Six Apart

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A typical Six Apart project.

The company that bought LiveJournal, and the accounts of squealing 13 year old girls, their 17 year old boyfriends and the sexual deviants that prey on both.

Six Apart was co-founded by Mena, who now serves as its President. Some dude named Ben is the other co-founder. They fuck.

In September 2007, Six Apart fired its CEO Barak Berkowitz due to pressure from Neo-nazi groups on LiveJournal and replaced him with some guy with a much less Jewy name.

Business strategy

Six Apart's business strategy for LiveJournal is simple: sexual deviants are willing to pay. Attracting more sexual deviants (by, for example, opening LiveJournal to preteens) will increase the profitability of LiveJournal. (See Paid account)

Since Six Apart has already convinced people to pay for Typepad and Moveable Type, they have enough money to continue baiting deviants.

See also

External link

Six Apart

Six Apart is part of a series on


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