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[[Image:The joys of having children.jpg|right|thumb|Every Day at 4:30pm.]]
Maxime Lebled is a [[britfag|French]] [[Brony|bronyphile]] with a [[jewtube|youtube]] [[whore|partnership]] and 35,000 [[bot|subscribers]]. Maxime Lebled aka MaxofS2D has a long history of being [[Britfag|French]], and there for being a sneaky [[Pedophile|pedophile]] mime with a [[fetish|fetish]] for [[cock|long peaces of beard]]. It is well known that like most of [[france|French]] that he has the social skills of [[dolan|dolan]] and will do anything for [[Attention_whore|attention]] even if that means making a [[jewtube|youtube]] video where he tries to make a wheel of fortune game out of [[WTC|9/11]] and the [[holocaust|holocaust]], only to remove it 45 minutes later after his [[Your_Mom|mother]] sees it.<br>
===About Max===
[[Image:Max005.jpg|right|thumb|Every Day at 5:30pm]]
[[Maxofs2d|MaxofS2D]] lives in a [[Homeless|dumpster]] somewhere in [[france|France]] where he spends most of the time [[Blowjobs|sucking pony dick]] to pay for [[Dialup|dial up]] so he can upload [[Shit|shitty]] animations and [ Dramatic Reading] that are so [[Vomit|awfully]] done you will want to [[AnHero|AnHero]] before the [[jewtube|youtube]] [[advertisement|advertisement]] is even done. When hes not [[work|sucking dick]] hes uploading [[ugly|pictures]] and videos of himself "making" things in [[Paint|3dsMax]], half of the time he has to tab out to [[Internet_Explorer|Internet Explorer 7]] to [[google|Google]] that what hes doing is right and that it wont accidentally send all of his [[CP|CP]] off to [[Chris_Hansen|Chris Hansen]]. [[Maxofs2d|Max]] does this to make it look like hes actually contributing something useful to the [[Cult|legendary society of 1's and 0's]]. [[Maxofs2d|Max]] is a [[jewtube|youtube]] [[whore|partner]] and wants to work full time as a 3D [[paint|animator]] for [[Disney|Disney]] so he can sneak into Disney Land during lunch brake to fuck a [[Tranny|tranny]] dressed as [[Furfag|mickey mouse]] while its a small world after all is playing in the background. [[Maxofs2d|Max]] is also a dumb fuck that got busted [[stealing|torrenting]] Sony Vegas Pro 11 by [] along with 92GB's of [[bestiality|bestiality]] [[porn|porn]].<br>
===Maxime Lebled Ego===
[[Image:RAGE_Mouse.gif|right|thumb|What did he just call me!?!?!/]]
Saying that [[Maxofs2d|Max]] has a bit of a [[Ego|ego]] problem, is like saying [[Black_Jesus|Obama]] is a bit of a [[nigger|nigger]], when [[Maxofs2d|Max's]] ego is threated he will [[Nerd_rage|rage]], [[cry|scream]], chuck a [[cheap|300$ dell laptop]] that holds all of his [[CP|CP]] out the window and then tell his [[Your_Mom|mother|]] on you. He will also say that your [ worthless] and try to [[fail|troll]] you from his [!/MaxOfS2D twitter] and brag about how [[Ugly|awesome]] he is to have [[100|35]] fans. Luckily like [[Justin_Bieber|Justin Bieber]] it doesn't matter because hes still a [[fag|Fag]] and all of his fans are [[12|12 year olds]] or [[Bot|bots]] anyway. His [[ego|ego]] tends to get him into deep shit as well, if someone rises questions about him or [[shit|his first grade level finger painting work]] he will try to get the info [[nuke|removed]] [[Special:RecentChanges|ASAP]] (by slapping down a [[DMCA|DMCA]]) so no one else sees it, infact theres a nice list going around that [[Maxofs2d|Max]] is trying very hard to make [[Delete_fucking_everything|disappear]] and has had it removed from [[Earth|pastebin]] [[100|6]] times, which is why this page is being [[ED:101|made]], see (3.4 The Facts List). Rather then try to [[Impossible|disprove]] them (he cant because the [[fag|faggot]] that wrote it linked to everything proving it was real) he turned it into a [[joke|joke]] and read [[Truth|fact number 27]] on [ camera] and then went right back to part two of his [[gay|homoarotic]] [[Twilight|fanfic]] involving a [[dolphin|dolphin]] and [[necrophilia|corpse]] it found outside a [[abortion|abortion]] clinic.<br>
{{Template:Butthurt}Max's Mother|0}
==Public Life==
[[Image:Tumblr thefremen.jpg|right|thumb|Plz fuck me now]]
[[Maxofs2d|Max]] likes to hang around [[Facepunch|Facepunch]], which is basically a [[Retard|drop out section]] for people that cant handle [[4chan|4chan]] or even [[9gag|9gag]], and tries to act like the [[King|god]] of the short bus while waving his [[Cock|penis]] at the bus driver [ Garry Newman]. In a epic fail chat with another [[Youtube|Youtube]] [[Whore|Partner]] he compared himself to a [[Rape|rape victim]] and how people are always mean to him, 5 minutes later he posted a video on his youtube account about how [[loli|hes stalking a 15 year old girl from Canada]]. [[Maxofs2d|Max]] is shit-listed from most of the [[internet|Garry's Mod]] community due to a "[[Dumbass|Prank]]" he did that had such a backlash he [[Deleting_your_Youtube_Videos|removed the video]] and every place it was mirrored to as well by writing the [[admin|webmasters]]. This has happened 4 times. For the sites that would not remove the video he filed a [[DMCA|DMCA]] with the [[Jews|hosting providers]].<br>
[[Image:Retardsmash.gif|right|thumb|How he makes his Videos]]
[[Maxofs2d|Max]] is a [[Youtube|youtube]] [[Whore|whore]] that loves to read [[gay|gay]] [[Porn|pornographic]] [[Twilight|fan-fiction]] like "[[Gay|My Nice Penis]]" and "[[WTF|Blowing a Donkey on Christmas Morning]]" but [[Maxofs2d|Max]] mostly [[Upload|uploads]] shitty [[Garry%27s_Mod|Garry's Mod]] videos of him [[rape|molesting]] rag doll's after hes stapled [[tits|tits]] onto them and then talks about how [[Bullshit|hard]] hes work on his [[shit|videos]] and how he loves his [[Tranny|E-Girlfriend]] named [ Derek] that he ment on [[craigslist|OkCupid]]. Max has realized that his animation [[fake|career]] is a [[Fucked|dead end]] because it is not at studio level or even [[retard|first grade crayola]] level and only knows how to use things in the [[Half_Life|Half Life 2]]/[[Team_Fortress_2|Team Fortress 2]] universe, so now hes trying to become a [[Useless|voice actor]] however last time I checked its hard to do a [[Twilight|Dramatic Reading]] when you have 2 cans of [[Coke|coke]] a loaf of [[bread|bread]] and a [[My_Little_Pony|My Little Pony]] [[Fleshlight|fleshlight]] jammed up your [[ass|ass]] sideways. Max has a dream to become a E-Star like his hero [[Ray_william_johnson|Ray William Johnson]] and [[Shane_Dawson|Shane Dawson]] in hopes of being able to afford to rent [[Justin_Bieber|Justin Bieber]] for the hour and not have to sneak out after [[Cum|finishing]] with 58 minutes left on the clock.<br>
====How To Be A [[Drama_whore|Popular]] [[whore|Maxofs2d]]====
Step 1 - Wake up and go full Retard<br>
Step 2 - Chop your dick off, not like you were using it anyway!<br>
Step 3 - Change your name to [[Shit_Nobody_Cares_About|Maxofs2d]]<br>
Step 4 - Learn to use MSpaint, and then tell everyone your better then them because of it<br>
Step 5 - Fuck your mom<br>
Step 6 - Steal a copy of Sony Vegas Pro and get caught<br>
Step 7 - Take a shit in your next Generation Dell<br>
Step 8 - Take your crappy videos and upload them to youtube and set the advertisement to 3 minutes long just to piss people off<br>
Step 9 - ???<br>
Step 10 - Profit!!
[[Image:Femscout.png|thumb|left|200px|100% NOT STOLEN]]
Once upon a time when the [[1980|Pope]] still had [[Aids|aids]] and [[Gabe_Newell|Gabe Newell]] was [[Lie|thin]], [[Team_Fortress_2|Team Fortress 2]] didn't have hat's it also didn't have a [[France|France]] [[You|faggot]] running around stealing shit and trying to pass it off as [[Original_content|OC]] after he [[rape|stapled tits]] onto them. Yes this was how the [[Slut|FemScout]] was born, stolen [[Camping|right out of the crib]] and forced into a [[forever|life]] of [[rape|molestation]] by the hands of the evil [[Maxofs2d|Max]]. [[Maxofs2d|Max]] him self must have been [[rape|molested]] as a [[child|child]] because after he gets bored of fapping to [[CP|CP]] he does full scans of his face and puts in on the [[whore|femscout]] model so he can be that much closer to tits. This also points out strong case of [[fag|gender confusion]].
[[Image:Typical_bdsm.jpg|left|thumb|200px|Just 5 more miles!]]
[[Maxofs2d|Max]] got [[lazy|lazy]] on this one and [[Copy_and_paste|didn't even add anything]], he reached into [[Internet|fpsbanana]] and pulled a pryo with [[tits|tits]] out and said OH GUD HEY EEVERPONY LOOK WUT I FOUNDDD I MEAN MADE. The [[whore|Succubus]] is a [[Pyro|pryo]] with [[tits|tits]],[[aids|aids]],[[herpes|herpes]] and wings that she found in [[Maxofs2d|Max's]] [[sex|sex]] dungeon during her [[9000|8 years]] of [[rape|imprisonment]]. Later he took the wings off the [[whore|Succubus]] and tried giving them to his [ Derek] to win his [[gay|heart over]], this started the Mecha war which was a [[Facepalm|fucking fail]] all around. The wings where made by [[Valve|Valve]] for a [[Halloween|Halloween]] event before Max [[Nigger|stole]] it.
[[Maxofs2d|Max]] has a [[Bondage|Internship]] with [[Hitler|Garry Newman]] the creator of [[CP|Garry's Mod]] (a place where [[you|pedophiles]] meet their next [[Victim|victim]] and shitty role playing mods go to [[Kill_yourself|die]] for people that cant afford to play [[World_of_Warcraft|real games]]). During his first week of Internship he started a [[100|72 hour]] [[Goat|dog]] [[fisting|fisting]] contest in [[New_Jersey|gm_construct]] that broke the hand on every model on the game. He [[wtf|somehow]] bugged it out to the point where the [[You|models]] are trying to [[AnHero|reach into their own chest and rip out their heart]] out to get away from him. Much like the the [[victim|victim's]] of rape this Internship will not end well for anyone let alone a [[Britfag]]<br>
===DMCA takedowns===
[[Maxofs2d|Max]] uses [[Google|Google]] alerts to find out many [[Victim|children]] have reported him for [[rape|touching]] them and then if he finds something that [[Baww|he doesn't like]] he fills out fake [ DMCA] report and contacts the [[god|webmaster]] to get it taken down. Most of the time it works and the [[admin|admins]] remove it with hopes that he doesn't touch them until hes done [[fisting|fisting]] that [[Puppy_Pitcher|puppy]] hes [[rape|holding]]. Hes done this about [[9000|50 times]] and the fake [ DMCA] takedown around 20. Its also worth noting that the [[DMCA|DMCA]] hes filing is not his [[work|work]] but something he [[Nigger|stole]] from fpsbanana on his way home from the weekly [[Brony|bronie]] [[Orgy|meetup]]. <br>
[[Image:Emokidhitler.jpg|right|thumb|250px|Only my fanfic understands me]]
===Dramatic Readings===
When [[Maxofs2d|Max]] is alone and [[nude|dressed]] in nothing but assless chaps and a hat made out of [[foreskin|foreskins]] he likes to read my [[gay|little pony fan fiction]] to himself while [[Fisting|fingering]] a [[Batman|Garry Newman]] blowup doll. [[true|In fact]] he [[Camwhore|records]] the whole thing and uploads it do [[jewtube|youtube]] with the title [[twilight|Dramatic Reading]] followed by the week number, so far he is up to week [[100|26]] meaning his has gone though no less then 5 [[cow|blowup dolls]], 2 [[Vibrator|vibrators]] and a [[what|cardborad cutout of Edward Cullen]]. Max reads this [[fanfic|fanfic]] because he knows he cant [[Homeless|make a living]] out of animating stick figures [[CP|fucking a 4 year olds]]. He spent 3 years in a [[fake|art school]] called Mjm Rennes where he spent most of his time trying to make clay [[cock|penises]] so he would have something to eat at [[Food|lunch]]. After seeing all the [[FanFiction|Dramatic Reading's]] we felt it was time to get him his own [[Winning|Encyclopedia Dramatica]] page, so he can be [[friends|friends]] with other people like [[Chris_Chan|Chris Chan]] and [[Jesse_Slaughter|Jessi Slaughter]] and maybe try to bum a few [[pictures|pictures]] off her. <br>
==MaxofS2D's Wars==
Because of his [[aspergers|aspergers]] Max loves picking [[Shit_no_one_cares_about|fights]] all most as much as he likes [[fisting|teabagging]] bear [[Bomb|traps]]. In fact he starts a new war about every 4 months. First there was a war with [[shit|The Garry's Mod community]] then there was a war with some [[fag]] named [[Cool_Guy|Mecha]] and now hes going toe to toe with a [[Newfag|shitty hacker named Jill]] who's barely able to roll out of bed due to wighting [[Fatass|450lbs]] and being a [[nigger|nigger]]. To make him [[feels_good|feel]] better about having a [[pussy|dick]] the size of a [[Killdozer|tic tac]] he starts daily [[Flame_War|flame]] wars on his [[jewtube|youtube]] video comments and other peoples [[shit|videos]] that he feels are better then his [[crap|shat]] out content. [[Maxofs2d|Max]] will always better then [[FAG|YOU]] even if your [[GOD|Chuck Norris]] or [[Eduard_Khil|Eduard Khil]], at least in his mind!<br><br>
===Shortbus Army===
[[Maxofs2d|Max]] has a [[Army|army]] that is mostly made out of the same [[retard|solders]] that used to be in [[Kony_2012|Konys]] army before [[Hipster|Jason Russell]] got [[9000|50,000,000]] [[Shit_no_one_cares_about|facebook]] likes for [[fap|jacking off]] in [[School|public]] and [[rape|freed them all]]. The rest of his army is the [[Down_Syndrome|down syndrome]] rejects from [[Facepunch|Facepunch]] and [[9gag|9gag]]. His [[fans|army's]] has [[100|two jobs]], first job is to spam [[F5|F5]] on his videos so Max can afford to pay for his [[AIDS|HIV treatment]] and secondly [[rage|shit talk/report]] post of anyone that offends their [[Hitler|fuhrer]]. [[Maxofs2d|Max]] has over 35 fans and nearly 520 video views making him the [[Poor|richest]] man in all on [[New_Jersey|France]], which is the net worth of 3 homeless people from [[azn|china]]. The poor guy is so lonely he makes [[twitter|twitter]] accounts to follow himself so he can hold off a [[AnHero|An-Hero]] until hes done molesting his [[Your_Mom|sister]].<br>
[[Image:Stevecharge.jpg|center|thumb|450px|WE MUST PROTECT MAX'S VIRGINITY]]
[[Image:Maximum trolling64.gif|240px|thumb|right]]
Theres a nice little site on the [[Internet|interwebs]] calls [] that proudly points out [[Lol|most of his fuck ups]] (hes done 5 [ DMCA] takedowns to date on it), and is run by a [[nigger|nigger]] named [[Shit_Nobody_Cares_About|Jill]]. The highlights of this site are the [[Stalking|fallowing]], [[spam|reporting]] [[1337|hackers]] [[Maxofs2d|Max]] has sent after people, Max [[Lying|contradicting]] himself, Max going [[A_frank_discussion_of_mental_illness|mental]] on people that [[Captain_Obvious|point it out]], [[Maxofs2d|Max]] being a [[Christian|bigot]] and lastly max trying to [[Delete_fucking_everything|hide his actions]] harder then [[Germany|Germany]] trying to hide [[Waldo|waldo]] body in [[WW2|WW2]]. The site has [[Massive|a tag cloud]] the size of [[Oprah|Oprah's]] waistline before she got [[Amputee|liposuction]] and looked like [[Your_Mom|Jabba the Hut]].<br>
===The Mecha War===
[[Image:Epic Air Ships.jpg|340px|right|thumb|TONIGHT WE DINE IN FAILLLLLL]]
Some time around [[Last_Thursday|late February]] [[Maxofs2d|Max]] lost his only pair of pants in a [[Hell|french nursing home]] after trying to [[rape|rape]] [[100|3]] patients that lived there and felt it was a [[Just_for_the_lulz|good idea]] to start a [[cock|dick]] waving contest over the [[internet|interwebs]] to impress his [[Kim_Jong_Il|E-Girlfriend]]. So he started a war with [[shit|SLAG Gaming]] which is still not as bad as [[twilight|twilight]] but dammit its trying, he claimed at least [[all|140%]] of the [[shit|content]] in the SVN for the [[Garbage|game servers]] was his and filed 4 [ DMCA] takedowns, which is funny because he stole it from FPS Banana and they stole it from [[Valve|Valve]] and [[Gabe_Newell|Gabe Newell]] stole it from the [[EA|all you can eat buffet table]]. In the end it was like the [[Cat_fight|nuclear holocaust]] but with [[Yaoi|Yaoi]] and [ DMCA] takedowns. After [[Maxofs2d|Max]] saw a [[lol|funny]] site called [] he cried for the help of [[Britfag|Garry Newman]] and the other [[Loser|Facepunch]] [[admin|moderators]] to help [[Stalk|track down]] the [[asshole|mean man]] that made the site. He got the [[IP|IP address]] and hired a hacker to wipe [[Cool_guy|Mecha]]'s [[CP|SVN]] of his [[Bullshit|Stolen]] work and then [[Pwnd|back stabbed]] him to make it look like the [[nigger|hacker]] went rogue. [[Nigger|Jill]] was not happy and turned over all [[Maxofs2d|Max]]'s info to [[Cool_guy|Mecha]] for the [[lulz|lulz]] and later [[Maxofs2d|Max]] nuked his own group to make it look like he was [[hax|hacked]], all 4 people where [[Ban|banned]] from the [[cult|group]]. After 2 months both sides [[Surrender|gave in]] because there [[Mom|mothers]] told them it was time to do the dishes and face fuck the [[Dad|garbage disposal]]. To this day [[Maxofs2d|Max]] is so [[Umad|butt hurt]] over it, [[everything|ANYTHING]] that makes him look bad he blames [[Cool_guy|Mecha]] for kinda like how [[Mel_Gibson|Mel Gibson]] blames the [[Jew|Jews]] for parking [[Paper_trail|tickets]].<br>
===The Facts List===
On June 14th a member of [[Anonymous|Anonymous]] posted a [ lulz list] about [[Maxofs2d|Max]] on [[earth|pastebin]] with 25 [[Truth|Facts]] and linked all the proof from the list so [[Maxofs2d|Max]] couldn't disprove it, He [[Baww|Bawwwed]] to the [[nerd|webmasters]] at [[earth|pastebin]] to get it [[DELETE_FUCKING_EVERYTHING|taken down]] and because of this the [[Anonymous|Anon]] added [[9000|10]] more [[Truth|Facts]] the to list and [[Copy_and_paste|reposted]] 5 times. When [[Maxofs2d|Max]] realized that he wasn't going to win this war and it would just keep getting cut and pasted he tried turning it into a joke like his sex life, it backfired. The 35 [[Truth|Facts]] about [[Maxofs2d|Max]] can still be found due to [[Google|Google]] cache and the WayBack Machine.<br>
===Maxime Lebled's Dox===
Name: Maxime Lebled<br>
Country: France (FR)<br>
Postal Code: 35000<br>
City: Rennes<br>
Address: 9, Rue Belfort<br>
Region: Bretagne<br>
Phone Number: +33.0685859509<br>
Cell Phone : +33.0950486602<br>
Photo of his house<br>
===Max's Online info===
IP Address : (as of 5/1/2012)<br>
LinkedIn <br>
Steam URL<br>
Steam ID STEAM_0:1:19779739<br>
Steam Community ID 76561197999825207<br>
Steam Fan Group<br>

Revision as of 22:05, 26 June 2012