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[[File:Boxxy_sexxy.jpg|thumb|500px|center|<center>'''Yep. This is the girl who makes [[at least 100]] basement dwelling virgins swoon.''']]</center>
[[File:Boxxy 18.jpg|thumb|[[Mfw|>mfw I saw Catiechan.]]]]
Once upon a time, a [[Hipster|young girl wanted to go to art school in New York City]]. Years after unintentionally sparking a civil war in the [[4chan|asshole of the internet]], she had long remained hidden from the [[Rape|grasp]] of [[b/|the worst parts of the internets]] until finally realizing how to [[Sellout|achieve all her dreams]]. After failing to make millions from selling used purses on [[ebay]], she finally settled on creating a [[gay|G-rated]], [[Disney]] channel version of [[Unichan]] called is the latest attempt by [[Boxxy]] to make even more money for buying herself [[dildos|more fancy stuff]] while telling people that [[Lie|her mother is homeless]] and [[poor|she has no internets]]. Catherine Wayne came up with this [[Anorexia|fantastic idea]] after investigating the two largest Boxxy fan sites on the internet, realizing that [[GOTIS|she could have her own website]] that could be used to hype up her acting debut in a rip-off of the Scary Movie franchise while letting her [[virgins|devoted followers]] know exactly how much free shit she needs and where to send it while only releasing a [[shit|mediocre]] video on [[youtube]] every three months or so.  Currently there is only a slow imageboard filled with pathetic [[basement dwellers]] and an even slower forum (former which is the [[OTI|online version]] of [[North Korea]] starring their [[faggot|fascistic]] leader and [[Admin]] Intrepid. As of [[last Thursday]], received an update that included such [[web 2.0|amazing features]] as links to her webstore, timeline, online profiles, and youtube videos.
==Fun Facts==
*[[Namefag|Boxxy is posting with the trip !catie.]]
*[[Boxxmom|Her fat momma]] (also rumored to be the stunt double for Phylis from NBC's 'The Office') posts with the [[tripcode]] !boxxmom.
*Anything that Catie or her fat whale of a mother might find [[offended|offensive]] will be deleted within minutes. It's good to know that [[Communism|the fundamental rights that this country was built upon don't mean shit]] on Catiechan.
*In fact, any mention of [[Encyclopedia Dramatica]] on Catiechan will usually be [[Baleet|deleted]] within minutes.
*[[No|Would you like to buy Boxxy a gift?]] Please refer all [[Spam|inquiries and donations]] to the special [[PayPal]] email address [email protected].
*So a [[Chile|Chilean]] [[white knight]], a [[eurofag|European]] drug [[snitch]], and a middle aged [[Mexican]] all moderate a slow as fuck imageboard on the internet. [[unfunny|There's no punchline here]], just depressing truths.
*<strike>[[Wordfilter|The word fat filters to beautiful]] on Catiechan.</strike> FIX'D
*The forums are overrun by [[Pedo Scarface|molestors]] and [[My Little Pony|ponyfags]]. [[No|Coincidence?]]
* The [[Gay|secret]] board on CatieChan is called /nc/, short for [[Not Gay|not Catie]]. Its a secret board that has been used from time to time by her army of prepubescent [[13 year old boys]] to sit around and make plans to buy [[Boxxy]] shit she doesn't need to begin with. So while [[lulz|children across the world starve to death]], and [[BAWWW|diseases go without the proper funding to find a suitable cure]], [[14/f/Cali|a teenage girl in California]] gets free stuff like 3G USB modems, [[iPad|iPads]], fancy vacations to [[NYC]], $500 gift cards to overpriced stores, [[cocaine|8balls of cocaine]], pricey digital cameras, [[plastic crap|Star Wars toys]], [[webcam]]s, a new [[Apple|macbook]] and [[Seriously|trips to Six Flags to swim with dolphins]]. This board has all but died now that the Catiefags have taken a shining to congregating in tinychat rooms that are password protected.
*Looking to troll [[Losers|Catiefags]]? Those previously mentioned [[Tinychat]] rooms are no longer password protected and can be found [ here] and [ here.]
==[[Cool story bro|Cool Update Bro]]==
Finally around sometime [[last Thursday|late 2012]], Boxxy was able to put down the cocaine long enough to update her website for the first time since creating it. Now instead of only two links on the homepage to direct you to the [[hipster|imageboard]] and [[basement dweller|forum]], you can check out really awesome [[shit]] like [[PROFIT!|the Boxxosphere store]], a timeline of Boxxy's incredible rise to [[Fail|fame]], shitty photos of Boxxy [[tribute]]s that took [[over 9000]] hours in [[Minecraft]], as well as [[Attention Whore|links to all her videos]] and her and [[Boxxmom]]'s [[twitter]], [[facebook]], [[]], and [[knowyourmeme]] pages.
==December 18th, 2012==
Just as was finally getting its much needed and long overdue updates, [[Admin|someone]] dropped the ball and [[Fucktard|forgot to renew the domain name from]]. Some might wonder [[CP|what could have distracted Admin Intrepid enough to cause him to make such a retarded mistake]], but when you think about it for longer than five seconds and have half a brain it becomes blatantly obvious [[fapping|what he was busy doing when he should've been worried about his Administrator responsiblities]].
<center>[[FIle:Catiechan Admin Intrepid mod fail.png]]
'''[[TL;DR]] If I work hard to maintain Boxxy's website, maybe, just maybe, she will put her mouth on my penis.'''.</center>
== Trolling ==
Since Catiechan is used for the replacement of Unichan, you can still use the same tactics to troll these fools. For more advice see [[Unichan#Trolling Unichan]].
*The neckbeards will instantly [[rage]] at any praise given to [[LifeInATent]].
*<strike>Also, call Catie fat and [[BAWWW|see what happens]].</strike> <strike>LOL [[Wordfilter|WORDFILTER]].</strike> <strike>ACTUALLY [[FAGGOT]] YOU CAN STILL TYPE FAT USING [[Hacker|alt+582 ALT+577 ALT+596]] </strike> They took off the wordfilters.
{{cg|Gentlemen, start your failure.|galleryoffailure|center|<gallery>
Image:Why boxxy started catiechan.png|[[TL;DR|The origin story of Catiechan straight from the horse's mouth]].
Image:Boxxy loves MadThad.jpg|This just in, Catiechan thinks that [[MadThad0890]] is a [[pretty cool guy]].
Image:Catiechan mods fags.jpg|This is the type of shit you couldn't make up if you tried. Jwaggz toughguy.png.png| is filled to the brim with underage [[retards]] who reek of [[USI]] and [[Internet Tough Guy|internet toughguyism]]. Just look at this [[Jew|Jew-nosed]] dude [[faggot|Jwaggz]], [[No|aren't you scared bro?]]
Image:Boxxyisgettintrolld.jpeg|[[X in my y|Trolling Boxxy and her momma on their own fucking chan]]? It's more likely than you think.
Image:Catiechanbawwfest.jpg|[[ITT]]: Extreme [[faggotry]].
Image:Yeahtopthat.jpg|Yeah, top that, motherfuckers.
Image:Ohshithetoppedit.jpg|[[Cruise control|OH SHIT HE TOPPED IT!!!]]
Image:-c- - Catie 1307665956487.png|[[Disappoint|>tfw]] some faggot paid $700 for this so Catie could take her sister to [[bullshit|swim with the dolphins]].
Image:Average catiechan user.jpg|Just remember when on Catiechan that this is the [[13 year old boy|average user's]] [[retarded|intelligence level]].
Image:Lolcatie.jpeg|[[O RLY?]]
Image:130612197235.png|Nobody fucks with the [[Boxxmom]]
Image:Wastingboxxystime.png|[[ITT]]: [[Shit nobody cares about|Pointless bullshit]].
Image:Boxxxy Boxxmom Buttyhurt.png|[[LOL]].
Image:Boxxy forum neckbeard.jpg|More tales of failure.
Image:Catiechan50000GET.jpeg|A proper [[GET]] on Catiechan.
Image:100000 GET CATIECHAN.png|A [[fail]] GET on Catiechan.
Image:-b- - Boxxy 1304058269491.jpeg|Because when I think of [[Faggot|Metal]] [[god]] Rob Halford, I think about Boxxy.
Image:-c- - Catie 1304969957410.jpeg|Gentlemen, it's time to grab your [[tinfoil hat]]s.
Image:-c- - Catie 1306229006693.jpeg|Usually when you're pussy-whipped, it [[implying implications|implies]] that you are getting pussy.
Image:Boxxy_biggest_fan.png|Your typical fan of [[Boxxy]].
Image:Boxxy_needs_r_monies.jpg|With all the problems going on around the world, its imperative that Boxxy gets  [[at least 100|at least $4000]] worth of presents for [[HURR|her]] birthday.
Image:-b- - Boxxy 1304145760333.jpeg|Come at us bros.
Image:130414016076.png|The entire [[Boxxy]] situation [[asking for it|summed up]] in one .png
Image:Wut.jpg|Being rude to [[Boxxmom]] is [[serious business]] faggotry.png|Post something we don't agree with? [[Banned|Say goodbye to your posting privileges]].
Image:Comebacktomorrow.png|It's like those 'If your name is called, go to bed' threads on [[4chan]], only a [[rape]]-obsessed [[basement dweller]] is making that decision for you.
Image:Catiechan banhamme00r.jpg|Moar [[faggotry]].
Image:Catiechan rainbows and unicorns.png|[[No Homo|Rainbows and unicorns]]
Image:Boxxy plates.jpg|[[Sarcasm|Nothing to see here except totally normal behavior.]]
Image:Boxxy voodoo doll.jpg|[[Nope.avi|I'm not crazy, right guise?]]
==[[Then who was phone?|THEN WHO WAS STALKER?]]==
A peer inside the demented minds of those who spend every waking moment [[stalking|pining]] over a teenage girl who really just wants your [[Masturbation|admiration]] and a promise to buy movie tickets to [[Fact|shitty movie]] about a [[CopperCab|butthurt ginger]], a [[Double Rainbow|fat hippie beaner]], a [[Chocolate Rain|beta nigger]], a [[Antoine Dodson|faggot nigger]], a [[Afro Ninja|weaboo nigger]], a [[MMORPG Freak Out|13 year old try-too-hard faggot]], and [[Boxxy|everyone's favorite hyperactive cocksucker]].
{{fv|youtubevids|background-color: #D7D7E0;|font-weight: bold;
==THE GREAT HACKING OF 03/19/2013==
[[File:Epicboxxyfail.PNG|thumb|800px|center|<center>'''DONT FUCKING PANIC. EVERY DOX HAS BEEN LEAKED. EVERYTHING WILL BE OKAY''']]
That's right kids. On this beautiful fucking day [[Epic Win| has been officially haxx0rd]]. [[owned|Everything has been dumped]] including usernames, email addresses, (encrypted) passwords, and '''every fucking PM sent''' since the birth of the godforsaken website all the way up to the minute of the hack. You may be asking: How can all of their base belong to ''me''? Well my dear child, it's very simple you see. For there are links to the massive fucking datadump, all in a very convenient SQL script form for those of you who have taken [[Computer Science III]].
* [ Private Messages]
* [ Userlist]
And for your viewing pleasure, some beautiful bastard made a nice little HTML document so that you can easily browse the PMs to your leisure. Oh, he made sure to make sure the PMs include the IP addresses too.
* [ Clicky][ archive]
After this little escapade, [[ragequit|every oldfag on the website promptly quit without so much as a goodbye]]. Thus far, Neither Catie nor the admin Intrepid have commented on the issue. But hey, at least they calmly warned their users of their fuckup of epic proportions through the forum title.
==See also==
*[[Forever alone]]
==External Links==
*[ The shitacular homepage]
*[ A timeline of Boxxy's incredible rise to celebrity status]
*[ Creepy photo tributes made by Boxxy's most obsessed internet stalkers]
*[ All of her shitty youtube videos compiled into one convenient webpage]
*[ Moar links]
*[ The 'secret' board Catie set up for her army of forever alones to congregate and hatch plans to be her collective sugar daddy.]
*<strike>[ Boxxy's official online store. This is where you go to pay $20 for an autographed photo of the queen of chan-whores and consequently end up funding her mother's cheeseburger budget.]</strike> [[Baleeted]].
*[ The Boxxy Spreadshirt webstore]
*[ The Boxxy board]
*[ The board dedicated to Catie Wayne]
*[ A board filled with every thread that features Catie Wayne as OP.]
*[ Some shitty board dedicated to some raghead that is barely relevant within the boxxysphere, let alone the rest of the world.]
*[ A board dedicated to Oekaki drawings. Moar shit nobody cares about]
*[ The miscellaneous board. This is the board that tries to be like 4chan's /b/ while ironically pretending they hate 4chan.]<br>
*[ The new forums]
*[ Boxxysphere tinychat #1]
*[ Boxxysphere tinychat #2]
*<strike>[ The blog of a typical enthusiast]</strike> Set to private by a [[butthurt]] Boxxy [[stalker]].
*[ Catie Chan Archive]
*[ The Catiechan hall of fame page on imgur. Apparently the standard of what belongs in a hall of fame has been severely diminished]
*[ A much less lulzy wiki article about Catiechan]
{{Dying Alone}}
[[Category:Fandom Stuff]][[Category:2011]][[Category:2010]][[Category:Internets Phenomena]][[Category:Faggotry]]

Latest revision as of 19:19, 8 November 2015

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