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SwordTheYellowKirby is a 17-year-old pedophile who has reached over 70,000 page-views, despite creating nothing but awful "art".

Eye Cancer

I think we can all agree that we laughed at this.

Sword's unbelievable lack of creativity lead him to mix Kirby into shit like The Legend Of Zelda, Mario Kart, Super smash bro's, etc. He enjoys making awful videos and comics, that mainly contain meeting with his friends, and hugging. Which honestly, looks like two balls kissing. Though his kissing features look like utter shit. Same goes to his 'art'.

His gallery is really just a circle of the same shit, over, and over again, up to the point that his art is just as bland as the food you get at school.

He's been doings what he does for quite some time now, but despite that, he never seems to improve! So his art is just as terrible as it was from day 1.

Here's a sample!

WARNING! Eye-bleach will be necessary.

The army

Oh, I'm scared. So sorry, please forgive!

Swords endless bullshit has attracted an army of fans. 248 to be exact, and growing everyday. He usually comes up with some half ass reason to feel sad so he can have a moment of pity.

His fans range from ages 5-12, and are overly obsessed with the faggot, even up to the point that they'll mistreat anyone who doesn't agree with them, or Sword. Like a death threat.

The little obsessive brats always try to get an online- hookup with almighty Sword. Except, he's already with someone! A 9 year old to be exact. However, once, one of them succeeded and Sword, actually cheated on his girlfriend, Andy. But every once in a while, a friend will try to try to knock some sense into him But of course, BAWWWW U DONT FORIVES ME

Sword now claims that him and Andy are back together, and it will stay that way, forever! Andy apparently had no problem with the cheating.

I have such a raging lulz boner right now.

The asspatting continues

The few times Sword admits to his guilt, he'll receive a shit tons of asspats from the servants. They seem to not really listen, and don't really care what he does, it's still AWWWWWWRITE. Haha, retards.

Like this person.

Some of his ex-fans actually feel disturbed by this person, and will talk behind his back. Hypocrites. <3


Once the trolls found Sword, they were having a blast. They were trolling the living shit out of him, and this actually caused one of his minions to create a "Stop-Sword-Haters" group!

The group gained very little members, or support.

It's pretty deserted now, since most of the trolls backed off. Tear.


At least a hundred years ago, Sword used to have a JewTube account to post his shitty comics in video form. Sword, being the retard he is, and several of his friends gotten their JewTube account hacked over 9000 times by a hacking group called the Mysterious Hacker Organization. Mysterious did a lot of trolling and hacking to Sword, which caused him to BAWWWWWW and create another YouTube account and fall into the same trap, get hacked, BAWWWW, create another YouTube account, fall into the same trap, get hacked, it's a never-ending cycle. Sadly, Mysterious died and Sword and his butt buddies rejoiced and had a gay sex orgy.


Sword gets a lot of critique for his behavior from, well, a lot of people.

He keeps pulling the famous line "I'LL CHANGEEEE!11!!!" but quite frankly, never does.

Swords life is pretty okay, i mean, he's got a lot of people who like him..? But that aint stopping him from bein' depressseeeed. Ohohoooo, no.

Sometimes, he'll even deny or become 'cunfuzzled' about what someone's talking about


He even made a base of -someone- hugging Sword. Retard.

It's not just an act. It's not just the fan. It's him. He's proven it himself.

Nine year old girl is nine.

That's right. This 17 year old scum is dating a fucking nine year old, legally, he's a pedophile. Lulz boner raging. He's got several drawings of them "in bed". The nine year old girl has now been banned from dA.

Then, this lovely young lady, called him out on his bullshit.

"Chain letter" Lol.

The devitation by the name of "So Young" was then BAWWWWLETED, but we're not done yet, kiddies! It states here that he went out YET again with a 12 year old ban evader, who deactivated her account!


Okay, so, there was another girl, before Andy popped in to the picture. But Sword cheated on her for Andy. Surprisseeee! Her name was Mirror. Her and Sword lived a happy life, and had little RP kids together. Anywhoop, Sword cheated on his beloved Mirror for some whore named Andy. Mirror couldn't stand the pain, and went mental on everyone, which then resulted in some poor bastard getting hacked. Then, Andy got cheated on. So much lulz. <3 He cheated on her with some chick named Berry/Sappy/Sapphire/Aluriea. God, you delusional bitch, make up your god damn mind. Sword abandoned his previous RP-children with Mirror, and had two new ones with Berry. Then one day, Berry went apeshit on Sword for not including her in one of his crappy comics. Which resulted in Berry's sorry little ass getting dumped. Berry would simply request too much from poor wikkle Sword, and it was simply overwhelming!

Berry's anal area started getting sore, and she made shittons of call-out journals. But kids, that's another story. Sword couldn't live without a girlfriend, so, he got back with Andy.

And then...

wait for it.....


I know, getting old, isn't it?

But yes, you heard it folks, Sword cheated, once again! GalexyXKirby 'fell in love' with Sword, causing him to cheat on Andy. A second time around~! Then, for whatever reason, GalexyXKirby invited everyone for a huge bawwwfest. Now this topic is almost getting kind of boring, so moving on!

Bottom line; Manwhore. Who sexually rps


A hacker found out that Sword watches lesbian porn, and told everyone. Sword got butthurt, and went away for a while. Defenders of lulz are rejoicing! http://img818.imageshack.us/f/webhistory.png/


This dude has threatened to leave deviantart several times. Ohhhhh, that would be awful! Here's a screenshot. Because he usually just deletes whatever journals/devitations he made about 24 hours after the shitstorm. And then makes a new journal. That was bawwwleted due to this chick forcing him to change his ways. Ahh...the faggotry never ends. <3


Oh dear! Didn't see this one coming!

Ohhhh dear!

The perfect couple decided to split up! And, as usual, Andy doesn't seem to mind.

Won't be long until he finds another girl to have hot spooning time with.

Use scrollbar to see the full image

Aaaand he got a new one. Chocker!

Gotta love hypocrite Berry!

Ahahahaa, Berry, when will you learn?

Well, she's still at it, folks. Berry's utter hypocrisy never seems to take a rest.

One second she'll be all like "BAWWW LEAVE SWORD ALOONEEE!1!!!" And the other "HE CH33TED 0N ME BAWWWWW T__T HE SO STOOPEHD N.E WAYYYYYY."

Aaaaaand this.

And Now, the Sprites

As soon as Sword realizes what sprites were, and how he could have used them, he decided to finally use them. Probably because the fact that his art is worth nothing and looks like shit has finally hit him. So then, he created "sprite comics". But then, he reverted back to his old ways of drawing shitty pictures without the help of sprites.

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swordtheyellowkirby - Current account. 18:43, 22 March 2013 (EDT) BAWWWWWLETED!

SwordTheYellowKirby is part of a series on


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