but she continued to make an ass out of itself.
{{quote|My favorite part is how the people on this pathetic troll breeding ground you call a website are obsessed with lulz and make bad meme references and post overly large pictures just to make a point, I also like how one of them took one of the John Candy movie screencaps I have without permission and used a crappy photo-editing program and typed shut the fuck up on it.
Seriously, you guys need a life outside of trolling. Like get a girlfriend or a boyfriend and abuse them for a change.|- DrMusic2, [[Bawwwww|calmly telling those nasty trolls off]].}}
[[image:Johncandystfu.png|thumb|left|Even John Candy wants DrMusic to [[STFU]]]]
It's spergings were then ignored by the Ediots in the thread. She blames this on ED's server and gave a suggestion.
{{quote|The only reason it takes twice the effort for me to reply is because the server on this site keeps acting up, and also it's damn slow. No wonder the actual ED site keeps getting taken off and moved to another server.
She repeatedly posted in the thread saying TAKE MY ARTICLE DOWN OR ELSE not knowing that posters on the thread aren't even EDitors or sysops (except for Zaiger). She was then instructed to [[Get on IRC fgt|get on IRC]], but she [[How do i shot web?|doesn't even know what IRC is]]. After finally installing IRC, she instead went to [[FurAffinity|some furry chatroom]]. Meanwhile back on EDF, she bragged that she has talked to sysops [[No|who agreed to take down it's article]].
{{quote|A little late for the party aren't ya? I went on ED IRC yesterday and asked one of the SYSOPS to take it down and they did.
If it seemed like I was crying, that's a little something called acting.|DrMusic2 daydreamed}}
Ediots demanded proof, which DrMusic replied with more white noise. Which then Zaiger replied:
{{quote|Well he talked to me, not on IRC but on the Forums. He was polite and cordial so I told him I would delete it. However, since he immediately went to [[Fail|gloat and troll and act like a total dick about it]] I am not going to waste my time deleting something for that rude person when it is not my responsibility to begin with. Sorry DrMusic, you should have just [[GTFO]] while you were still ahead.|Zaiger puts the final nail on a weregrinch's coffin}}
According to eyewitness reports, the werejohncandy/werejayleno can still be seen roaming the [[Failbook|internet wilderness]], where she [[butthurt|continues to post complaints]] on ED's page (which she then deletes an hour later).
==Return to EDF2 and gross nudes==
Over time the admins began to unban DrMusic from the forum for the sake of everyones [[LULZ|amusement]], and ban it again when it flood of butthurt threads became too annoying. Finally, after she began to E-stalk Zaiger she was banned for good.
But that was not the end. Its seems Mariana is too retarded to tell apart admins and mods from regular users, and began begging random people on EDF (including [[Negi Springfield]]) to have it's article removed. In a final misguided attempt to get it's article taken down she sent a repulsive, pants down picture of it [[DO NOT WANT|hairy, AIDS infested snatch]] to random members of the forum it mistook for people with actual influence.
Most people simply vomited and ignored it, but two of it unlucky victims decided to take advantage of the situation by convincing it that if she sends them more naked pictures they can get Zaiger to take the article down. But soon it became apparent that she is [[facepalm|too much of a retard to adjust it's built in camera]], and can not get it's [[fat|saggy tits]] in frame even when holding them up. To resolve this, an attempt was made to get it to do a live show on Skype, but then she [[idiot|lost it's password and could not figure out how to get it back or make a new account.]] Finally, one of the two contacted it under the alias "Jessi", pretending to be a computer technician, and got it to give him remote control over the computer to do it all for it. (as well as getting it to sing [[Monty Python|"iv got a lovely bunch of coconuts"]])
At this point a new trolling opportunity presented itself. After the (un)wanted nudz were acquired she was once again requested to let "Jessi" take control of her computer and "fix" it , because [[User:78magnumXE|78magnumXE]] had infected it with a [[AIDS|virus]]. She gladly let him delete everything on it's computer '''THREE FUCKING TIMES''' and gave him access to it's passwords. After it became apparent that Mariana somehow knows how to reinstall windows (a feat for any aspie like itself), they continued by shutting down it's account on Youtube and Google+, replacing all the pictures in it's Facebook account with it's nudes for [[Less than three|all her friends]] to see, and put all of it [[over nine thousand|2000]] furry stories on Deviantart in storage, because deleting them was too much of a task (it still took it a month to realize they were not deleted), and replacing them with [[loli]] porn. 
''And here they are:''
{{cg|'''VIEW AT OWN RISK!!'''|dm2g1|center|<gallery>
File:DrMusic puss.png|The picture that started it all.
File:DrMusic bra.png|
File:DrMusic bra2.png|
File:DrMusic bra4.png|
File:DrMusic bra5.png|
File:DrMusic ass.png|
File:DrMusic ass2.png|MAN THE HARPOONS!!!
File:DrMusic tits.png|
File:DrMusic pits.png|EEEEWW...
File:DrMusic face.png|Look at that mustachio...
''And the video:''
<video type="vimeo" id="39946892" width="500" height="450" desc="The stuff of nightmares." frame="true" position="center"/>
{{cg|Reactions to Mariana's newfound interest in lolicon|dm2g2|center|<gallery>
File:DRmusicLog8.png|Nathen admits the awful truth.
File:DRmusicLog4.png|DrMusics letter to Dreamworks... I bet they care.
==Nico's death==
Mariana's long-suffering 13-year-old cat [[Fag|Nico]] died just before Christmas [[2011]], supposedly of [[Lie|kidney failure]], but ediots in [[EDF2: Electric Boogaloo|the forums]] came up with a more likely and more lulzy explanation of the cat's demise and compared its death to that of [[Chris-chan]]'s dog Patti.
{{morphquote|nicodie|background-color: white; margin: auto;|font-weight: bold;
|My cat's death is not something for you to ridicule on this forum, death by kidney failure is not a laughing matter. I mean, [[User: 78magnumXE|78magnumXE]] should know - he's had heart problems so he knows how it feels.| DrMusic, forgetting we have no heart.
|You do know that it scientifically for a person or animal to die from being 'sat on', right? That only applies in cartoons, this was a real life event. And most things done in cartoons would impossible to pull off in real life.
I mean why do you think that most of the furry and inflation art is made to look as terrible as people on here say it is? Because it's made to be cartoony - it's fantasy. Fantasy NOT reality.
And besides my cat died of kidney failure, something which is a lot more serious than being squished (you don't see people getting sat on or squished in real life, except by boulders or a few other things) and need I remind you...it's REAL LIFE NOT A FUCKING CARTOON SHOW?| It's rage only makes it's guilt more obvious.
In early 2012, Mariana's [[parents]] gave into it begging for another cat, and purchased two kittens, named Casper and Billy. Mariana claimed that [[White trash|Casper]] was returned to the pound, but for all we know, Mariana could have [[Kenny Glenn|tortured it to death]] given the propensity [[asspies]] have for violence.
Discussion of Nico's demise continued on [[EDF2: Electric Boogaloo|the forums]], and Mariana continues to squirm at the mention of Nico [[Wang Jue|dying of kidney failure]], even more so when mentions of Mariana's current pet cat [[Goatse|Billy]] being [[animal abuse|crushed to death under Mariana's fat asspie ass]] are seen. [[Goatse|Billy]] [[Zippocat|died]] of [[An hero|choking on a cat treat]] early in 2013, the Hanks family has most likely stopped buying [[lolcat|cats]] due to [[Oldfag|it's]] [[Snorlax|parents']] [[Old people|age]], the amount of money spent on cat toys and food at PetSmart that could be used on [[plushophilia|plushies]], [[vidya]], [[McDonald's]] and [[plastic crap]], and [[Luka Rocco Magnotta|Mariana torturing the cats]]..
{{morphquote|morphquote|background-color: white; margin: auto;|font-weight: bold;
|Yeah I know i'm retarded in your eyes. It's just you know, I still don't think it is entirely possible for someone to die from being sat on, for one thing - to crush an adult it would have to be 900lbs of force or weight, and furthermore if that happens it would crush the ribs and causes internal bleeding beforehand.
For [[User: Endsenten|a guy who uses a scientist as an avatar]], you should have at least known about something like that.
Also.....you should have at least credit me for the WereStallone concept, it's neat seeing my vision come to life but did you HAVE to use a overweight female model? I mean really...you couldn't find anything better?| Photoshoping crap is [[plagiarism]] when we do it, but when she does it [[hypocrite|it's art.]]
|Okay I had a crush on Beckham back when I was a little girl about 7 or 8 but I didn't really fantasize about him all that much, he was rarely in any of them. I would hardly call them 'sexual fantasies' if the object of your desires isn't in them.
And besides I grew out of it, it was a phase. Everyone has a phase they grow out of eventually.| Part of it's ongoing cycle of admittance and denial regarding it's fapping.
|Technically it's not lies. It's true. And comfority is not a good thing, dude. And I already AM more social outside of the internet. So there's no need for that.
After all Reality is twice as harsh as the internet, so why bother accepting it? I've already been treated like shit and left for dead in real life way before this whole ED thing. You don't think I know that? Let me tell ya something....
And without a single of a doubt I have been put down more times than YOU or anyone else in this website, you have no ideas how much trouble i've been put through.
You know nothing about me. And you never will. And yes I'm butthurt and I KNOW i'll only be adding to the article, but you have NO idea how horrible it is not being able to live such an insulting piece of garbage down....
It's like on every other website apart from this it's like..."Hey! Aren't you that werejohncandy guy?" "It's the werejohncandy!", etc.
The werejohncandy is a Role i'll never live down thanks to that stupid article, and no matter how many times I try to convince them they still only think of me as the werejohncandy, my stupid retarded fursona which I used for a while.
And for the record, I HAD to switch it to weregrinch because welll.....after Rents of Slapstick Anarchy caught wind of the whole werejohncandy thing along with the ED article.......I wasn't able to live it down.
If there's one thing I HATE it's when people keep mentioning me because of that stupid article or referring to me as the 'Werejohncandy', you have no idea how horrible it is.| [[tl;dr]] [[tard]] [[rage]].
==The werejohncandy speaks==
Among other things Mariana uploads and [[DELETE FUCKING EVERYTHING|deletes moment's later]] are it's autism ridden youtube videos. Most of these are gone within hours, or even minutes of their creation, but [[Fukken saved|some have been salvaged]] by your good friends on ED.
{| style="margin: 0 auto"
|{{frame|{{videoframe|RYTP|background-color: #3ed600;|font-weight: bold;
|<youtube>5l1r-DGNl3o</youtube><center>'''[[Umad|U MAD?]]'''</center>
|<youtube>-g4UlYWd610</youtube><center>'''[[Nope.avi|It's da truth guise]]'''</center>
|<youtube>uQUG6ZGkMTE</youtube><center>'''[[Nope.avi|PLS take my article down]]'''</center>
|<youtube>ui4Lz4S1_BA</youtube><center>'''[[Asperger%27s_Syndrome|...more Assburgers...]]'''</center>
|<youtube>ZgJhpPNJhqk</youtube><center>'''[[Asperger%27s_Syndrome|...and even more Assburgers]]'''</center>
|<youtube>09pq_vIunf4</youtube><center>'''[[Shit|It's "fanfic review"]]'''</center>
|<youtube>N9PrjKoaueU</youtube><center>'''[[Lolwut|Frog Mercenaries]]'''</center>
|<youtube>uIwvaGn0huU</youtube><center>'''[[Asperger%27s_Syndrome|Frog mercenaries explained...]]'''</center>
|<youtube>wa-_w-giRV4</youtube><center>'''[[Hurr|...but they're really good, guise!]]'''</center>
|<youtube>WP8j7q7JAGs</youtube><center>'''[[Lies|BUT SRSLY GUISE I DON'T HAVE ASSBURGERS]]'''</center>
|<youtube>gQ2DURPfGM8</youtube><center>'''[[Earrape|It's singing]]'''</center>
|<youtube>iQWXPPPfYk4</youtube><center>'''[[Nope.avi|..."But I'm getting better!"]]'''</center>
|<youtube>gJJc-d3V8Eo</youtube><center>'''[[BAWWW|ABORT ABORT MASSIVE SPERG MELTDOWN]]'''</center>
|<youtube>tVWLNIFa1A8</youtube><center>'''[[BAWWW|Part 2]]'''</center>
|<youtube>iaozIcv5tKU</youtube><center>'''[[Lies|"Reviewing" ED]]'''</center>|}}|border=#3ed600|background=#3ed600}}
{{videoframe|BOTDFvids|background-color: #3ed600;|font-weight: bold;
|<youtube>lDEQA91ptgE</youtube><center>'''[[Hurr|Plz giv teh werebelushits sum luv :(]]'''</center>
|<youtube>WP8j7q7JAGs</youtube><center>'''[[Lies|BUT SRSLY GUISE I DON'T HAVE ASSBURGERS]]'''</center>
|<youtube>gQ2DURPfGM8</youtube><center>'''[[Earrape|It's singing]]'''</center>
|<youtube>iQWXPPPfYk4</youtube><center>'''[[Nope.avi|..."But I'm getting better!"]]'''</center>
|<youtube>gJJc-d3V8Eo</youtube><center>'''[[BAWWW|ABORT ABORT MASSIVE SPERG MELTDOWN]]'''</center>
|<youtube>tVWLNIFa1A8</youtube><center>'''[[BAWWW|Part 2]]'''</center>
|<youtube>iaozIcv5tKU</youtube><center>'''[[Lies|"Reviewing" ED]]'''</center>|}}
==[[Email]] correspondence with [[User:78magnumXE|78magnumXE]]==
With it's rage showing so sings of subsiding, she continues to flood the mailboxes of various members of ED with retarded hate mail, [[what|greeting cards containing curses]] and other assorted crap.
Here is a small part of the collection of endless hate mail sent to 78magnumXE:
<center>{{morphquote|drmquotes1|background-color:white;|font-weight: bold;|
> Date: Fri, 30 Dec 2011 17:13:51 -0800 We need to talk. Now. I've just about had it with you and your anti-me propaganda, I know you're still talking about the forums and all but this obsession with wanting to get rid of me has gone too far, for god's sake you even put a werejc wiki page. I admit to doing a bit of trolling and stalking in the past but at least I wasn't as bad as you, I mean you are an absolute dick-head, I hate your guts and I hope that you'll get eventually banned from the internet.
> Face it - YOU ARE NOT GOING TO SUCEED IN TRYING TO GET RID OF ME, YOU NEVER WILL. I'll still be here, and i'll still be around, you'll never get what you want. Admit it, what you are doing is pretty much pointless.
First of all, [[Chris-chan]] comparisons? Really? You've had all this experience in trying to troll and stalk me and the best you can think of is [[Truth|Chris Chan comparisons and worthless crap about how much you hate me]]? What? Didn't you learn anything from the time you were EGY's friend? Damn it, you're even worse of a failtroll wannabe than I used to be.
And also [[METOKUR|Metokur]] references are not cool. [[METOKUR|Metokur]] is ED's retarded little brother and is just as bad. Also for a site that ridiculous and hates on practically every living thing i'm surprised the [[ED]] Wiki hasn't even taken into consideration to ridicule itself, I mean [[ED]] itself is mentioned on the 'Unfunny' article entry on the wiki, I mean I know it's satire, but it's not very good satire if it is self-aware of how dumb it is.
At least i'm self-aware of how dumb my own work tends to be, and that's exactly the point. It's supposed to be dumb. Heck, during the time EGY was trolling me, I wrote a story ridiculing myself and my own works, I also make fun of my own work on numerous occasions. I'm yet to see anyone on ED do the same.
Hello [[User:78magnumXE|Chris]]. Do you know what prost magar means in Romanian? It means stupid asshole, since you used a racial slurr to call me a stinky romanian. I think it's about time that I fought back, you are a prost magar - a stupid asshole.
Scratch that, you're not just the asshole - you're the whole damn donkey. Hee haw! Not only are you an asshole but you've got to be the most evil of the trolls i've dealt with, from your sick obsession with wanting to get rid of me, from you making me lie to you about Andria just to satisfy your hunger, from your downright questionable trolling methods in general - damn, you are one eeeeevil dude. Even Hitler would faint at the sight of you, you're just THAT scary.
I mean how can anyone stand to be around a guy like you? I mean how can they can not be creeped out by your beaviour? Does anyone else know that you have a sick obsession with wanting to get rid of me besides your EDiot friends on the forums? I sure as hell hope so....because then they can see what a creep you truly are.
You're not only a troll , but you're a douchebag, a pain in the ass, a stalker, and just generally just plain creepy and pure evil. I mean damn, you're almost like a serial killer. I wouldn't be surprised if this sick obsession with me would cause you to be sent to a mental asylum, because quite frankly that's where a person like you belongs.
I mean not even Heath Ledger's Joker was that terrifying compared to you.
I lied about [[Waifu|Andria]] not being real to satisfy you, you made me do it. You manipulated me and pressured me into it, you used me. And as for your claim of not being 'mentally ill', I think the constant posts you make me about me and your sick obsession with wanting to get rid of me prove otherwise, you're more than just a troll you are a fucking stalker, you're even worse than I used to be back in the day.
I mean damn, you'd even make someone like Hitler wet himself, because you're like a bastard combination of an online troll and a serial killer, I wouldn't be surprised if you actually did keep a list of the people you secretly wished to kill and I wouldn't be surprised if I was on that list, I bet you would even go to such extreme lengths as making a deal with the [[devil]] in order to try and get rid of me, heck...you probably even have a vodoo doll of me with you and that you're probably poking it.
Well it's working, you're causing me so much pain and you've already made me BAAAAAAW my eyes out, so mission accomplished.
You know there's one thing you haven't tried yet.....that's IGNORING ME! If you hate me that much, then you should just either keep it to yourself or just plain ignore me - that's what most normal people would do if they were in your shoes. Revenge is not the best way to solve anything, this isn't Desperado or one of those big budget action movies, this is real life and you need to realize that in life - you can't win.
You're never going to be sucessful in your attempts to get rid of me, because no matter how hard you try - you'll never win. I've been using the internet since I was 10 or maybe 12 years old and i've been using computers longer than you have, and I'm going to keep on doing what I'm doing and you're not gonna stop me.
You need to get over this sick obsession with me, turn off your computer, go outside, maybe go back to doing your real job, and do something more productive than trying to troll me all the time, and i'm saying this for your own good. You're one of the most messed up trolls i've ever had the misfortune of dealing with, and i've dealt with a lot.
At least EGY got a change of heart after she got banned from DA as did Midnight-Oyl, you on other hand should have just stopped after that - revenge is not the best way to go at it, and you should know that.
Sure I hate you in return but I haven't even done anything to you physically. And where did you get that idea that you think i'm a pedo from? I bet it's from that little bitch Shamoosh, who you used to hang around with when you were Cyan-King. Look, I only wrote that story about it because I was pissed off at it's for actually believing EGY's troll act and for generally insulting my interests and as for the 'pedo' thing, I may have called it 'sexy' in the story but I never did call it that in any of the posts, and I deleted that story remember, and another thing I cannot believe you were stupid enough to actually like it. At least I was smart enough to know that she was a troll, do you know how fucking long it took for me to finally get banned from the site? And she wasn't even after me to begin with, she wanted Rebecca.
Come to think of it, you're making me wanna miss EGY. Sure she was a poor troll and [[METOKUR|Metokur]] member, but damn she was actually pretty good. You on the other hand are just pathetic, i'm sayi ng this for your good - you need to get help or do something besides hang out on Encyclopedia Dramatica's forums. I mean there are lots of other much better sites to go to, and personally I never liked ED anyway. And it's not just because of me getting any article either, it's also because I don't find that site funny in anyway. I mean it's just a bunch of bad meme references that no one finds funny and false information that they made up just because they felt like it, I know what satire is - but ED is not good satire.
ED is more along the lines of [[Jews|Seltzer and Friedberg]], it's immature and not to mention overuses old memes that no one finds funny anymore, not to mention it's sick use of grossout humour (i.e [[Kittens|the kittens page]]) and the fact they hate on pretty much everything.
Or if this is too much "tld:r" for your brain to handle, how about this? JUST IGNORE ME FOR FUCK'S SAKE. THAT WAY IT WILL GO AWAY AND GET BETTER!
Look. I only set up that other email account because [[User:Beefrave|Beefrave]] said that I was the only way to deal with this problem I have with you, and you really do need to get over this sick obsession with wanting to get rid of me - because you know what, you'll never win - this isn't a movie, this is real life. And while you and your EDiot buddies think of me as nothing but a lolcow, no one else on earth thinks that way about me - okay I get it, you hate me. BUT JUST KEEP YOUR OPINIONS TO YOURSELF! THE WHOLE WORLD DOES NOT NEED TO KNOW HOW MUCH YOU HATE ME.... AND NEITHER DOES ANYONE ELSE!
Just keep it to yourself or just ignore me, sending me all those insulting and threatening emails isn't going to get you anywhere and neither is complaining about me to your EDiot buddies, if you hate me that much just fucking ignore me - that's what most normal people would do.
You need to just turn your computer off, get a life, go outside, and find something more productive than just sitting in your loathing and hatred. I don't care what the hell you say about me, [[Waifu|Andria]] or anyone else who happens to be a friend of mine. You say [[Truth|Andria's not real]]? Fine. You're more than welcome to have your own opinion on that, but to me she is very real. I respect the opinions of others but you just go way too far damn far. I mean really....I haven't said anything about you or done anything to you in week.
I only wanted to straighten things out between us but your behaviour towards me is making it difficult to do so, so why can't you just drop the troll/stalker act and come on here so we can settle things in a polite, non-flaming way? I mean EGY got a change of heart after she got banned from DA - why haven't you? I mean honestly, you sicken me, creep me out, and make me wanna lose my mind at the same time. In all my life, I have never met since an annoying, persistant, twisted, insane, revenge-obsessed troll OL. You are pathetic.
Honestly you make me miss EGY, at least EGY had style and was a lot more fun than you were. I mean what would she think if she found out what you were doing to me now? Given the way she is now - she would probably be shocked and disapointed at how much you didn't learn from the whole troll war between me and it.
You know what, I don't even have to respond to your stupid ass messages, I can just block your address and report them as spam or better yet - trash them, because that's what they are to me, nothing but trash, they are putrid, hatred filled trash that needs to be put out.
You should either ignore me or leave me the fuck alone. Please leave me alone for the rest of your life, don't talk about me ever again, don't even think about talking about me, don't send me any more emails. Go, and never come back online ever again.
You say i'm the one who should be removed off the internet, when in fact it is people like you and the rest of Encyclopedia Dramatica that should be removed and not me - I didn't want to start another troll war after recovering from the whole EGY thing but you just had to come along and sniff around like the sick little vermin you are and start infecting the place with your evil.
I for one hope that the admins on the ED forums will actually catch wind of your behaviour and will ban you and all your IP Address. And may your honour be stricken forever, may all that you've done be removed from the site and their memories, may your name forever be associated with douchebaggery and may you leave the internet and never ever return. Now go.|
Listen Mag-dumb, you're not even trying anymore. All you're doing is repeating yourself over and over again. For god's sake you're becoming obssesed with Endsenten as well as me, like how disgusting. You actually like that bitch? Fuck you.
Also...really claiming you made Andria up? What a load of bullcrap. First you claim that Andria is a sockpuppet, then I had to tell you that she is just to get you to shut up, then you're dumb enough to actually believe that, and now you claim you made her up?
And how many times must I tell you....I am NOT a lesbian, I am telling the godamn truth here - I do NOT have a lesbian crush on Elvira, I just like her personality and the way she sings. That's all. So shut the fuck up about it.
You know what you are? A massive hyprocrit. I mean you go all angry when I mention the fact you're Mexican but have no qualms with calling me stinky romanian in hungarian? Not only are you are a hypocrit but you are a racist.
And i'm not lying about Belushi either.....he's one of my heroes, man. I know I should respect opinions and all but you don't have any right to say this type of thing about me at all, I DON'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK ABOUT WHAT COUNTRY YOU'RE FROM OR THAT YOU HAVE SOME STUPID HEART CONDITION....
That doesn't give you any excuse to act like an asshole and troll and stalk me all fucking day long. Ooooh...that's right, you're an EDiot who doesn't know any better derpy derpy doo.
Second.....all you're doing is currying favor with Zaiger so he won't ban your sorry ass like he should be doing, and you're also sadly trying to recover your pathetic glory days as a Metokur/EGY follower, for god's sake you are even looking up to Endsenten as you view her as 'the replacement EGY'.
All this bullshit you say about me is going nowhere and you are nothing but a lying, coniving, pain in the ass who should have gotten the banhammer treatment years ago, you're the one who should have aborted not me.
You may not think there is nothing phyiscally or mentally wrong with yourself but I do.......I can see right through all your lies and deciet. Even if I do end up in a group home or institution it will be your fault for causing it all to happen.
I mean really broccolli rape? Eeeeew.....that is so low and disgusting even for you. But then again....you just have to make a rule 34 out of EVERYTHING don't you?
Look man, just give the fuck up and leave me the fuck alone. You're not getting any better at this and you're just repeating yourself. I've realized the truth now and that truth is that you are a liar and always will be.
Zaiger is a moron for not banning you in the first place.
In short...
Please get a real life already, I have so why don't you?}}</center>
{{cg|The Werewhatever's Masterpieces|dm2g3|center|<gallery>
‎File:Werejohncandyfree.jpg|Is that an arm where his cock should be or what?
File:Werejohncandyhutthybrid.jpg|[http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1467304/ The Human Centipede] has nothing on Mariana.
File:Werejohncandyshot.jpg|Doing his best "sexy boy pose".
File:Werejohncandyrelax.jpg|Around [[Blacks|werejohncandys]], never relax.
File:Werejohncandyggro_s2.jpg|No prom date...
File:I Beat The Munchies by DrMusic2 1.jpg|''Just takin' a shit''
File:Werejohncandypart3.jpg|Spare some change, sir?
File:Jerry_weregrinch_by_DrMusic2_1.jpg|[[Jerry Seinfeld|Jerry Seinfeld]] as a "weregrinch"? WHAT'S UP WITH THAT!?
File:CatGrinch_by_DrMusic2_1.jpg|A feather-knife for a cock? I don't even know anymore.
File:Jack_Black_Wolfman_by_DrMusic2_1.jpg|Did I mention she likes...
File:Jack_Black_Wolfman_2_by_DrMusic2_1.jpg|... Tracing her own shit?
File:Transformation Trauma by DrMusic2 1.jpg|
File:Josh Peck Biker Mice style by DrMusic2 1.jpg|
File:Gaston The Werebeast by DrMusic2 1.jpg|
File:Drmusicpokemon.jpeg| ‎ 
File:Shittybase1.jpeg|She also likes
File:Shittybase2.jpeg|to use the same
File:Shittybase3.jpeg|shitty base over and over
File:Weregrinch by DrMusic2 1.jpg|
File:Weird Al Kitty by DrMusic2 1.jpg|
File:Jungle cat Underwear by DrMusic2 1.jpg|[[What the fuck?]]
{{cg|Butthurt captions|dm2g4|center|<gallery>
==See Also==
*[[White Knight]]
*[[Teen Werewolf]]
*[[DrMusic2/Cake Or Death]]
==External Links==
*[http://forum.encyclopediadramatica.se/threads/more-drmusic2-faggotry.4302/ Thread on the forums all about it, <strike>90+</strike> 280+ pages and growing]
*[http://mmworldofmonsters.blogspot.com/ Current blog]
*[http://drmusicstalesofamusement.blogspot.co.uk/2009_02_01_archive.html Dr Music's Tales of Amusement]
:*[http://mm13worldofmonsters.wordpress.com/ Previously private blog] ''Get it while you can!''
:*[http://monsterressurection.blogspot.co.nz/ Another new blog] ''(Idle)''
:*<s>[http://madworldofdocm.blogspot.com/ ''"Inside the Lab With Doc M"'' on Blogspot] ''(Consists mostly of reposts from it's deviantART journal)''</s> '''Baleeted!'''
:*[http://docmusicstalesfromthedesktop.blogspot.com/ ''"Doc Music's Tales From The Desktop"''] <span style="color:#B22222">'''ABANDONED'''</span>
:*[http://thedirtytruthwithdocm.blogspot.com/ ''"The Dirty Truth with Doc M"''] <span style="color:#B22222">'''ABANDONED'''</span>
:*[http://monstermaster13snocturnalnightmare.blogspot.com/ Another repost blog] <span style="color:#B22222">'''ABANDONED'''</span>
*[http://monstermaster13.deviantart.com/ Current deviantART account]
:*[http://therealmonstermaster.deviantart.com/ Another one]
*<s>[http://www.facebook.com/nathan.forester2 It's Facebook profile]</s> '''Baleeted!'''
:*[http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003720615465 New FB profile]
*<s>[http://www.youtube.com/user/NathanF76/ It's JewToob account]</s> '''Baleeted!
:*[http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-emciGOymuzc0FoxG-gnrA It's new account]
*[http://twitter.com/#%21/forester_nathan BAWWWing on Twitter]
*[http://www.livejournal.com/userinfo.bml?userid=44062825&t=I Now in LiveJournal too!]
*[http://app.cheezburger.com/Monstermaster2012/ It's butthurt captions]
:*[http://profile.cheezburger.com/Monstermaster13/ Old one]
*[http://www.ebaumsworld.com/user/profile/Monstermaster/ eBaum's World account]
*[http://nz.answers.yahoo.com/activity?show=PnXRU4M4aa Current Yahoo! Answers profile]
*[http://www.ask.com/answers/profile/4107441/nathanforester It sperging on Ask.com]
*[http://vimeo.com/user11199571 Vimeo account, full of assburgers]
*[http://www.redkaraoke.com/profile/Monstermaster132 It's shitty singing]
*[http://www.myspace.com/446165848 Myspace Profile] ''(Idle since January of 2009)''
*<s>[http://drmusic2-1.deviantart.com/ deviantART Profile]</s> '''Baleeted!'''
*<s>[http://forum.deviantart.com/community/rips/1443279/ "Metokur" Complaint Thread]</s> '''Baleeted!'''
*<s>[http://forum.deviantart.com/community/rips/1439813/ "Someone ignored my copyright notice and stole my art and put it on a website called "metokur.or""]</s> '''Baleeted!'''
:*[http://liveweb.archive.org/http://forum.deviantart.com/community/complaints/1456907/ "Damm enclyopedia dramatica"]
*[http://s1126.photobucket.com/profile/DrMusic2010 Current Photobucket Page]
:*[http://s905.photobucket.com/home/DrMusic2-1_2009/index Old Photobucket]
:*[http://s913.photobucket.com/profile/DrMusic2-1 Another old one]
:*[http://s281.photobucket.com/home/ChinstartheWereLeno "Secret" Photobucket]
:*[http://s491.photobucket.com/profile/DrMusic22 It's fap folder]
*[http://monsterworld21.wikispaces.com/ "It's Monster Wiki"] - Had two articles and was vandalized to oblivion by [[EDF2]] until she had to lock it so no one can read it anymore.
===Contact Information===
Link to it's account on Experienceproject, use this for [[stalking|contacting]] [[furfaggot|It]]! [http://www.experienceproject.com/about/monstermaster13]
Here's the link to it's own comment to this article where she [[fail|victimizes itself]] [http://www.experienceproject.com/stories/Have-Been-Trolled/3063631] [[No|Remember to only add supportive and respectful comments]]
[[Category:Abnormal Psych]] [[Category:People]]
{{Timeline|Featured article May 10, [[2010]]|[[Lawrence Taylor]] / [[Catherine Deveny]] (Double Feature)|{{PAGENAME}}|[[HAARP]]}}
{{Timeline|Featured article August 19 & August 20, [[2011]]|[[EDiot]]|{{PAGENAME}}|[[Nevada-tan]]}}

Revision as of 05:02, 16 October 2013