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Latest revision as of 13:36, 15 May 2015

untitled section

Can somebody go to this guy's DevianTart and link him to his ED? I'm permabanned from making new accounts on DA and proxies break the site. Already left a link on his FA, but this faggot is more active on DA. Thanks Are you butthurt? BAWWW here. 00:48, 21 July 2012 (EDT)

I'll do it. Does anyone have this guy's e-mail yet? -Slash 8:55, 30 July 2012 (EDT)

  • Cap what you do or he'll hide it. Re: Email - Not yet. Not having much luck finding it. Hope somebody with better googlefu than me will find it. Are you butthurt? BAWWW here. 19:50, 30 July 2012 (EDT)


lolgross -hipcrime 15:43, 23 July 2012 (EDT)

What? This article needs moar Freddy pr0n.
You can help by adding moar Freddy pr0n.
- Mr Jonzz User:Mr_Jonzz 16:09, 23 July 2012 (EDT)

He's too retarded to get a fucking clue that this is not okay! Still plagiarizing!

His fic got pulled off and he just went over to bigclaws and kept on posting. What a dumb fuck.

This is the most retarded faggot I have ever seen on the internet.

Are you butthurt? BAWWW here. 21:41, 30 July 2012 (EDT)

Possible leads

I've been exercising my Google-Fu abilities, and I found a Youtube channel [1] that's probably him. It leads to a Myspace [2] page that may be his. I'll keep following the paper trail, unless someone can confirm that I'm looking at the wrong person. -Slash 13:36, 31 July 2012

  • This is his gamertag [3] but I'm still no closer to finding anything really good. A lot of his friends seem to live in Rockford, Illinois so if he lives there I'll be able to get his dox. -Slash 14:09, 31 July 2012
That Onigojira on youtube isn't Mark. I checked that already. Thanks though! Can you verify the gamer tag is him? Are you butthurt? BAWWW here. 15:06, 31 July 2012 (EDT)
  • Are you absolutely sure that isn't him on YouTube? The MySpace he linked to really seems like him, what with the Godzilla and all. If it is him, then I found some of the people he knew on Facebook and should be able to find him if he has an account. If you're 100% sure that the YouTube account isn't him, then everything I've found is false and I'll have to start over. -Slash 15:55, 31 July 2012
I'm pretty sure. His photo is all over the main article, so if he has a myspace he'd probably spam it up with his art and Gfest photos. Link me and I'll look again. The computer I use is a piece of crap that hates to load images some of the time. The best we can do if we can't be wholly sure is link them with notes saying POSSIBLY MARK. Keep up the good work. Even if we're wrong, we know who ISN'T him. So far his usernames consist of MarkD, Onigojira, Onigojirakaiju or Scorpius. Are you butthurt? BAWWW here. 20:12, 31 July 2012 (EDT)

Okay I got it to load. That Myspace DEFINITELY isn't Mark. Mark is a fat, ugly Filipino guy with glasses.

Photos are to show how he looks with his hair short and longer. Are you butthurt? BAWWW here. 20:18, 31 July 2012 (EDT)

Dear God he looks like the Filipino version of Chris-chan. Acts like him too.

Well, I'll keep up the search, and in the meantime I'll keep trolling him on dA under the name Mature-Adult. - Slash 16:07, 14 Aug 2012

Get ready to make a lot of aliases of it. He's probably blocked you already. He's butthurt and sucks at pretending he isn't! Are you butthurt? BAWWW here. 16:13, 14 August 2012 (EDT)

His power word and email are public

It's obviously him. He's obsessed with space shuttles.

This just goes to show your past can haunt you. Are you butthurt? BAWWW here. 17:29, 14 August 2012 (EDT)


I'm going to upload email caps. My brother got them and sent them to me. They contain so much BAWWW. Are you butthurt? BAWWW here. 13:14, 18 August 2012 (EDT)

Fanfics and shit

Anyway we can move the fanfics elsewhere or condense them somehow? It's been a long ass time since I edited anything Wiki-related. Trying to format this shit so it's a little more readable and I got nothing as far as those things go. -Jared 20:14, 20 August 2012 (EDT)

  • You can try moving them to their own subpage, but keep them in their scrolling boxes or the page will be assfuckingly too big. Are you butthurt? BAWWW here. 20:18, 20 August 2012 (EDT)
The page is going to be assfuckingly long anyway, but that's probably the best option. Shit's just cluttering. -Jared 20:31, 20 August 2012 (EDT)

I think I found his dad.

Internet white pages. Note the address and phone number. Are you butthurt? BAWWW here. 19:08, 12 September 2012 (EDT)

The author of a fic Mark ripped off is pissed!

I check Mark's Bigclawz once or twice a week. Finally got some lulz. Mark lost another friend. Should I reply or leave it alone?

Are you butthurt? BAWWW here. 17:40, 26 April 2013 (EDT)

Watch Mark sperg in reviews.

Here's how fatty was found on again.

His latest obsession is Pacific Rim.
Fatass is too lazy to write his own fics. He wants Cyndi to write for him.

The screencaps prove Mark can't stay the fuck away when he isn't wanted. Look at him talking like nothing's wrong. What a dumbfuck.

Here's the reviews on the pages.

Mark retardation More Mark retardation

Even funnier is he left his PM's enabled.

Link to his new is now on the main article. Are you butthurt? BAWWW here. 22:56, 23 June 2013 (EDT)

Getting more shit on this fat fag

I am in contact with two people he bothers way too much. They're being helpful. Will update the article when I have all the dirt proving Mark doesn't change for shit. Are you butthurt? BAWWW here. 18:54, 27 June 2013 (EDT)

Help me troll his DevianTART?

DA is butthurt and I'm totally IP banned off their site. I can't make accounts and proxies break the site now. We need more lulz off his new DA. Anons out there, please halp. Cap anything you do and add it to the "Trolling 2013" gallery. Mark is a pussy and hides shit right away. Thanks faggots. Are you butthurt? BAWWW here. 22:57, 30 June 2013 (EDT)

Kill yourself faggot. Mr.Jonzz 23:20, 30 June 2013 (EDT)
Stop giving birth to cattle, man! I'm not looking for a personal army. I'm trying to piss off his white knights on DA and I can't do that if I'm IP banned. DA sucks and I can't afford a VPN. I'll sit around and wait for something to percolate on his FA instead if nobody will assist in causing lulz on DA.

Anybody know where user:Slash_P went? Are you butthurt? BAWWW here. 23:30, 30 June 2013 (EDT)

>'we' need more lulz
>asking people to perpetuate your own agenda on the internet is not personal-armying
>writing three words is akin to bovine-labor
kk Mr.Jonzz 23:52, 30 June 2013 (EDT) ~do~ know that DevianTart doesn't do IP bans...right? I mean, if you're going to try and make a "personal army" request you could at least have enough sense to research this shit before you start running at the mouth...I'm just saying.


--Onideus 23:56, 30 June 2013 (EDT)

They ban ranges if somebody makes hundreds of accounts. Which I did before. Oh well, forget his DA then. I'll wait for shit on his FA. Mark will BAWW to his white nights eventually. Impatient troll is impatient. Are you butthurt? BAWWW here. 00:20, 1 July 2013 (EDT)

No. They do not *EVER* ban at the IP level. And that's coming from the guy who has made THOUSANDS of fucking accounts. If you're some sloppy ass n00b job it might ~seem~ like they're banning at the IP level but what they're ~actually~ doing is leaving COOKIES in your browser like bread crumbs telling the server that you've been banned. So as long as you aren't an idiot and you clear your browser's cookies, you can make however many accounts as you like. --Onideus 00:23, 1 July 2013 (EDT)

A new message for Onigojurakaiju

I was wanting to write up Oni-chan on deviantART today and was wondering if this draft I've worked on is good enough to send to him:

Hello, Quartei, or should I say Onigojirakaiju. We've known about you for a while now. Even though you've kept quiet recently, your page on Encyclopedia Dramatica is still up for everyone to see what a real grade-A faggot you are. We've secretly kept an eye on you ever since. Still playing with toy spaceships at 32, I see? You must be a very grown-up human being for that. By the way, have you seen any good movies lately? how about last year's GOJIRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA movie? I bet you probably fapped all the way through it. Sick fuck. Also, I'm a bipolar autistic and you can't say anything bad to me! Lulz. Ta ta Mr. Herpy, -ED

I was wanting to stir up some moar drama out of this slimeball, as he is still active on dA. Please tell me if this is good enough to send to him. -ಠ_ಠ 13:52, 10 May 2015 (EDT)

Fuck it, I'm gonna do it anyway. -ಠ_ಠ 14:00, 10 May 2015 (EDT)
  • Good luck getting any response out of him now. He's like Chris-chan and only funny when he's churning out shitty traced art or whining about bipolar people. Are you butthurt? BAWWW here. 14:36, 15 May 2015 (EDT)