Talk:James Cordone

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Taken October 3rd 2011

"4:15 AM - James The Squeaky Clean Skunk: Im christian

4:15 AM - James The Squeaky Clean Skunk: :/
4:15 AM - Stork: lol..
4:15 AM - Stork: your sexuality is a sin
4:16 AM - Stork: and according to the bible
4:16 AM - Stork: you should be stoned to death
4:18 AM - Stork: what do you think?
4:18 AM - James The Squeaky Clean Skunk: Your fucking evil
4:18 AM - James The Squeaky Clean Skunk: YOU should be stoned
4:18 AM - James The Squeaky Clean Skunk: your cruel, unforgiving, and mean
4:18 AM - Stork: according to the bible, sexual deviants should be stoned
4:19 AM - James The Squeaky Clean Skunk: If being gay is a sin
4:19 AM - James The Squeaky Clean Skunk: why did god make gay people?
4:19 AM - James The Squeaky Clean Skunk: DURR.
4:19 AM - Stork: LOL
4:19 AM - Stork: one second
4:19 AM - Stork: let me find exactly where in the bible it says what im saying
4:21 AM - Stork:"read in the Old Testament that homosexuals should be stoned..."
4:21 AM - Stork: ok, so now I bring my search to the old testament
4:22 AM - Stork: you know, im googling this
4:22 AM - Stork: and im finding news stories about gays being stoned to death by christians
4:22 AM - Stork: lol
4:22 AM - Stork: hey
4:23 AM - James The Squeaky Clean Skunk: Yesh
4:23 AM - Stork: here is proof that the bible says gays should be killed
4:23 AM - Stork: " "If a man lies with a male as with a women, both of them shall be put to death for their abominable deed;they
have forfeited their lives." (Leviticus 20:13 NAB)"
4:24 AM - Stork: excerpt from Romans 1:24-32 NLT
4:24 AM - Stork: "And the men, instead of having normal sexual relationships with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did
shameful things with other men and, as a result, suffered within themselves the penalty they so richly deserved."
4:24 AM - James The Squeaky Clean Skunk: Still
4:24 AM - James The Squeaky Clean Skunk: Is the bible written by god? No
4:24 AM - James The Squeaky Clean Skunk: and even then, god is loving, frogivign
4:24 AM - Stork: LOL
4:24 AM - James The Squeaky Clean Skunk: IMHO i think God himself would rather have someone have gay love then no love at all"



—James The Skunk

Taken July 14th 2011, Minor's name was changed to "Furry428", from now on all his rape/fail chats will be posted here. Use Squotes please.

"7:38 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette nudges with snout

7:38 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: ;3
7:38 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: Murrrrrrrr
7:39 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette licks
7:41 PM - Furry428: seriously?
7:57 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette french licks
7:57 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: :3
7:58 PM - Furry428: james, you do realize i fucked you over 1 to meny times?
7:58 PM - Furry428: and ur doin this retard shit...
7:58 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette french licks more, rubbing her wet tongue roughly againist yours
7:58 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: Murr.
7:59 PM - Furry428: your sick... and i have a gf jackass
7:59 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette continues french licking, murring softly
7:59 PM - Furry428: james cut the shit :I
7:59 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: hah ok
8:00 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: question
8:00 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: why does your guy have a broken nose?
8:00 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: i understand zombie invasion
8:00 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: but did a zombie fucking punch him in the face or some shit
8:00 PM - Furry428: play l4d
8:00 PM - Furry428: learn
8:00 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: yeah but still
8:00 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: he doesnt even look like he bothered cleaning his cut
8:00 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: thats another thing
8:01 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: if my nose was cut like that i garantee my hands would be covering it, and smearing blood all over, i would need an award if i could prevent my hands frm touching it
8:01 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: and just leaving it like your pic
8:01 PM - Furry428: its not a fresh cut dumbass
8:02 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: Explain the little stream of blood on the left
8:02 PM - Furry428: dry blood
8:02 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: again, i would wipe that away
8:03 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: i still dont get how hw got that, did a zombie like punch him or did he fall and land on a bowling ball?
8:03 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: or somthin?
8:04 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: Can you please draw my fursona one day
8:05 PM - Furry428: FUCK OFF
8:05 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: ...What?
8:05 PM - Furry428: stop acting like my firend, and stop molesting me
8:05 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: Only if YOU stop fucking me up
8:05 PM - Furry428: nah
8:06 PM - Furry428: i love doing that
8:06 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: Well, guess your stuck with my huggles
8:06 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: ;3
8:06 PM - Furry428: yeah, cause ur not resupplying me atall
8:06 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: but yeah
8:06 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: i would like a pic of my fursona in a police chopper
8:07 PM - Furry428: nope
8:08 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: with a glare from the searchlight and the back door is slid open (make the cockpit opaque so you cant see through it) with a megaphone and leave me room ro put what i want in it
8:08 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: so i can like make text
8:08 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: please?"



—James The Skunk

Wednesday, July 20, 2011 Hes Posting Porn to a Minor

James = Jessica, and now the furfag is posting porn to a 14 year old, thats fucked up. Whats even more fucked up is he was getting trolled by the 14 year old who was openly monking Jessica in front of james and to top it off he once again backs up the statment of being the Clayton Bigsby of Furrys.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

12:27 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: did you see the chicken vid?
12:27 AM - Some 14 year old: yeah
12:27 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: as lolling how they all fall onto landmines
12:27 AM - Some 14 year old: meh
12:27 AM - Some 14 year old: niggers can jump
12:28 AM - Some 14 year old: you want to have a thick moat, because they can't swim
12:28 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: SEE LINK 1 BELOW WIKI WONT LET ME POST URL's IN QUOTES
12:29 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: tell me when its over
12:29 AM - Some 14 year old: also, I really don't care aboutscribblenauts
12:29 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Mehfa
12:30 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: lemme show u one last vic
12:30 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: SEE LINK 2 BELOW WIKI WONT LET ME POST URL's IN QUOTES
12:30 AM - Some 14 year old: but I don't want to watch it
12:30 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Yes, you type in swine flu and can infect ppl
12:30 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: course you need the surgical mask and gear otherwise your fucked and will die
12:30 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Question
12:30 AM - Some 14 year old: what?
12:31 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: what should i do
12:31 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: yyeah im tired
12:31 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: gonight
12:31 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: heh, jessica is lying down on her belly on m ybed with her tail straight up, she wants her tail hugged
12:31 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: cya
12:31 AM - Some 14 year old: you should take some nyquil and down it with a margarita
12:33 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Heh, nah
12:33 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Cya
12:33 AM - Some 14 year old: why not?
12:33 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: only 14
12:33 AM - Some 14 year old: you're taking cyanide?
12:33 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: and Jessica would be pissed if i was drunk
12:33 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: look goodbye
12:33 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Im tired
12:33 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: goodnight
12:33 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: and jessicas impatient
12:34 AM - Some 14 year old: don't you want to drag on another conversation about something stupid?
12:34 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Too tired
12:35 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: and again, jessicas getting impatient
12:35 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: she wants to sleeep on top of me like last night
12:35 AM - Some 14 year old: you only think you're too tired
12:35 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: really
12:35 AM - Some 14 year old: and Jessica really wants you to buy her a chew toy off of ebay
12:35 AM - Some 14 year old: tonight
12:35 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Now that you mention it
12:35 AM - Some 14 year old: with your parent's credit card
12:36 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: I think she doesnt really chew on things
12:36 AM - Some 14 year old: see, both you and I know that she's not pestering you about sleep
12:37 AM - Some 14 year old: also, she wants a triple whopper with a diet coke
12:37 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Haham lol
12:37 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: and...she fell asleep
12:37 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: greaty
12:38 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: now i have to pull her on top of me
12:38 AM - Some 14 year old: lies
12:38 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: and hug her tail myse;f :c
12:38 AM - Some 14 year old: she only looks like she's sleeping because she's playing dead
12:38 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: lol
12:38 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: but yeah theres a HUGE difference fromw hens he wraps her tail aroun d you
12:38 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: and when you pick up her tail and curl it aorund you, its not the same
12:39 AM - Some 14 year old: she thinks that if she's a good girl, you'll get her a year subscription to xbox live
12:39 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: i dont got a ps3
12:39 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: :3
12:39 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: I mean a 360
12:39 AM - Some 14 year old: she's hiding a stolen xbox from you
12:39 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: lol, cya
12:39 AM - Some 14 year old: there's one in your crawlspace with a tv on it
12:40 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: cya
12:40 AM - Some 14 year old: (and empty beer bottles)
12:40 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: FOr gods sake, quit stalling
12:40 AM - Some 14 year old: why?
12:40 AM - Some 14 year old: you know you've wanted to talk for a while
12:40 AM - Some 14 year old: why not now?
12:40 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: or i make you watch H0rs3
12:40 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: hell, you never heard of him?
12:40 AM - Some 14 year old: I dare you to make me watch it
12:40 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: he makes THE best furry porn available, so detailed its unreal
12:40 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: OK
12:40 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: SEE LINK 3 BELOW WIKI WONT LET ME POST URL's IN QUOTES
12:41 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Wrong one, sorry
12:41 AM - Some 14 year old: they would never allow porn on youtube
12:41 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk facepaws
12:41 AM - Some 14 year old: you need a monster
12:41 AM - Some 14 year old: or a red bull
12:41 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: if you HAD to watch either straight or gay porn what would you pick
12:42 AM - Some 14 year old: depends, is the gay with guys or girls?
12:42 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: guys
12:42 AM - Some 14 year old: straight
12:42 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: ok then
12:42 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: giving you a straight one
12:42 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: whats retarded
12:42 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: is the guy
12:42 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: has like 100 vids
12:42 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: yet
12:42 AM - Some 14 year old: ... you're specifically looking for a straight one, aren't you?
12:42 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: only 2 of them are straight
12:42 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: yeah
12:42 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: the rest are ga/herm
12:42 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: and its retarded
12:43 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: at least caster to different audiences!
12:43 AM - Some 14 year old: well, a lot of furries like that gay stuff
12:43 AM - Some 14 year old: I thought you did too
12:43 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: sorta do
12:43 AM - Some 14 year old: lies, you love it
12:43 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: SEE LINK 4 BELOW WIKI WONT LET ME POST URL's IN QUOTES
12:43 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Here you go
12:43 AM - Some 14 year old: I'm not watching that
12:44 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: what
12:44 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: i dare you
12:44 AM - Some 14 year old: I don't do dares
12:44 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: what do you do
12:44 AM - Some 14 year old: whatever I want
12:44 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: fine, i bet iyou cant watch the hwole thing
12:44 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: i dare you
12:44 AM - Some 14 year old: I know I can't
12:44 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: heh
12:45 AM - Some 14 year old: I can't because I won't watch any of it
12:45 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: still fun to watch you suffer
12:45 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: i h onestly enjoyed this one
12:45 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: anwyays i find it cool how the girld tailhole stretches from the foxes knot like that
12:45 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: really detailed
12:45 AM - Some 14 year old: you enjoy all of them, don't you?
12:45 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: SOmewhat
12:45 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: hate the hyper ones tho
12:45 AM - Some 14 year old: lies
12:45 AM - Some 14 year old: you've got to collect them all
12:46 AM - Some 14 year old: hmm, sudden silence, are you watching one?
12:46 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: yeah actually
12:46 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: good stuff
12:47 AM - Some 14 year old: I figured you would be
12:47 AM - Some 14 year old: also, try not to jizz yourself
12:48 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: lol
12:48 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: i ddare you, watch this one
12:48 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: please
12:48 AM - Some 14 year old: no
12:48 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: i honestly fucking dare you
12:48 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: what are you, chicken?
12:48 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: ya know, i questionw hy am i watching this
12:49 AM - Some 14 year old: well, I did eat some chickn
12:49 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: what has become of me
12:49 AM - Some 14 year old: you haven't changed
12:50 AM - Some 14 year old: you've always loved that stuff, even when you thought you were a fur hater
12:50 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: ur right
12:50 AM - Some 14 year old: I know I'm right
12:51 AM - Some 14 year old: plus it was very easy to see you were faking it when you had wolf from starfox as a profile pic
12:52 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: lol
12:52 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: anyyways that was fun
12:52 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: jessica s sleeping
12:52 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: and so will i be
12:52 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: nighty night
12:52 AM - Some 14 year old: you sure you don't want to talk about something else?
12:53 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: no
12:53 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: actually
12:53 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: SEE LINK 5 BELOW WIKI WONT LET ME POST URL's IN QUOTES
12:53 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: one of my fans drew this
12:54 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: yeah my female fursona
12:54 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: anyways Jessica needs her tail huggled, cya tomorrow
12:54 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: so happy about that commission with Jessica
12:54 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: i have fans
12:54 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: :3
James The Huggleable Skunk is now Offline.


—James The Skunk

1* 12:28 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk:
2* 12:30 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk:
3* 12:40 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk:
4* 12:43 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk:
5* 12:53 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk:

Nigger Jew Pedo

Ok, what we have here is a /b/ tard bashing on him for a good 12 minutes. In the 12 minutes James confesses to stalking his neighbor kid both in Real life and on steam, confesses to being a dirty jew and try's and fails to use reverse psychology on the /b/tard by thanking him for the "Furfagz Grafffiti". Did I bring up hes a jew?

12:36 PM - Random /b/tard: wow nice gay name

12:37 PM - Random /b/tard: so how you doing today jew :D?
12:37 PM - James Misayuki: Good
12:37 PM - James Misayuki: you?
12:37 PM - Random /b/tard: grape
12:37 PM - Random /b/tard: doin shit
12:38 PM - Random /b/tard: sellin stuff
12:38 PM - Random /b/tard: made 227 last night from hats
12:38 PM - Random /b/tard: bux
12:38 PM - James Misayuki: ah cool
12:39 PM - Random /b/tard: yeah, so what you been up to you jew?
12:39 PM - James Misayuki: Not Much
12:39 PM - James Misayuki: thanks for the article, i LOVE the FURFAG grafffiti logo
12:39 PM - James Misayuki: makes me feel like a pimp, Yo.
12:39 PM - Random /b/tard: yeah no problem
12:39 PM - James Misayuki: Furfagz 4 life mothafucka'
12:40 PM - Random /b/tard: im glad i made it too
12:40 PM - Random /b/tard: nothin i like more then seeing people read about a jewish pedophile
12:40 PM - Random /b/tard: ie you
12:40 PM - James Misayuki: Heh
12:40 PM - James Misayuki: sniper Joe X's gf is a jew
12:40 PM - Random /b/tard: thats cool
12:40 PM - Random /b/tard: to bad u cant yiff him
12:41 PM - Random /b/tard: mr "i hate yiffing"
12:41 PM - Random /b/tard: even tho thats total bullshit
12:41 PM - James Misayuki:
12:41 PM - James Misayuki: seE?
12:41 PM - James Misayuki: I know him IRL
12:41 PM - James Misayuki: hes a good friend
12:42 PM - Random /b/tard: last time i checked
12:42 PM - Random /b/tard: this is steam
12:42 PM - Random /b/tard: not ril
12:42 PM - James Misayuki: I know him IRL
12:42 PM - James Misayuki: lifes across the street
12:42 PM - Random /b/tard: im positive you do
12:42 PM - James Misayuki: Ask him, he knows me IRL
12:42 PM - Random /b/tard: does he know your jewish too?
12:42 PM - James Misayuki: Derp
12:42 PM - James Misayuki: Course
12:42 PM - James Misayuki: his GF is jewish too
12:43 PM - Random /b/tard: not his gf
12:43 PM - Random /b/tard: you
12:43 PM - Random /b/tard: ya smelly jew
12:43 PM - James Misayuki: yeah he kn ows
12:43 PM - Random /b/tard: thats good to know
12:43 PM - Random /b/tard: cause you know
12:43 PM - Random /b/tard: last person u linked me to that i talked to said they hated ur guts
12:44 PM - Random /b/tard: ie ur "mate"
12:44 PM - James Misayuki: Yeah
12:44 PM - Random /b/tard: who btw really fuckin hates you
12:44 PM - James Misayuki: Derp
12:44 PM - James Misayuki: but yeah sniper joe is a good kid
12:44 PM - Random /b/tard: cant wait to hear that he hates you too
12:44 PM - James Misayuki: heh ask him yourself then
12:45 PM - Random /b/tard: uh duh
12:45 PM - James Misayuki: SO ty for the article
12:45 PM - Random /b/tard: np
12:46 PM - Random /b/tard: dont mind giving a jew such as your self, such a lovely article with true statements of all the crap yove done
12:46 PM - James Misayuki: Yeah, thanks
12:46 PM - Random /b/tard: and to have people admire it as the lol hard core
12:46 PM - Random /b/tard: at you
12:46 PM - Random /b/tard: a jew
12:46 PM - Random /b/tard: skunk
12:46 PM - Random /b/tard: dead jew skunk
12:46 PM - James Misayuki: yeah im a jew
12:46 PM - James Misayuki: so?
12:46 PM - Random /b/tard: you sure are james
12:46 PM - James Misayuki: Whats bad about that
12:46 PM - James Misayuki: id ont grub for cash
12:47 PM - Random /b/tard: you sure dont james
12:47 PM - Random /b/tard: anyway
12:47 PM - James Misayuki: later
12:48 PM - Random /b/tard: also people are posting in ur article
12:48 PM - Random /b/tard: more people



—James The Skunk

stolen deviant art fail

This just in, James is a faggot!?!??1 Oh wait wrong card, James's pedo fake Fagsona was stolen from a artist off of deviant art, when we asked james about this heres what he had to say. But first this.

2:53 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: one of my fans drew this

12:54 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: yeah my female fursona
12:54 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: anyways Jessica needs her tail huggled, cya tomorrow
12:54 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: so happy about that commission with Jessica


—James The Skunk

Then fail
Stolen Fagsona

2:25 PM - Some asshole: so yeah

2:25 PM - Some asshole:
2:25 PM - Some asshole: you have no fans
2:28 PM - James Misayuki: Yeah but i mean Jessica
2:28 PM - James Misayuki: :c
2:28 PM - James Misayuki: C;
2:28 PM - Some asshole: no
2:28 PM - Some asshole: you dont get it
2:28 PM - Some asshole: thats not even for you
2:28 PM - Some asshole: or jessica
2:29 PM - James Misayuki: you never asked for a skunkette named Jessica
2:29 PM - James Misayuki: c:
2:29 PM - Some asshole: its a gift for a friend that is not you
2:29 PM - Some asshole: and its a skunk named jess
2:29 PM - Some asshole: not jessica
2:29 PM - Some asshole: which is not you
2:30 PM - Some asshole:
2:30 PM - Some asshole: that is who it was for
2:30 PM - Some asshole: not you
2:30 PM - Some asshole: it even clearly states
2:30 PM - Some asshole:
2:31 PM - Some asshole:
2:31 PM - Some asshole: not james
2:31 PM - Some asshole: not jessica
2:31 PM - Some asshole: Eien-no-Yoru
2:33 PM - James Misayuki: So?
2:33 PM - Some asshole: umad?
2:33 PM - Some asshole: umad bro?
2:33 PM - James Misayuki: nope
2:33 PM - Some asshole: ujelly?
2:34 PM - James Misayuki: upeanutbutter?
2:34 PM - Some asshole: u peanut butter and jelly of Eien-no-Yoru?
2:34 PM - Some asshole: yeah ujelly
2:34 PM - Some asshole: and umad
2:34 PM - Some asshole: cause last time i checked someone bitches about how you bitch to them and compain about how im ruining your life
2:37 PM - James Misayuki: Murr
2:37 PM - Some asshole: thats cute :I
2:38 PM - Some asshole: anyway, off to ruin ur life some more
2:38 PM - Some asshole: while i swim in my piles of cash made off of virtual pixels in a hat simulator! :D



—James The Skunk

A Hero is born, : James W. Cordone

2:53 PM - James Misayuki: lol i bet your shit scared

2:57 PM - /B/rother: im positive yhats you now me
2:57 PM - /B/rother: not*
2:57 PM - /B/rother: anyway brb
James Misayuki is now Offline.
James Misayuki is now Online.
3:09 PM - James Misayuki: Derp
3:09 PM - James Misayuki: MURR?
3:52 PM - /B/rother: no
3:53 PM - James Misayuki: what do you wanna do?
3:53 PM - /B/rother: ruin ur life
3:54 PM - /B/rother: which is going greatly
3:54 PM - James Misayuki: What makesyou think that
3:55 PM - /B/rother: your mad
3:55 PM - /B/rother: thats how
3:56 PM - James Misayuki: :/
3:56 PM - James Misayuki: Whats next
3:59 PM - James Misayuki: EH?
4:00 PM - /B/rother: youll see dude
4:00 PM - /B/rother: seriously, asking me isnt going to help
4:00 PM - James Misayuki: I already contacted the CyberPolice you numcrut
4:00 PM - /B/rother: LOL
4:00 PM - /B/rother: OH NOOOOO
4:01 PM - James Misayuki: your really screwed now
4:01 PM - /B/rother: THE CYBERPOLICE
4:01 PM - /B/rother: IM SO SCAAAAARED
4:01 PM - James Misayuki: Ayup
4:03 PM - James Misayuki: FBI too
4:04 PM - /B/rother: sure you did
4:04 PM - /B/rother: you do realize this isnt illegal right...
4:04 PM - /B/rother: and you bluff way to much for your own good
4:05 PM - /B/rother: give me a reason to believe you
4:05 PM - James Misayuki: Lets see
4:05 PM - James Misayuki: Posting offensive content
4:06 PM - /B/rother: ED would'nt get sued for it
4:06 PM - /B/rother: and they cant
4:06 PM - /B/rother: so thats not my fault
4:06 PM - /B/rother: you cant dice it to your use
4:06 PM - /B/rother: because it wont work
4:06 PM - /B/rother: also you molested and mentaly disturbed minors
4:06 PM - /B/rother: we've been over this
4:07 PM - James Misayuki: I didnt molest anybody
4:09 PM - /B/rother: seriously
4:09 PM - /B/rother: re read the fuckin article
4:09 PM - James Misayuki: I did
4:10 PM - /B/rother: then dont say you didnt molest anyone
4:10 PM - James Misayuki: but i didnt
4:10 PM - /B/rother: dumbshit
4:10 PM - James Misayuki: I never molested ANYONE
4:10 PM - /B/rother: not physically
4:10 PM - /B/rother: mentally
4:10 PM - James Misayuki: SHow me, how did i molest anyone
4:10 PM - /B/rother: words james
4:10 PM - /B/rother: words effect people
4:10 PM - /B/rother: believe it or not
4:11 PM - /B/rother: and you mentaly disturbed my friend
4:11 PM - /B/rother: and all those other people who you did it to unwillingly
4:11 PM - /B/rother: i think i win this argument
4:12 PM - James Misayuki: SO is the shit your spewing
4:13 PM - James Misayuki: :3
4:13 PM - /B/rother: that made no sense
4:14 PM - James Misayuki: Cani beocme an hero
4:14 PM - /B/rother: what
4:14 PM - James Misayuki: an hero?
4:15 PM - /B/rother: oh
4:15 PM - James Misayuki: Can i become one
4:15 PM - /B/rother: fuck if i care



—James The Skunk

Never tell your password to anyone.

Friday, July 29, 2011
8:19 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: Yo
8:19 PM - /B/rother: what
8:20 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: Murr
8:20 PM - /B/rother: fag lol
8:21 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: MURR!
8:21 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: So whats up
8:21 PM - /B/rother: getting hundreds of dollars doing this bs
8:21 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: Meh
8:22 PM - /B/rother: meh ur self, i aint the poor ass molesting kids
8:22 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: I never molested anyone
8:23 PM - /B/rother: your fucking stupid, yes you have
8:23 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: No
8:23 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: First, that was the most half assed yiff i ever did
8:23 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: Hell, i dont think ifts even a yiff
8:24 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: and saphhires mind was "Filthed" and "Dirtied" and "contaminated" by somthing that fucking poor, she shouldnt even be on the internet anyways
8:24 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: and if*
8:25 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: Honestly, get a fucking grip you peice of shit
8:25 PM - /B/rother: NOT EVERYONE
8:25 PM - /B/rother: EXPECTS
8:25 PM - /B/rother: TO GET MOLESTED
8:25 PM - /B/rother: common
8:25 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: OH DUR HURR
8:25 PM - /B/rother: so she has every reason to be on the internet
8:25 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: Go suck your mothers dick, you faggot
8:26 PM - /B/rother: the way you worded it (because your retarded) made it seem as if the internet was full of people like you
8:26 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: Better yet, kill yourself, no one likes you homo-jew-bot
8:26 PM - /B/rother: molestors
8:26 PM - /B/rother: lol
8:26 PM - /B/rother: no one likes YOU acctually
8:26 PM - /B/rother: ive spoke with a few of ur friends and ur "Mate"
8:26 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: Homo jew twat-bot
8:26 PM - /B/rother: last i checked thye hated you
8:26 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: Ues. a robot with a pussy
8:26 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: Yees*
8:26 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: *yes
8:26 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: yeha its hard to spell, im laughing os much at you XD
8:27 PM - /B/rother: you have nothing to laugh at me for, if anything ur laughing at ur self
8:27 PM - /B/rother: you know what i find funny
8:27 PM - /B/rother: you say no one likes me
8:27 PM - /B/rother: but ur "mate" hates you
8:27 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: Fuck you
8:27 PM - /B/rother: no thanks
8:28 PM - /B/rother: i have a girlfriend for that
8:28 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: Go die in a fire
8:28 PM - /B/rother: sure, atleast i would not have died without knowing what a friend or lover is
8:28 PM - /B/rother: like you
8:28 PM - /B/rother: who has nither of those
8:29 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: So?
8:29 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: I can handle this myself
8:29 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: teammates only get in the way
8:29 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: their a setback to the goal
8:30 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: FUck you
8:30 PM - /B/rother: not really
8:30 PM - /B/rother: team mates help block off the defensive and make your way for an opening shot
Your state is set to Offline.
Jessica The Adorable Skunkette is now Offline.
Lost connection to Steam, will rejoin chat automatically when connection regained.
8:31 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: Nope
8:32 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: Hey pal
8:32 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: Guess whos going to get fucked?
8:32 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: oh and btw
8:32 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: ask Justyn
8:32 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: he LOVES yiffing me
8:32 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: same with Celtic
8:33 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: I have yiff-mates :3
8:34 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: and lonewolf
8:34 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: and Kommy
Connected again and rejoined chat.
Jessica The Adorable Skunkette is now Online.
8:36 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: But yeah, fuck yew
8:36 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: Nigger jew :3
8:37 PM - /B/rother: racist
8:37 PM - /B/rother: thats something to add to the ED
8:38 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: i dont care, Nazi fuckqueer
8:45 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: What, you worship hitler?
8:46 PM - /B/rother: not really, no
8:46 PM - /B/rother: i have a hitler youth knife thats made in china (thats the joke)
8:46 PM - /B/rother: but thats about it
8:47 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: go fuck yourself
8:47 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: Fuck it
8:47 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: its time i do it myself
8:47 PM - /B/rother: sure you will
8:47 PM - /B/rother: you cant do shit
8:47 PM - /B/rother: wont do shit
8:47 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: first im going to beat you up, then im gonnea beat you off :3
8:47 PM - /B/rother: and havent doen shit
8:48 PM - /B/rother: no your not
8:48 PM - /B/rother: acctually
8:48 PM - /B/rother: your little short bus riding ass is just gonna beat your own self off to gay furry porn and people yiffing while telling others how yiffing is gross and in the process you are going to touch little children
8:49 PM - /B/rother: cause last i checked
8:49 PM - /B/rother: thats you in a nutshell
8:50 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: No
8:50 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: go die
8:50 PM - /B/rother: yeah it is
8:50 PM - /B/rother: and no i wont
8:51 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: your so fucking persistant
8:54 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: You cant stop me, punkass bitch
8:54 PM - /B/rother: bet i can
8:55 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: nope, cant
8:56 PM - Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: fuck off
9:12 PM - /B/rother: i think i made it clear
Jessica The Adorable Skunkette is now Offline.



—James The Skunk


I tried cleaning it up, but there is so much shit in that fucking article that I didn't bother much.

Seriously, whoever wrote the article, learn to fucking write shit.--CinoxFellpyre 04:07, 2 August 2011 (UTC)

James Cordone fakes his own death, to get his ED page removed.

James Cordone fakes his own death, somehow changes his age from 24 to 15 and then to 16 and then comes back alive to send porn to underage people and play vice city. All to get his ED page removed.
Never tell your password to anyone.

Wednesday, August 03, 2011
3:33 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Hello, do you know how to disable my sons steam account?
James The Huggleable Skunk is now Offline.
James The Huggleable Skunk is now Online.
3:37 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Do you? He...doesnt need it anymore.
3:38 AM - Overkill: ?
3:39 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: I dont know why he did this, but yesterday, in the middle of the night, he went into the basement, found the hunting shotgun, and shot himself in the head
3:39 AM - Overkill: no i don't but you can do it yourself, Change the email to a personal one by accessing your wifes email and granting you permission
3:39 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Im still trying to understand, what would drive him to suicide, of all things? He was a very bright young man
3:39 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Alright
3:44 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: M'kay, I did that. Now how do I disable it?
3:45 AM - Overkill: sorry, steam does this alot
3:45 AM - Overkill: are you aware of the activities your son engaged in?
3:45 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: WHat are you talking about?
3:45 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: He plays games, reads
3:45 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: boxes
3:45 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: as in boxing
3:45 AM - Overkill: i know
3:45 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Nothing unususal
3:46 AM - Overkill: well, he engages (or engaged) in sextual contact with girls and boys much younger than him
3:46 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: ...Huh?
3:46 AM - Overkill: forecully too might i add
3:46 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Whered you find that out
3:46 AM - Overkill: in a game and in text
3:46 AM - Overkill: a friend of mine told me, she was affected by it
3:47 AM - Overkill: when she told me, i asked a few others that she knew or anyone that had any information about it just to get some confermation
3:47 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Yeah but why would he kill himself?
3:48 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: My son has a very powerful psyche, its hard to keep him down
3:48 AM - Overkill: perhaps his bi-curiosity caused his death, perhaps it was his frustration with gender confusion
3:48 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Gender confusion???
3:48 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: ???
3:49 AM - Overkill: he would also consistantly change his name from james ot jessica
3:49 AM - Overkill: he was also an anthro or furry
3:49 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Odd, but not too weird
3:49 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: some people do that to try and "Escape" stress
3:49 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: my father used to do that, actually
3:50 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: when he was a kid, at home he would pretend he was his own brother when he was upset or worried
3:50 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: SO its not too shocking, but still, why would he kill himself?
3:50 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: DId anyone do anything to him?
3:50 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: he tends to get bullied esily
3:51 AM - Overkill: your son was not very liked
3:51 AM - Overkill: he touched and pushed peoples buttons which he should not have
3:51 AM - Overkill: a few in specific that i cant fully name
3:51 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: He tended to do that to me too
3:51 AM - Overkill: mainly because there are lots
3:52 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Im really upset
3:52 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: I loved my son
3:52 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: everyone is in shock he killed himself the way he did
3:53 AM - Overkill: im not honestly
3:53 AM - Overkill: he spoke of suicide to me
3:53 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Why did you try to help him???
3:53 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Didnt*
3:54 AM - Overkill: because, An Hero is an internet meme
3:54 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: What?
3:54 AM - Overkill: its basically a backwards gun
3:54 AM - Overkill: i assumed he was jokin considering its not possable
3:54 AM - Overkill: but it signifies suicide in a retarded way
3:55 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: ANYONE can pick up a gun, point it to their head, and pull the trigger so dont say you thought he was joking cause its "Not possible"
3:55 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Hell, with my son gone, i might end up joining him too
3:55 AM - Overkill: no i mean
3:55 AM - Overkill: literally
3:55 AM - Overkill: the gun was backwatds
3:55 AM - Overkill: backwards
3:55 AM - Overkill: like
3:55 AM - Overkill: give me as ec
3:56 AM - Overkill: this basically
3:56 AM - Overkill:
3:56 AM - Overkill: its supposed to be a joke considering guns cant work like that
3:56 AM - Overkill: and i dont think they make em like that
3:56 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: WHats that have to do with a shotgun shell to the brain
3:56 AM - Overkill: again, you said why didnt i stop him
3:57 AM - Overkill: i said because i assumed he was joking
3:57 AM - Overkill: because of that
3:57 AM - Overkill: acctually, i believe a few people were attempting to get ahold of you
3:57 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: WHo
3:57 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Look, why did this happen?
3:57 AM - Overkill: sending information about the things that my disturb ur sons that are on the internet
3:58 AM - Overkill: to prevent this sort of thing
3:58 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: WHa
3:58 AM - Overkill: and hopefully change him and keep him from the internet so that he can not do harm to others or himself
3:58 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: How would sending him something disterbing help him
3:58 AM - Overkill: no
3:58 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Hell if anything, that might drive him even closer to suicide
3:58 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: which it might have done, id ont know
3:58 AM - Overkill: sending information about the things he did to his parents
3:58 AM - Overkill: ie you
3:58 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: but hes dead now, and im extremely upset
3:59 AM - Overkill: im sorry to hear, but again, people didnt send stuff to attempt to distrub him
4:00 AM - Overkill: but to alert his parents so they can take action
4:00 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Like what
4:00 AM - Overkill: help him?
4:00 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: yeahw hat did they sned
4:00 AM - Overkill: keep him away from the internet
4:00 AM - Overkill: just logs
4:01 AM - Overkill: of his activities and forcefull attempts at cyber sex with others
4:01 AM - Overkill: he pushed himself on others younger than him
4:01 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Nothing hateful?
4:02 AM - Overkill: well, this caused haters to come, mainly because if some of those friends didnt like it and tell there buddies
4:02 AM - Overkill: it causes a chain reaction that would cause them yo target ur son and bully him as an attempt to get back at him
4:02 AM - Overkill: some of them wanted to help in a way
4:02 AM - Overkill: get him of the internet for good through his parents and send the various logs
4:03 AM - Overkill: infact someone made a page about him on a site called ED
4:03 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Wha?
4:03 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: ED? Erectile Disfunction? 4:03 AM - Overkill: Encyclapedia dramatica
4:03 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: never heard of it
4:03 AM - Overkill: the post stories of the worse cases of people on the internet here
4:03 AM - Overkill: your son happened to be one
4:04 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: what?
4:04 AM - Overkill: he never stoped basically
4:05 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Odd
4:05 AM - Overkill: due to no real evidence of his age, they marked him as a pedophille and listed out various information about his actions
4:05 AM - Overkill:
4:06 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: ...WHAT THE FUCK!?
4:06 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: WHo the fuck wrote that
4:06 AM - Overkill: lots of people
4:06 AM - Overkill: no one in specific
4:06 AM - Overkill: if people want to add information
4:06 AM - Overkill: they do
4:06 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: ED is responsible
4:06 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: they will be getting a lawsuit for the death my son real fucking soon
4:07 AM - Overkill: lol, you cant sue ED
4:07 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: I can
4:07 AM - Overkill: thats like saying you can sue 4chan for posting child porn, its not there fault if someone does it
4:07 AM - Overkill: they cant controll it and wont
4:07 AM - Overkill: so attempting to sue them would be a MAJOR waste of time
4:07 AM - Overkill: plus your son would not be the first
4:08 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: I see.
4:09 AM - Overkill: they have amy whinehouser post, do celebritys sue
4:09 AM - Overkill: no
4:09 AM - Overkill: tey cant
4:10 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Alright.
4:11 AM - Overkill: anyway
4:11 AM - Overkill: about deactivating ur sons account
4:11 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: i will do it later
4:11 AM - Overkill: you cant do it through steam
4:11 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: so how?
4:12 AM - Overkill: you need deactivate a thing called steam guard
4:12 AM - Overkill: located in the settings selection on the steam icon (next to the clock) when you right click on it
4:16 AM - Overkill: its gonna send the email to your wifes email which you have to log in and confirm its change
4:17 AM - Overkill: let me know when this is done
4:17 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: ok
4:17 AM - Overkill: and please stay online for further information
4:20 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: You know who made the ED article?
4:20 AM - Overkill: no sadly
4:20 AM - Overkill: various people can edit it
4:21 AM - Overkill: but not clear it
4:21 AM - Overkill: so people add information
4:21 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Ah ok
4:21 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Look man im really upset
4:29 AM - Overkill: i understand mr cordone
4:29 AM - Overkill: im sorry for ur loss
4:30 AM - Overkill: keep an eye on ur other kids
4:30 AM - Overkill: try and teach them the dangers of the internet
4:30 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: yeah my daughter
4:30 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: alright, i will
4:30 AM - Overkill: i believe one daughter is older correct?
4:30 AM - Overkill: inform her to keep her kids away aswell
4:31 AM - Overkill: and keep ur yougest away aswell
4:35 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: ok
4:55 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Ok, done
4:55 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: now what
5:10 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: WHats next
5:12 AM - Overkill: oh
5:12 AM - Overkill: sorry
5:12 AM - Overkill: i was in the bathroom
5:12 AM - Overkill: at anyrate
5:12 AM - Overkill: now that its deactivated
5:18 AM - Overkill: change the password
5:18 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: ok
5:18 AM - Overkill: james was a friend of mine, so ill go ahead and give you one
5:18 AM - Overkill: ill make it random and hard to guess
5:19 AM - Overkill: Ox4zY2Seven
5:19 AM - Overkill: yeah that'll do it
5:19 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Actually on second thought, i will keep my old pass
5:19 AM - Overkill: your old pass?
5:19 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: AYup, the account was mine orinagally
5:19 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: I passed it on to my son
5:20 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: thought he would like the few games i used to have in 2005
5:20 AM - Overkill: ... you used ur wifes email...
5:20 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: yeah, married for a while
5:20 AM - Overkill: why her email?
5:20 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: and its both me and my wifes email
5:20 AM - Overkill: and ur sons i assume
5:29 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: ayup
5:30 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Who is this Overkill guy in the logs?
5:31 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: whoever he is he really upset James
5:31 AM - Overkill: an alias that various people refer to
5:31 AM - Overkill: here isnt one Overkill
5:31 AM - Overkill: there*
5:32 AM - Overkill: and they didnt upset james
5:32 AM - Overkill: james upset him
5:32 AM - Overkill: he did the most damage
5:33 AM - Overkill: basically, everything happened because your son would go on secondlife and attempt to have sex with minors who had access to the mature filter and forcing himself into sexchats with younger audiences
5:33 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: He wouldnt do that
5:33 AM - Overkill: he did
5:33 AM - Overkill: its in the logs
5:33 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: hes not stupid
5:34 AM - Overkill: eh.. as much as i hate to say it...
5:34 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: And he was only 15. doesnt make him any differnt
5:34 AM - Overkill: ... the fact that he did it with people younger?
5:34 AM - Overkill: and the fact that he did it with people older than him aswell?
5:34 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: eh so?
5:34 AM - Overkill: male and female
5:34 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Wont change the fact my son is dead
5:35 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: EH i wouldnt care if hes gay/bi, all i care about is hes dead
5:35 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: I love him
5:35 AM - Overkill: loved, and yeah i know what your saying
5:35 AM - Overkill: but its not what he was
5:35 AM - Overkill: its who he was with
5:35 AM - Overkill: he forced himself on younger people
5:35 AM - Overkill: that would piss people off
5:35 AM - Overkill: again, the told a friend when james did this
5:36 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Hey man, if your involved in my sons death
5:36 AM - Overkill: and there firends reacted, im postitive thats how it all spread
5:36 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: You will experience pain on a whole new level
5:36 AM - Overkill: what, naw, james had me lookinto the whole
5:36 AM - Overkill: Overkill issue
5:36 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: SO im hoping your not involved.
5:36 AM - Overkill: every bit of info i could get, i tryed my best
5:37 AM - Overkill: james was desperate and turned to me
5:37 AM - Overkill: i tryed my best but he would not fall for the tricks i had in store for him
5:37 AM - Overkill: to smart for his own good i guess
5:37 AM - Overkill: but then again, who is Overkill really?
5:37 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Huh, you tried to trick james?
5:37 AM - Overkill: no
5:37 AM - Overkill: Overkill
5:38 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Overkill: i tryed my best but he would not fall for the tricks i had in store for him
5:38 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: What is this, then?
5:38 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Huh?
5:38 AM - Overkill: 5:36 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Hey man, if your involved in my sons death
5:39 AM - Overkill: i tryed to trick whoever was playing the Overkill card
5:39 AM - Overkill: but out of 20 people
5:39 AM - Overkill: im postitive half of them are going to do something about it
5:39 AM - Overkill: if not more
5:40 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Hmm
5:40 AM - Overkill: your son didnt want to stop doing what he liked
5:40 AM - Overkill: which was basically yiffing
5:45 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: ...Yiffing?
5:46 AM - Overkill: Anthro Sextual Intercorse basically
5:53 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: ???
5:58 AM - Overkill: you know what an anthro is correct?
5:58 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: No
5:59 AM - Overkill: Anthropomorphic creatures are basically animals with humal like qualities
5:59 AM - Overkill: they stand up straight, five fingers, vocal abilities, stuff like that
5:59 AM - Overkill: they call those furries
6:00 AM - Overkill: your sons happened to be a herm skunk thing
6:05 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: wtf
6:05 AM - Overkill: ?
6:05 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: herm skunk?
6:05 AM - Overkill: yeah
6:05 AM - Overkill: you know
6:06 AM - Overkill: has both biological reproductive orgins
6:13 AM - Overkill: might be a bad time, but would you be interested in comissioning me?
6:13 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: I dont do art
6:14 AM - Overkill: im sorry i mean doing you one
6:14 AM - Overkill: i need some cash for personal reasons and am having a hard time saving up
6:14 AM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Im not a furry
6:14 AM - Overkill: oh, i dont do furry art :O
6:15 AM - Overkill: well, its not my main thing
James The Huggleable Skunk is now Offline.
James The Huggleable Skunk is now Online.
3:25 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: James has a file on his comp
3:26 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: I opened it, and its over 120KB of chatlogs between you and him
3:26 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: and i noticed something....your Overkill.
3:26 PM - Overkill: thats nice
3:26 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: ...You are DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE for my sons death
3:26 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: you DO know that
3:27 PM - Overkill: unless i directly told him to kill himself
3:27 PM - Overkill: i am not
3:27 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: you still made the ED article by the looks of it
3:27 PM - Overkill: not the only one
3:28 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: You seem to be the main one involved
3:28 PM - Overkill: i acctually am
3:28 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Seems you also called him a jew a bunch of times
3:28 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: you DO know my wife is jewish?
3:29 PM - Overkill: yup
3:29 PM - Overkill: was so he could ask "why are u calling me this"
3:29 PM - Overkill: and i could respond that someone listed him that on ED
3:29 PM - Overkill: which is true


3:30 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: EXPLAIN THIS
3:30 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Im glad my son recorded this, with shit like this i can garantee your going to jail,
3:30 PM - Overkill: the money thing or the jew thing?
3:30 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Both
3:31 PM - Overkill: also i cant go to jail for harassing someone who is a "minor" which i cannot prove
3:31 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: I will see to it personally you get arrested for this, you prick
3:31 PM - Overkill: when i myself am one
3:31 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: my son was 16
3:31 PM - Overkill: well i cant go to jail
3:31 PM - Overkill: not my fault ur son was weak
3:31 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Juvie then
3:31 PM - Overkill: no
3:31 PM - Overkill: legitly
3:31 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Well whos fa ult was it for leaking his PERSONAL INFO
3:31 PM - Overkill: i did nothing illigal
3:31 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: and insulting him, and even hacking my email adress
3:31 PM - Overkill: doing that is not illegal
3:32 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: It is
3:32 PM - Overkill: i never hacked ur email
3:32 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: You did
3:32 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: someone named 'Taco Stand" sent an email
3:32 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: saying our son is a "pedophile"
3:33 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: At the least, remove the ED article
3:33 PM - Overkill: so let me get this straight, you let your son be an internet sex adicting furfag and im the one to blame for his death?
3:33 PM - Overkill: lol
3:33 PM - Overkill: your fault for not keeping him in line or checking what he does on the internet
3:33 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Well YOU fucking drove him to shooting himself in the head with a shotgun!
3:34 PM - Overkill: sextually harassing my friends in chat, force yiffing people, sucks you didnt keep an eye on him
3:34 PM - Overkill: altho the getting him help thing was legit
3:34 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Hows doing that kind of shit "Help"
3:34 PM - Overkill: sent u a package of all his logs, figured ud take responsablility as a parent and stop him
3:35 PM - Overkill: obviously you didnt
3:35 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Your a real bastard
3:35 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Remove the ED page, now.
3:35 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: RIGHT NOW.
3:35 PM - Overkill: cant
3:35 PM - Overkill: i didnt make it
3:35 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Yes you fucking can
3:35 PM - Overkill: ;)
3:35 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Oh yeah?
3:36 PM - Overkill: chat logs can mean alot, but lies dont, i have other people do the dirty work for me, people i cant name because there are lots who assisted me with exposing your son

3:36 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Never tell your password to anyone.
Overkill: and heres one more shot fired
Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: and...?
Overkill: you got an ED
Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: hey, thanks!
Overkill: ... do you know what ED is?
Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: yes
Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: eyclopedia dramatica
Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: thanks, pal
Jessica The Adorable Skunkette: i always wanted one
Overkill: sure...

3:36 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: WHOS THIS THEN HUH?
3:36 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: the police will fucking land you in jail
3:36 PM - Overkill: they cannot
3:37 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Oh and heres another thing
3:37 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: in the article
3:37 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: only the maker can update it?
3:37 PM - Overkill: yup
3:37 PM - Overkill: and there are multiple people who own this account believe it or nor
3:37 PM - Overkill: no*t
3:38 PM - Overkill: think i would not think it through? I thought it through :v
3:38 PM - Overkill: before even doing ANYTHING
3:38 PM - Overkill: i made sure it was not illegal
3:38 PM - Overkill: i watched my steps
3:38 PM - Overkill: your son didnt
3:38 PM - Overkill: and because he offed himself
3:38 PM - Overkill: not my problem
3:38 PM - Overkill: how do you know im the cause?
3:38 PM - Overkill: can you prove it?
3:38 PM - Overkill: you cant
3:38 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: I sure as fuck can prove you made the article
3:38 PM - Overkill: that didnt answer my question
3:39 PM - Overkill: and i didnt make the article
3:39 PM - Overkill: nor do i have access, i provide the information
3:39 PM - Overkill: others edit it for me
3:39 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: whos this uruoria guy then, hih
3:39 PM - Overkill: but i did not make it
3:39 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Huh?
3:39 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Nothing can bring James back
3:39 PM - Overkill: 3:38 PM - Overkill: that didnt answer my question
3:39 PM - Overkill: 3:38 PM - Overkill: not my problem
3:38 PM - Overkill: how do you know im the cause?
3:38 PM - Overkill: can you prove it?
3:38 PM - Overkill: you cant
3:40 PM - Overkill: by the way
3:40 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk:
3:41 PM - Overkill: i should mention that people have there own styles in typing
3:41 PM - Overkill: your son has a specific one
3:41 PM - Overkill: one that i can compare to yours drasticly
3:41 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Like father like son, i guess
3:41 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: I always typed like this when i talked to him on chat, i guess he picked up the habit 3:41 PM - Overkill: well, if you too are an autistic retard, then yeah, like father like son
3:42 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Hes not a retard
3:42 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: he was a genious
3:42 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Genius*
3:42 PM - Overkill: because id assume someone who is older would have much more aloquency when it pretains to fawkin typen shit bah
3:42 PM - Overkill: brah*
3:42 PM - Overkill: no one picks up the same typing style
3:44 PM - Overkill: yeah, cause you totally arnt james
3:45 PM - Overkill: last i checked, a father doesnt play vice city if his son just died
3:45 PM - Overkill: nor would he be on the computer all day
3:45 PM - Overkill: because he would be worried about plainin to bury his son
3:47 PM - Overkill: but if you truly are his father
3:48 PM - Overkill: then ill make a purposal
3:48 PM - Overkill: give me james' account, and ill remove every trade of his actions clean off the internet
3:49 PM - Overkill: deny my purposal, and i will mock you for being your son and issue an update that will forever mock his death
3:49 PM - Overkill: and if i get the account, it cannot have a password change, because if it does, all the logs and ED will be brought back up
3:51 PM - Overkill: with my purposal, i can assure you are not faking the entire thing and that james truly is dead, With that i have every reason to remove it in his memory.
3:51 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: WHy would i give you my sons acc
3:52 PM - Overkill: so i can assure you are not him attempting to scare me (which threats really dont)
3:52 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Not like i can change it, his acc is community banned
3:52 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: i cand isable steamguard tho
3:52 PM - Overkill: you can change it
3:52 PM - Overkill: you can change his email, password, steam guard, everything
3:53 PM - Overkill: so long as u have access to the email
6:05 PM - Overkill: So are you going to do it or?
6:21 PM - Overkill: so Mr.Cordone
6:21 PM - Overkill: are you going to comply or what
6:22 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Well id ont know his password
6:22 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: so i cant change it
6:22 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: it remembers the pass though
6:24 PM - Overkill: all you need to do is say you forgot your pass
James The Huggleable Skunk is now Offline.



—Overkill/James The Skunk

Meanwhile that same night, as he was talking with a friend he pulled a jesus and became alive once more and turned back into a Adult, just long enough to send gay furfag porn to a kid.

Never tell your password to anyone.

Wednesday, August 03, 2011
9:15 PM - Richard McRich: you wanted to talk?
9:15 PM - Richard McRich: you still there?
9:15 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: yEAH
9:16 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: I STOLE A hotdog from a hot dog stand
9:16 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: and killed aobut 30 cops with it
9:16 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: lol gta is awesoem
9:17 PM - Richard McRich: meh, it's ok
9:18 PM - Richard McRich: anyways, before I blocked you, you said you wanted to talk about something?
9:18 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Yeah
9:19 PM - Richard McRich: you remember what it was?
9:21 PM - Richard McRich: I'm gonna be getting off in a sec, cause I didn't get much sleep last night
9:21 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: why noT?
9:21 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: me niether
9:21 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: i had a tu,,u big
9:21 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Tummy bug
9:21 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: and my stomach was on fire all night
9:21 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: couldnt sleep
9:21 PM - Richard McRich: I was at camp with a flooded tent
9:22 PM - Richard McRich: and a soaked sleeping bag
9:22 PM - Richard McRich: so I g2g
9:23 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: wait
9:23 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk climbs into bed with you
9:23 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: :D
9:23 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk floofs his tail around you
9:29 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: I yiff
9:30 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Ah hey rich
9:30 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: I got a question
9:30 PM - Richard McRich: what?
9:31 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: do you feel as though this video is SANITY appropriate for you?
9:31 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: :3
9:31 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: See? If i look at this kinds of shit the games a-ok
9:31 PM - Richard McRich: not necesarily
9:31 PM - Richard McRich: just means your parents forgot to put a filter on your internet
9:32 PM - Richard McRich: and now, more or less, you're addicted as a adult
9:33 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Watch it
9:33 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: i dare you
9:33 PM - Richard McRich: I prefer not to



—Richard McRich/James The Skunk

More Log's and Fail

Never tell your password to anyone.

Tuesday, August 02, 2011
1:06 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Get a life
1:06 PM - Overkill: nop
1:06 PM - Overkill: e
1:06 PM - James The Huggleable Skunk: Haha
1:07 PM - Overkill: least my time on the internet isnt spent raping kids
1:08 PM - Overkill: OH SNAP



—Overkill/James The Skunk


This article needs major cleanup. Try adding the chat logs to subpages, and leaving the main page for the basic lulz/drama involved. It also needs more images, and most of these should be related to the subject (none are at the moment). It also needs basic wikifying and overall clean up. Do this and I will feature it on the main page. 23:27, 9 August 2011 (UTC)

James Cordone Busted for CP, (1 year ban from Steam)

9 Days after getting his steam account unblocked from his 3 month ban (or was it 6 month's, I cant really remember) James Cordone gets banned by Valve again, This time for a year! Why was he banned? Sending Child Porn link's to about 1/3 of his friends list. But don't take my word for it, heres a nice screencap that he took and sent to the other 2/3's of his friends list claiming once again it was a unfair ban. One of the chat log's was saved so anymore white knights that show up will look like pedophile's by supporting idiot. As for the URL he posted we didn't look, but because of the year ban I'm sure valve did.

Chat Log's!
Valve's Fuck you to James!

words cannot describe this level of fail

Today i found some logs where James came in first and second for the most retard peace of shit on earth, a few people got broad and tricked James into thinking anthro's are real. I couldn't make this up if i was trying and we got logs from 4 sides of this troll (was a bitch to sort out because some people dont use time stamps!) and this was the outcome. Sorry if its a bit messy or out of order, use Ctrl+F for the [XKM] marking's.

Main Story [9KM]
Side Chat with Fire Dragon/Jimm [10KM]
Side Chat with James/Locjka [11KM]
Side Chat with Jimm/Locjka [12KM]

Never tell your password to anyone.
Tuesday, February 08, 2011
4:21 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: Hey
4:21 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: Question
4:21 PM - Fire Dragon: What
4:21 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: who drew this?
4:22 PM - Fire Dragon: That's not a drawing :V
4:22 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: What is it
4:22 PM - Fire Dragon: A photo
4:22 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: Of?
4:22 PM - Fire Dragon: A person
4:22 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: Who?
4:23 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: Who?
4:23 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: ? Who exactly?
4:24 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: Can you tell me WHO this is?
4:25 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: Please?
4:25 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: Is
4:27 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: Hello?
4:27 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: If it IS YOU, nice fursuit btw
4:27 PM - Fire Dragon: Thanks. Lol no fursuit :V
4:27 PM - Fire Dragon: :3
4:28 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: What!?
4:28 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: Yeah it is
4:28 PM - Fire Dragon: Nope
4:28 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: well what is it
4:29 PM - Fire Dragon: :3
4:29 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: What is it then?
4:29 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: !?
4:29 PM - Fire Dragon: :3
4:29 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: What is it?
4:29 PM - Fire Dragon: :3333
4:30 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: ":3333" doesnt give much info
4:30 PM - Fire Dragon: Well it's defnitely not a fursut
4:30 PM - Fire Dragon: :3
4:31 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: WTF
4:32 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: Wrong!
4:32 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: Genetic science cant do that
4:32 PM - Fire Dragon: :3
4:32 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: It cant
4:33 PM - Fire Dragon: Well
4:33 PM - Fire Dragon: There have been a lot of recent scientific advancements
4:33 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: Were you born human?
4:33 PM - Fire Dragon: Yes
4:34 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: I doubt it...
4:35 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: Where does yoru family live
4:35 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: what state
4:35 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: jw
4:35 PM - Fire Dragon: STALKER :V
4:35 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: Just wondering
4:36 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: still
4:36 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: genetic research cant do that
4:36 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: even though i DO admit our advancements are pretty cool
4:37 PM - Fire Dragon: It can
4:37 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: Well how do you get around town
4:37 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: as
4:37 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: an anthro
4:37 PM - Fire Dragon: Well to put it bluntly, disguise
4:38 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: How so?
4:38 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: a disguise?
4:38 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: ?
4:38 PM - Fire Dragon: Human
4:38 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: how does it work
4:40 PM - Fire Dragon: Eh, the way it works it using, to disguise the muzzle and tail, anr partially the digitigrade feet, is a military-grade system that was developed roughly 4 years ago. Forgot the name, I believe it's called Vertigo or something. But it uses millions of tiny camera and relay systems. First used in the Iraq War a couple of years ago
4:40 PM - Fire Dragon: Costs a faaaair bit
4:40 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: You got a webcam
4:41 PM - Fire Dragon: Naw
4:41 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: ?
4:41 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: do you?
4:41 PM - Fire Dragon: I said No.
4:42 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: your fam lives in michigan right?
4:46 PM - Fire Dragon: I knda have family everywhere, but yes
4:49 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: how does this work?
4:49 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: are your parents anthro?
4:49 PM - Fire Dragon: No
4:50 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: any fam members anthro?
4:50 PM - Fire Dragon: I have no idea
4:50 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: Well
4:50 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: Somone told me
4:50 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: they heard barking
4:50 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: near your michigins fam house
4:51 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: but they dont own dogs
4:51 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: whats the barking?
4:51 PM - Fire Dragon: Sorry, it's just fun to do D:
4:51 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: But your human
4:51 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk:
4:51 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: lol
4:51 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: but can you speak english
4:52 PM - Fire Dragon: Anthro
4:52 PM - Fire Dragon: And yes
4:52 PM - Fire Dragon: Anthromorphic basically means hybrid
4:52 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: how were you turned anthro?
4:52 PM - Fire Dragon: I can't tell you that.
4:52 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: Can you tell me?
4:52 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: Genes?
4:52 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: did they inject you with DNA?
4:53 PM - Fire Dragon: No. I'd be tried for Treason.
4:53 PM - Fire Dragon: I can't tell anyone how I was transformed to anthro
4:53 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: well why were you transformed
4:53 PM - Fire Dragon: I can't remember. I can't remember anything from just before I was transformed.
4:54 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: But you know you cant tell?
4:54 PM - Fire Dragon: I know how, I cannot tell you how, and I can't remember why.
"SEE PRIVITE CHAT with Fire Dragon/Jimm [10KM]"
4:59 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: you there?
5:10 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: You ever heard of Chara Johnson?
5:10 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: ?
5:10 PM - Fire Dragon: Sounds kinda familiar
5:11 PM - Fire Dragon: Trying to remember...
5:11 PM - Jimm LaW:
5:13 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: but still
5:13 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: You cant PROOVE your anthro...
5:13 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: your argument holds no water
5:13 PM - Fire Dragon: Neither could I for my own safety. So I won't.
5:14 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: Chara Johnson
5:14 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: ever heard of her
5:15 PM - Fire Dragon: You just asked me
5:15 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: but have you?
5:15 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: Seems familer?
5:15 PM - Fire Dragon: I.... I can't quite remember
5:15 PM - Fire Dragon: Something to do with this... well, you know.
5:15 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: ?
5:15 PM - Fire Dragon: This anthro stuff
5:17 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: eh?
5:17 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: How so?
5:17 PM - Fire Dragon: Again, I can't remember. God damn it, I just told you I can't remember.
5:23 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: how do you reproduce
5:23 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: with no other anthros?
5:24 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: Can you?
5:25 PM - Fire Dragon: Well, I assume sex, hurr :V But I have no idea how the genetics in breeding would work with anthro. Likely, probably a 50% chance that the kid would be anthro or human or not, depending on th eparents.
6:27 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: next door
6:27 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: what happened
6:30 PM - Jimm LaW: hmm?
6:30 PM - Jimm LaW: oh
6:30 PM - Jimm LaW: that didn't go so well
6:31 PM - Jimm LaW: they threw a fit when I asked them to take off their disguizes
6:31 PM - Jimm LaW: and told me to leave almost imediately
6:32 PM - Jimm LaW: I think I pissed them off...
6:32 PM - Jimm LaW: and they also told me not to speak a word on it
6:32 PM - Jimm LaW: but I'm pretty anonymous here, so I think it's safe here
6:34 PM - Jimm LaW: OH SHIT!
6:34 PM - Jimm LaW: The CIA's at my door!
6:34 PM - Jimm LaW: shit shit shit shit shit
6:34 PM - Jimm LaW: SHIT
6:34 PM - Jimm LaW: SHIT
6:34 PM - Jimm LaW: SHIT
6:34 PM - Jimm LaW: WHAT DO I DO!?!
6:35 PM - Jimm LaW: HURRY!
6:35 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: I dont know
6:35 PM - Jimm LaW: SHIT I G@EV
6:35 PM - Jimm LaW: FIUCK
6:36 PM - Jimm LaW: I"M SHAKOING!!!!
6:36 PM - Jimm LaW: ...
6:36 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: ID
6:36 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: IDK
6:36 PM - Jimm LaW: I have to tallk to them head on....... maybnhe they'll understrand
6:37 PM - Jimm LaW: brb
6:41 PM - Jimm LaW: ooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
6:41 PM - Jimm LaW: holy shit that was close...
6:41 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: Fire Dragon: Well to put it bluntly, disguise
6:41 PM - Jimm LaW: yeah about that
6:42 PM - Jimm LaW: The CIA found out I was talking about the neighboring anthros over steam and wanted me to stop
6:42 PM - Jimm LaW: paid some hush money too
6:42 PM - Jimm LaW: so whatever I said about the neighboring anthros, forget it
6:43 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: theres ONLY ONE WAY
6:43 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: to prove this,,,
6:43 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk:
6:43 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: ye know?
6:43 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: VIDEO IS THE ONLY WAY
6:43 PM - Sanctis Deus Imperator: i refuse to look out of principle and fear of insainity 6:43 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: Fire Dragon: Eh, the way it works it using, to disguise the muzzle and tail, anr partially the digitigrade feet, is a military-grade system that was developed roughly 4 years ago. Forgot the name, I believe it's called Vertigo or something. But it uses millions of tiny camera and relay systems. First used in the Iraq War a couple of years ago
6:43 PM - Jimm LaW: actually James...
6:44 PM - Jimm LaW: the CIA is trying to trotect her
6:44 PM - Jimm LaW: protect*
6:44 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk:
6:44 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: THis is
6:44 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: ODD
6:44 PM - Jimm LaW: so don't bring it up
6:44 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: AS HELL
6:44 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: WTF
6:44 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: WTF
6:45 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: please
6:45 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: he needs to check this out
6:45 PM - Sanctis Deus Imperator: hail!
6:45 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: Invite him
6:45 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: ok?
6:45 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: Please?
6:45 PM - Sanctis Deus Imperator: i did
6:45 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: Matt needs to see this
6:45 PM - Sanctis Deus Imperator: k
6:45 PM - Jimm LaW: james, what are you doing?
6:46 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: ...I DONT KNOW
6:46 PM - Jimm LaW: stop
6:46 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: Alright...
6:46 PM - Sanctis Deus Imperator: touching himself mostly
6:46 PM - Jimm LaW: before you endanger her!
6:46 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: hah yoru funny
6:46 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: UGH WHAT THE HELL!?
6:46 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: Anthros
6:46 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: REAL!?
6:46 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: No!
6:46 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: I DONT BELEAVE IT
6:46 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: invite megaman punk again
6:46 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: message him
6:46 PM - Jimm LaW: which is why it must remain a secret
6:46 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: ...No..
6:46 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: ugh
6:46 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: Guys?
6:56 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: Wtf..
6:56 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: Jimm...
6:56 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: wtf is going on
6:56 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: Jimm?
6:56 PM - Jimm LaW: I'm telling you, she needs to be protected
6:57 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: I vomited
6:57 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: IRL
6:57 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: im panicing, this is crazy
7:00 PM - Jimm LaW: yeah, but I can't say much
7:00 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: Ugh...
7:00 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: Wtf...
7:01 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: Im confused!
7:01 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: this had to be ajoke
7:01 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: it AHS TO
7:01 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: it has to be oen big lie
7:01 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: backed up by a joke
7:01 PM - Jimm LaW: don't think about about it
7:01 PM - Jimm LaW: and you'll be fine
7:01 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: but...thats what they want me to beleave
7:01 PM - James The Sympathetic Skunk: I nede to know the truth
7:01 PM - Jimm LaW: all you need to know is that everything will be fine
"SEE PRIVITE CHAT ~ James/Locjka[11KM]"
7:02 PM - James The Simple-Minded Skunk laughs uncontrollably
7:03 PM - James The Simple-Minded Skunk: Hah!
7:04 PM - Fire Dragon: It's really sad you didn't figure it out on your own D:
7:04 PM - James The Simple-Minded Skunk: You got me!
7:04 PM - James The Simple-Minded Skunk laughs
7:04 PM - James The Simple-Minded Skunk laughs even harder
7:04 PM - James The Simple-Minded Skunk: ...Bwahah
7:04 PM - James The Simple-Minded Skunk: So your human?
7:04 PM - James The Simple-Minded Skunk: Just like the rest of us?
7:05 PM - Fire Dragon: Of course :V
7:05 PM - James The Simple-Minded Skunk: lol
7:05 PM - Fire Dragon: :V
7:05 PM - James The Simple-Minded Skunk continues laughing uncontrollably
7:05 PM - James The Simple-Minded Skunk: Bwaha ha haaaaaqaaa
7:05 PM - Sanctis Deus Imperator: haaaaaayyyy
7:05 PM - Jimm LaW: they're calling you a guy saph
7:05 PM - James The Simple-Minded Skunk loads his FAMAS and pumps Jimm full of lead
7:05 PM - James The Simple-Minded Skunk: HOWS IT FEEL
7:05 PM - James The Simple-Minded Skunk: HAHAHahahhahaaaa
7:05 PM - James The Simple-Minded Skunk 's eyes begin twitching
7:05 PM - Fire Dragon: I'm not a guy D:
7:06 PM - James The Simple-Minded Skunk continues laughing
7:06 PM - Sanctis Deus Imperator: my apologies
7:06 PM - James The Simple-Minded Skunk: Locjka called you a he
7:06 PM - Jimm LaW: ?me takes his shirt off, showing a vest
7:06 PM - James The Simple-Minded Skunk: Heeeee haaaaaaaaaaaa
7:06 PM - James The Simple-Minded Skunk: ...haa.....ha........haaaaa
7:06 PM - James The Simple-Minded Skunk faints
7:06 PM - Fire Dragon: James, I wouldn't be the one laughing, you're the one that thought Anthros were real :V
7:06 PM - James The Simple-Minded Skunk: Eh you had me seirously fooled
7:06 PM - Fire Dragon: Lolwat
7:06 PM - James The Simple-Minded Skunk: lol
7:06 PM - James The Simple-Minded Skunk: I even uhh
7:06 PM - James The Simple-Minded Skunk: I tried to attack you indirectly
7:06 PM - James The Simple-Minded Skunk: by saying
7:07 PM - James The Simple-Minded Skunk: "Oh hey who made this drawing"
7:07 PM - Jimm LaW: he also backed up the chat logs
7:07 PM - James The Simple-Minded Skunk: So Jimm told you?
7:07 PM - James The Simple-Minded Skunk: Yeah
7:07 PM - James The Simple-Minded Skunk: on my USB drive
7:07 PM - James The Simple-Minded Skunk: lol
7:07 PM - James The Simple-Minded Skunk: Ha.
7:07 PM - Fire Dragon: Of course I saved all of this shit :V
7:07 PM - James The Simple-Minded Skunk: thanls evreyone
7:07 PM - James The Simple-Minded Skunk: Eh its ok
7:07 PM - James The Simple-Minded Skunk: Post it!
7:07 PM - James The Simple-Minded Skunk: I dont care!
7:08 PM - James The Simple-Minded Skunk: Im too insane to really care
7:08 PM - James The Simple-Minded Skunk chuckles
7:08 PM - James The Simple-Minded Skunk tries to hold in his laughter but erupts into ANOTHER bout of giggles
7:08 PM - Fire Dragon: guys
7:08 PM - Fire Dragon: guys
7:09 PM - Fire Dragon: I have prooooof
7:09 PM - Fire Dragon:
7:09 PM - Sanctis Deus Imperator: LOL
7:09 PM - James The Simple-Minded Skunk: Ha..I seen that b4
7:09 PM - James The Simple-Minded Skunk: lol

5:02 PM - Jimm LaW: ok, time to push it over the edge
5:02 PM - Fire Dragon: Oh god
5:02 PM - Jimm LaW: I'm going to get some real missing ads
5:02 PM - Jimm LaW: and say they were all kids looking for anthros
5:14 PM - Jimm LaW: I think his head's gonna blow
5:17 PM - Fire Dragon: You know what I honestly just feel like sending him for the lulz
5:17 PM - Fire Dragon:
5:17 PM - Jimm LaW: yeah, but that would conflict with the first pic

Locjka: Do yourself a favor
James The Sympathetic Skunk: yea
Locjka: stop listening to jim
Locjka: anthros do not exist
Locjka: jim is lying to you
Locjka: and laughing at you behind your back
Locjka: and Fire Dragon didnt remove it
Locjka: he just changed the URL
James The Sympathetic Skunk: Eh?
James The Sympathetic Skunk: who told you this
Locjka: I found it out for myself
James The Sympathetic Skunk: Hah
James The Sympathetic Skunk: firedragon showed me the pic you know
Locjka: photomorph, dumbass
Locjka: I can show you an entire gallery of them
"SEE PRIVITE CHAT ~ Jimm/Locjka[12KM]"
James The Sympathetic Skunk: ?
James The Sympathetic Skunk laughs
James The Sympathetic Skunk: you got me!
Locjka: Jimm LaW: damn it, we were having so much fun too
James The Sympathetic Skunk: Nice going.
Locjka: Youa re just the stupidest fucking person on steam

Locjka: Never tell your password to anyone.
Jimm LaW: you there?
Locjka: yes
Jimm LaW: mind doing me a favor
Jimm LaW: ?
Locjka: Sure
Jimm LaW: ok, don't tell James the skunk about this
Jimm LaW: but right now I'm screwing with him
Jimm LaW: and telling him that fire dragon is a real anthro
Locjka: Are you a furry?
Jimm LaW: that was random, but no, why?
Locjka: just wondering, inter-comunity cybering is rare
Jimm LaW: well
Jimm LaW: I'm not asking you to screwwith James directly
Jimm LaW: but I need you to tell fire dragon that James thinks her parents live next door to me
Locjka: shes offline
Jimm LaW: next time she is
Locjka: I didbnt catch her MSn
Jimm LaW: cause James is going to ask her about it
Jimm LaW: also, james thinks I'm a fat ass
Locjka: :P
Jimm LaW: but I g2g right now
Locjka: Alright
Jimm LaW: but if he does ask you, I am a fat ass
Locjka: Alright o.o
Locjka: why are we all lying to him? >.>
Jimm LaW: because it's funny
Jimm LaW: and he's spazzing out trying to believe us


People are starting to look at James Cordone and think that this guy needs some fucking help or theres no way anyone can be this stupid, and then try helping him on AIM/STEAM/XFIRE. Well it took a while but people are learning that trying to help James will end only in him trying to cyber fuck you or linking his top 100 bestiality anal penetration photo's. But we aint going to stop you from trying to help him all we ask is afterwords you post screencap's of the chat.

Pic's related

This is why you dont help retards!

Filling in the banks

Heres some crap that link's the steam account and second life account's, on the banned screencaps from valve notice that the account name is drmariocor and now look below. James is Toybasher.

2/28/09 (#5 - FF) drmariocor AKA toybasher 10/07/08 6:05 pm STEAM_0:1:7725675

Also we found a xfire account that we think is his. If it is hes running it privately so his actively is blanked, with any luck we will find his AIM account as well. (

More Drama

Didn't think i would be back so soon did you? Here's the deal, we got everything, both xfire account names from google and his AIM account from someone he was talking to but pissed off by trying to yiff. Screencaps added for Lulz, for a faceplam check his new steam name. The Jamesgotfuckedup screencap was from me along with Jamessecondlife, when i saw him and got a good view i just had to do it.

AIM, Jamestheskunk
Xfire Main,
Xfire Backup,

Next here's more shit that link's James&Toybasher to Ls4 | mariocor. Looks like Drunken F00l himself banned him.

For the Win!

Looks like the failboat just slammed into James Cordone's talk page. James admits that hes is castrated and by law unable to find work in connecticut.

More pedophile behavior from James Cordone

Last post for a few months. See ya after first semester.

pedo fail