Gay kiss

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In the Movies

Notice how you'll never see tongue touching tongue in movie kisses. This is due to the fact that both the leading lady and the girl playing Edward's breath still reaks of the casting director's cock and balls. Further more it is a well known fact that as all movies are bankrolled by jews the stars must kiss like jews. note* the incredible size of the average jew nose prevents more to a jew kiss than to rub the woman's mustache on the bridge of the man's nostrils.

For the Fangirls

Gay kissing is the thing that fangirls REALLY REALLY want to happen between Harry Potter and the Full Metal Alchemist. Since those two will never kiss they have to settle for this.

On the Jewtube

Go ahead search for it on the tube for the jews. All you'll find is little girls that look like boys, but aren't, kissing each other. Possibly undressing each other. The JewTube should at least be able to moderate itself enough to wipe all of the kissing videos into cthulhu's vagina.

For the GHEY

Gay people don't actually watch the gay kissing. They're too busy fapping to actual porn.

Dykes don't count!

Here's some of the videos as a treat. Before they get deleted. Which they all will.

Gay kiss is part of a series on YouTube.

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