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[[:Image:Worsethangoatse.jpg| I like gab, you should too.]]
2010 was a great year for ED in regards to publicity. However, this was the last year when the internet wasn't completely garbage yet like it is now in {{CURRENTYEAR}}. Also, our comrade [[ODB]] became an hero; RIP.
Need a recap of what happened [[2009|last year]]? We've got you covered.
==Drama and Events from 2010==
[[Image:Watt-satire.jpg|thumb|right|Watt is satire?]]
*Aboriginal page found by a [[Steve Hodder-Watt|local ape]].
:The [[Australia]]n Media [http://www.smh.com.au/technology/technology-news/google-agrees-to-take-down-racist-site-20100115-maxd.html goes apeshit] over the Aboriginal article. [[Some argue]] it was [[User:Bunbajee|Bunbajee]] who tipped the media off. Needless to say, he was [[Banhammer|richly rewarded for his efforts.]]
*[[Australia]] bans girls with small breasts and female ejaculation
:Oops, you're a pedo!
*[[Dramasetter]] arrested
:Broadcasted live to you in [[EQ2]]'s Nagafen server!
*[[drp1zza]]'s [[Drpizza#Feline_AIDS|kittytrolled]]
:lol, aids.
*[[Ellie Light]] defends [[Obama]]
:Emails bomb towns and cities across [[America]].
*[[Firefox XPS IRC Attack]] launched by [[GNAA|gay niggers]]
:[[Freenode]] destroyed. Again.
*[[Girl on the Internet Syndrome]] published
:New disease discovered and treatment recommended.
*[[Haiti]] blows the fuck up.
:Starting the year off right.
*[[iPad]] announced.
:Wait... that's really what they're calling it?
*[[Jay Leno]] trolled
:Conan O'Brien takes his $32 million and STILL makes Jay Leno look like a douchebag
*[[Mill Park Tree]] destroyed
:And one of the criminals who did it was never arrested :(
*[[Polandball]] meme spread
:[[Krautchan]] teaches us about Poland's inability to space
*[[Shadow]] beheaded
:A tangled web is unravelled as we all try to find out whodunnit.
*[[Weev]] elected president of a reunited [[GNAA]]
:Good things are gonna come and that's all that I can say.
*[[Angie The Atheist]] tweets her [[abortion]] live.
:Shockingly, the internet is unimpressed.
*[[Dramatic Times]] founded.
:It's ED in ur inbox.
*[[Mickyy Moo]] is named the "Queen of the [[Trolls]]"
*[[Epic Beard Man]] beats the shit out of a black kid on a bus
:fanny pack boosts strength
*[[Facebook login]] problems cause widespread meltdown
*[[Fat Man]] trolls [[sp|/sp/]]
:/sp/ trolls Fat Man.
*[[Grace Saunders]] joins the ED scene
:He eats his fruits and veggies
*[[Jim Bunning]] takes a stand for the American taxpayer
:Pisses off the media, Democrats, Republicans, Jon Stuart
*[[Nodar Kumaritashvili]] starts the Olympics off right
:gets blamed for not being able to turn
*[[Operation Titstorm]] happens.
:[[Anonymous]] fights [[Australia]]n censorship.
*[[Pennsylvania Pedo Cam]]
:turns a new chapter in e-lawyer history
*[[Robot Unicorn Attack]] fags up the internet
:/v/ destroyed
*[[VampiricSpektor]] throws a fit all over youtube
:[[Cyberbullying]] experts on YouTube [[taking down ED]]. Again.
*[[Verizon]] blocks access to [[4chan]]
:Millions bored.
*[[STOFlames]] and ''Star Trek Online'' open
:Supposed to be the hip new MMO spot... right?
*[[Alexis Pilkington Syndrome]] occurs
:Cyberbullying activist attention whores cream themselves
*[[Angel Locsin]] throws a fit on [[twitter]] about [[ED]]
:700,000 [[phillipines|very ugly people]] curse us.
*[[Australian Media ED Interview|An anonymous sysop]] interviewed by [[Australia]]n media
:taking the five people who read it to school.
*[[Cheeseburger Josh]] wants his fucking cheeseburger
:gets taunted and then embarrassed on worldwidewebs
*[[Christian Spanking Blogs]] discovered
:laughed at
*[[Deeker]] discovered
*[[Dogo Nahawa Massacre]] occurs in Niger.
:About 500 Christians, mostly women and children, butchered with machetes by Muslims. Complicity suspected from the military as they allowed it to happen and did not intervene.
*[[Gorgeous George]] files a [[lolsuit]] against three [[goon]]s.
:Ed Lollington expected to laugh it out of court.
*[[Joseph Evers]] contacted by Australian Human Rights Commission over abo article
:[http://www.blog.encyclopediadramatica.com/?p=84 Response], later covered by ninemsn and CBS news.
*[[moot]] gets sick of [[Kimmo Alm]]
:Sicks his doggs
*Obamacare bill passed, causing [[Health Care Rage]]
:ED on the scene to cover sweaty political bloggers.
*[[Parry Aftab]] goes on the Today Show
:Trolling's been a felony for 4 years!
*[[Quiptxt Day]]
:Think twice before sending your nudes over iPhone. Or anything for that matter.
*[[Real Life Super Hero]]s enter the scene, showing us just how [[Virgin|tragic life can be]].
:[[Ediots]] aren't much better, but at least we (mostly) don't wear spandex.
*[[Trololo]] bullshit
:I just don't get it
*[[Vampiricspektor]] buttdances his way into our hearts
:I ''hate'' faggots.
*[[Derek Smart]] obtains Quest Online, USI grows
:Have fun developing a game that less than 30 people play!
*[[Boobquake]] trolls Muslims
:causes earthquake
*[[Brenlo]] fired from [[SOE]]
:Trying to hide the fact that he was cheating on his wife, real info hit EQ2Flames like [[911|planes and towers]]
*[[Deeker]] featured
:Site 404s shortly after, after being up for 15 years.
*[[Deepwater Horizon]] oil spill
:I think that we shouldn't have oil spills, but no one ever listens to me
*[[Fergie Olver]] goes viral
:Were you creeped out by the Family Feud guy always kissing everyone? Now imagine if those contestants were ages 7-12.
*[[Fuckin Magnets]]
:How do they work?
*[[Kate's Birthday]]
:<font size=1>[fake]</font> Social event of the year! You're invited! And you're invited!
*[[KFC Double Down]] released
*[[Iceland Volcano 2010]] erupts
:not internet related, whatever
*[[Ministry of lol]] returns
:Badder, blacker
*[[MissHannahMinx]] article on TOW
:Yay fanboys!
*[[Pandas]] vandalize the Catholic church amid more pedophilia accusations
:I blame the Jews
*[[Polish crash]] kills President of [[Poland]]
:and 84 other government officials
:all over your facebook-->
*[[Rainbow blinkies]] ruined by HTML people after [http://boingboing.net/2010/04/08/blink-tag-considered.html getting rid of blinking from HTML code]
:Good night, sweet prince
*[[Randi Harper]] AGAIN
:3 years later and she still hasn't learned
*[[South Park]] trolls [[Muslim]]s again
:[[Revolution Muslim]] trolls back
*[[The Human Centipede]] released
:Omg it's so gross don't watch it!!1
*Torrential rainfall pwns [[Tennessee]]
*[[24]], [[Lost]], [[Law and Order]] end
:the latter features [[moot]] causing some terrorism
*[[Catherine Deveny]] recommends sex to 11-year-old girl
:Worse than that, she's a liberal
:Dio's fans have a tough time "stomaching" his death, ha-ha
*[[DrMusic2]], the werejohncandy, tagged and bagged.
:No fucking idea
*[[Everybody Draw Mohammed Day]]
:Molly Norris creates event, pussies out.
*[[Freedom Flotilla]]
*[[Gary Coleman]] died
*[[Lawrence Taylor]] [[rape|mistreats]] a 16-year-old girl
:In Soviet Russia, [[Jake Brahm|football messes with you]]!
* Muslims, ever butthurt, attack some [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lars_Vilks Swede].
:JihadJane would be proud.
*[[Operation Dusty Trail]]
:More cat abuse, more resulting ruin
*[[Paramore]] accidentally tweets her tits
:[[Vanessa Hudgens]] 2.0
*[[Soulja Boy]] rips off [[Death Note]]
:Crank that weeaboo
*[[Teen Werewolf]]s!
:on ur news, furrying ur scene kids
*[[U413]]'s Alex Ford is on the scene
*[[Unabrower]] fails at bombmaking
:Get it? Unabrower? hehe
:Autistic cartoonist-wannabe threatens critics with shotguns.
[[File:Free_Weev.jpg|thumb|FREE [[Weev|WEEV]]]]
*[[Aaron Williams]] exposed.
:Gay pedophilia is no laughing matter
*[[Are You Serious?]]
*[[Callum Stockley]] dies of a video game related death.
:''Believed'' to have [[Lies|accidentally hanged himself]]
*Cheer up [[Keanu Reeves]] day.
:I don't get it but w/e
*[[Derrick Bird]] goes <s>postal</s> [[Travis Bickle]] in the [[England|land of no handguns]].
:Butthurt ensues because he doesn't use the traditional pwning method of broken beer bottles and steel-toe Doc Martens.
*[[G20 Toronto Lollercaust]]
*[[Goatse Security]] leads to [[weev]]'s arrest
:AT&T did weev, never 4get
*[[Lyor Cohen]] from [[WMG]] is the skeevy Jew who [[DMCA|ruins]] all your [[YouTube]]s.
:He handed over boocoo [[Jew Gold]]s to have his ED article ethnically cleansed from [[Jewgle]]. This was relevant to [[Anon]]'s interests.
*[[Ruddkips]] nudged out of office
:[[Stephen Conroy]] expected to be next
*[[Vuvuzela]] debuts in the 2010 World Cup and /b/
*[[Boo]] dies
:[[CWC]] trolls' favorite internet dog gets much mourning.
*[[Blizzard]] announces upcoming [[Real ID]]
:Bricks were shat
*[[Faust]] travels to Canada.
:For [[ED IRC]] love with [[Pory]].
*[[Gawker]] and [[Adrien Chen]] realize an easy way to make money
:Insult 4chan, get pageviews from 4chan, get cash, repeat.
*[[Gloria Tesch]] discovered
:When did Jessi Slaughter write a book?
*[[Jessi Slaughter]] debacle
:Consequences, never be the same, etc.
*[[Mel Gibson]] hates women, niggers, asians
:Jews, hispanics, catholics, arabs, mormons, Communists
*[[Operation Earl Grey]]
:Oregon teapartiers take the We Are Legion slogan, bricks are shat.
*[[Paul]] the Octopus is undefeated
:Soccer proven pointless.
*[[Raoul Moat]]
:lol, murderers.
*[[World Cup]], world cup, world cup
:So many tempo-memes.
=== August ===
*[[Alvin Greene]] arrested.
:Pedonig, away.
*[[Antoine Dodson]]
:Saves his sister from rape, gets ridiculed by the world.
:KAWAII cat gets discarded, caught in the act by hidden camera, ruination follows.
*[[ED Singers]]
:[[Disgraced]] after she drops her nudes and cries when people talk bad about her.
:The whole world is shit.
=== September ===
[[File:Majora's Mask creepy Link statue.png|thumb|BEN will haunt you forever.]]
*[[Chris Armstrong]] wins student body election at University of Michigan
:Stalked by state attorney general for the crime of being gay. Thankfully we have straight men in office willing to learn everything they can about the homosexual menace.
*[[Duke Nukem Forever]] trolls fans again
*[[Hack is Wack!]]
:Snoop Dogg is not a fan of cybercrime.
*[[Haunted Majora's Mask Cartridge]]
:You shouldn't have done that...
*[[Puppy Pitcher]]
:People do not fucking learn about abusing animals and posting it on the internet.
*[[Tyler Clementi]] outed as gay
:Jumps off a bridge, the only reasonable reaction.
*[[William J. Lashua]] turns 90
:[[Reddit]] and [[b/|/b/]] send unwelcome well wishes.
*''[[Final Fantasy XIV]]'' released
:Turns out to be the worst new MMORPG released of all time.
*[[Eingee.com]] spams [[EQ2Flames]].
:Chinese gold-farmers get DDOS'd and spammed with ''Bass Masters Online''.
=== October ===
*[[Imperial Stars]] cause a traffic jam party to promote their bad music
*'''[[MLP|My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic released]]'''
:[[Raep|Ponyfags get unleashed!]]
*[[OldDirtyBtard]] goes to get the exclusive scoop from [[Mitchell Henderson]]
:([[slowpoke|That means he committed suicide]].)
*[[The Rent Is Too Damn High]]
*[[Giants Riot]]
:So you're incredibly happy about your team winning its first world series. Let's loot some shit!
*[[The Troll Hunter|A mysterious, masked vigilante]] emerges on [[YouTube]], declaring war on trolls and cyberbullies in the name of his hero, infamous Internet [[lolcow]], [[Christian Weston Chandler]].
:[[Shit nobody cares about|He is ignored by all, especially Chris-Chan]].
*[[Wikileaks]] dumps a fuckton of stuff
*[[David Tanny]] trolled hardcore
:Other members of the dementia community leak his music, including songs about dickgirls.
*[[Venomfangx]] returns to Youtube triumphantly! Thankfully this time around he brought less Christfaggotry but consequentially and sadly less drama for everyone to enjoy.
==See also==
{{Timeline|Dramatic Years|[[2009]]|2010|[[2011]]}}
[[Category:2010| ]]</noinclude>

Revision as of 14:54, 25 November 2017