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[[image:Cavedeli.JPG|thumb|Deli meats in its natural habitat.]]
'''Dave Kelly''', also known as "'''Cave Deli'''", "'''[[Truth|The Unfunny Furfag]]'''" or "'''Shmorky'''", is a [[babyfur]] and an internet [[webcomic]] artist best known for The Flash Tub on [[Something Awful]]. His flash movies are often bad attempts at satire, such as '''Furious Famicom Faggot''', a series which could have been a humorous sendup of [[Angry Nintendo Nerd]] but instead quickly decays into some kind of horrible quasi-surrealist mashup in which everyone dies, the mother turns into a piece of bacon, and screaming pieces of fruit appear, betraying Kelly's quickness to resort to ZANY WACKINESS and inability to script actual comedy. Most of his animations take on an acid-trip quality, and, after a while of watching them, seem to blur into an infinitely long tirade of over-the-top  murder, [[furries]], references to Nintendo, and [[Lowtax]]'s shitty electronic music. Shmorky's presence on the SA creative team marked an unofficial end to Something Awful's raids against furries; goons going after the furfag who happened to be on Lowtax's payroll were quickly banned and the ones that remained took another sullen step towards the [[hugbox|catlady hugbox]] Something Awful is today.

[[Image:Glasses5.JPG|thumb|Dave Kelly is a horribly ugly [[emo]] fuck]]
Before he joined Something Awful he produced several comics, sometimes with the purpose of trolling particular [[fandoms]], and sometimes with [[serious business|serious plotlines]], often with [[yiff|romantic elements]]. Although these usually started with the best of intentions, they usually degenerated, albeit at a slower pace, similar to the cartoons he produced for Something Awful.
His so-called art style is gained from him ripping off Vaughn Bode (of lizard zen; but none of [[13 year old boy|you fucks]] were even born then, so he can get away with it right?) and fuglying it up with a hint of [[anime]]. In an ironic twist, Dave's art was recently plagiarized by the even more [[unfunny]] [[Todd Goldman]] [http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=2416213&perpage=40&pagenumber=1]. Many [[internet petition]]s and [[digg]]s have been wrought.
==Lulzing artist==
[[Image:IT_MUST_BE_LOVE.gif|thumb|''Penny Arcade'' exposed]]
Dave has made fun of nearly every [[Boytaur|fucked up thing]] on the internet, causing epic amounts of [[lulz]] and [[butthurt]] pussies in his wake. His list of things he has made fun of includes:
* [[How is babby formed?]]
* ''[[Megatokyo]]''
* ''[[Penny Arcade]]''
* [[Blogs]]
* [[Furries]]
* [[Fanfic]]
* [[Yaoi]]
* [[Gaming]]
* [[Nerds]]
* [[Porn]]
===Notable works:===
[[Image:Shmorky_living_in_gaytown.gif|thumb|[[Typical]] Shmorky comic panel]]
'''Webcomic Stew:'''
Dave giving the [[faggots|webcomic community]] a collective kick to the testicles.
'''Awesome Gamerz:'''
What ''Penny Arcade'' '''should''' be.
'''Big Ones/Otaku Feh:'''
[[Wapanese]] fanboys, and the webcomic ''Sinfest'' get their share of nut-punching.  Caused a massive flame war with ''Sinfest'' readers and the comics creator.
==Internets employment==
[[Image:Pinky_masturbates.png|thumb|Shmorky's art is amazing!!!]]
Kelly has made money off the Internet through various occupations, one of which is doing flash and ads for various sites. If you have been around long enough, you could probably remember those awesome banner ads he did for Fleshlight:
===Cave Deli and Stile===
A few years back, Cave Deli made an unholy business agreement with Jay Stile of [[Stile Project]].  Cave was supposed to [[Islam|receive 72 virgins]] in exchange for doing ads, banners, the [http://www.womenofstile.com/ Women of Stile art] and the comic "[http://www.stilesux.com/sux1.html  Stile Sux]" for Jay Stile.  Unfortunately, Jay couldn't convince 72 of his readers to sell themselves to Shmorky, so he ran off with the money and had his transvestite midgets fuck Cave over the same way he did to Hard of Sexy Losers.... with a [[Giant dildo of death|giant dildo of death]].
===Shmorky and [[Something Awful]]===
In 2004, Shmorky joined up with SomethingAwful to do various flash cartoons for the "Flash tub".  The only problem was that these once lulzy toons rapidly became as painfully [[unfunny]] as the rest of SomethingAwful.  This is the side effect of being a goon.
==[[Closet Furry]]==
Dave is known to troll furries plenty with many of his works, particularly in "[http://smut.comicgenesis.com/d/20010228.html Cave Deli's SMUT!]".  However, it seems that he does this a little ''too'' much, and his parody of furry [[yiff|pr0n]] is suspiciously detailed and graphic. Recently, a [[/b/|/b/tard]]  posted a large amount of furry porn claimed to be Dave's from 2003.  To everyone's horror, the art was undeniably Dave's style in every aspect, including a [[babyfur|picture of him in a diaper]]. Although [http://davekellycentral.com/d/20040125.html Kelly claims that all of the porn he made was commission based], some of the porn is clearly of Dave himself ... as a bunny rabbit, in diapers, shitting himself, casting a doubtful light on this. Plus there's a photo of him wearing a diaper. All in all, a [[typical]] [[goon]]. Large amounts of people became [[an hero]]s.
Image:Dave Kelly uh oh.gif|Uh oh indeed
Image:Dave_Kelly_is_seriously_creepy.gif|For some reason this creeps me out more than the sexually explicit pictures
Image:Dave_Kelly_is_a_bad_man.gif|Plz no
Image:Dave_Kelly_is_a_pedofur.gif|That's right, Shmorky's a pedobabyshittingpissingfur
Image:Real_Dave_Kelly_in_Diaper.jpg|Obviously Photoshopped
Shmorky is also a camwhore. The series.
Image:Shmorky on webcam 1.JPG|Shmorky [[lie|is a cutie]]
Image:Shmorky on webcam 2.jpg|omg
Image:Shmorky on webcam 3.jpg|omg!
Image:Shmorky on webcam 4.JPG|omgwtf
Image:Shmorky on webcam 5.JPG|omgwtf?!
Image:Shmorky on webcam 7.JPG|[[omgwtfbbq]]?!!?
Image:Shmorky_flex_pecs.gif|He went to the trouble to animate this one
Image:Shmorky_stretch.JPG|He has really weird underwear
==Shmorky Quotes from the Comic Genesis forums==
* DAMN YOU! Now I have impure thoughts of Rocket J. Squirrel!
* At times it is absurdly sexually graphic, but that's part of its charm. (Referring to a furry comic)
* (points) GLEEEEEEEEEEE!!! A certain bunny and a certain ferret!
* GLEE! All G-rated Dave Bunny goodness! (With a link to his LiveJournal, so obv. the porn he created was not just for commissions, as he's since claimed)
==External Links==
*[http://www.somethingawful.com/shmorky/ Shmorky's "Flash Tub" on SomethingAwful.]
*[http://shmorky.com/ Dave's new site shmorky.org, now featuring "Webcomic Stew"]
*[http://www.davekellycentral.com/ Dave's old site davekellycentral.com, has a directory of his old works, but his comics are available only to Keenspace subscribers]
*[http://davebunny.livejournal.com/profile His old LiveJournal]
*[http://forums.comicgenesis.com/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=1066 His Comic Genesis forums account]
*[http://www.lotlot.net/x/davekelly/ Yes.  Infantilistic.  Bunny.  Diapers.]
*[http://web.archive.org/web/20021229155105/http://www.ecchi-attack.com/ccn/content/davebunny.html His Dave Bunny stuff, catalogued on Ecchi Attack]
*[http://us.vclart.net/vcl/Artists/Dave-Bunny/ His old VCL account, now stripped bare]
*[http://forums.keenspot.com/viewtopic.php?t=46041 One of Dave's 'hilarious' ICQ pranks!]
*[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAebxR4tqqw&mode=related&search= Some bizarre YouTube thing revealing Shmorky]
*[http://www.purplepussy.net/ A "Funny" webcomic produced by Kelly]
*[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZgX1fS4mPs A video featuring parts of Furious Famicom Faggot's reviews on YouTube]
*[http://wiki.theneweffort.com/wiki/Shmorky Shmorky's article on TNE Wiki]
[[Category:Internets Phenomena]]
[[Category:People|Kelly, Dave]]

Revision as of 11:36, 23 January 2015