Talk:Rant about cons: Difference between revisions

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Latest revision as of 13:31, 19 August 2012

Please add conflicting evidence/humour/statements in a clear manner. for example, editing an entry to say "not" at the end of a sentence that you don't agree with or may not be true is lame. instead, add a clarification at the end.

For example, you could add "While some people feel..." to the beginning of the statment you want to edit or clairfy, and "in actuality, the moderators of rant_about_cons are totally fucking awesome." Or something like that. Not this Wayne's World shit.--Argos

  • Considering you're the one who added pejorative and subjective content in the first place, why should I believe you'd leave that up any more than you are what I've been doing?
    • My content was added in a second paragraph clearly seperate from the first. Feel free to do the same, in a non-whingy manner if possible.--Argos

Paigegirl's edit to this page in an excellent example of a GOOD, non-whiny edit that is factual and doesn't take away from the obvious parody intent of the article. --Argos 18:40, 16 Dec 2004 (PST)

  • Cleared up minor agreement/repetition snafus. Also, removed "feel free to judge for yourself" because that statement could apply to any article on the site, or the internet in general. --Argos 03:34, 22 Dec 2004 (PST)

this is barely even english. anyone want to flesh this out and add some funny to it? Twid --07:48, 22 Dec 2004 (PST)

  • the entire internet is barely even english. hell, even that statement "this is barely even english" is barely even english. what kind of english are you wanting exactly? also, this comment, made by me, is also barely even english. --Argos 23:17, 22 Dec 2004 (GMT)

See also: You Don't Have Any Friends

No. Argos is a sad little fuck and changes anything added to this page to reflect his own inflamed sense of rejection. -- Dancingdrew 22:29, 22 Dec 2004 (GMT)

  • dancingdrew, you really need to grow up. all i removed was the part i mentioned above. if that makes you so angry, maybe you should stay off of the internet for the holidays. you're determined to see malice even where there is none, and i (and many others) are really getting tired of it. i know you want to drag me into some prolonged flame-war, but it really isn't going to happen. i want you to calm down and be happy, ok? --Argos 23:15, 22 Dec 2004 (GMT)
    • Argos, you really need to haul your massive ass over your obsession with LJ and your need to be accepted by at least SOME of its members (hur hur, I said "members"). The fact that you need to get in wikiedit drama over an entry here about me or a community you never participated in says a lot more about you than it does about me. Plz to be removing your Hello Kitty vibrator from your ass before wikiedit. kthx. -- Dancingdrew 19:34, 23 Dec 2004 (GMT)
      • Merry Christmas to you too, Dancingdrew. --Argos 20:05, 23 Dec 2004 (GMT)

I don't know what this has to do with "You don't have any friends" but that article is hilarious because for some reason it incorporates Xtina, everyone's fat whore. -- Dancingdrew 08:50, 2 Mar 2005 (UTC)

Yes on shortening up the song lyrics. I knew it was too long but had not gotten round to fixing it yet. paigegirl


Is RAC pretty much defunct at this point? I tried joining a few weeks ago but never got a response and I'm still not a member. I guess I'm not 1337 enough. ;_; --StarKruzr 18:40, 12 August 2006 (UTC)

Consider flagging for deletion

This article seems to have extremely limited relevance to the internets, it contains absolutely 0 lulz, and provides no information worth reading. I'm a very frequent visitor, but I never edit the wiki. However, due to the egregious amounts of fail that were recently perpetuated upon my person by the article, I signed up for an account just to see if anyone else thought this should be flagged for deletion. Onetwostepper 22:09, 17 July 2008 (CDT)

ED is full of absolutely hideous unfunny articles written by butthurt faggots and about 50% of all articles are attack pages written by JewTubers about another JewTubers. But generally, if the author has bothered to press enter a couple of times so it's not an entire incomprehensible wall of shit, it stays. Sorry, but that's how we roll here. Zyklon 13:50, 19 August 2012 (EDT)
>talking to somebody from 2008 Mike the Great (talk) 14:21, 19 August 2012 (EDT)
That's the joke. That comment is four years old and this page is still here.Zyklon 14:31, 19 August 2012 (EDT)