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Gotta pass this on. I didn't think I'd see this but here you go. She pwned the fuck out of someone about to make the same fuckups she did. Sometimes the faggots we troll do get their shit together.

The entry in question on swift-tiger's deviantart

Cyndi's comment and the thread resulting.

Cyndi comments on swift-tiger's front page and the resulting thread.

She then wrote a really honest journal entry about her experience.

Yeah she did fuck up pretty bad back in '08. It took her years to straighten her ass but she did it. She admitted to all her shit and admits she was wrong. That takes a lot of fucking guts. What say you peeps?

Are you butthurt? BAWWW here. 21:00, 11 February 2012 (EST)

Some faggots jumped the gun on this

  • Sadly, thanks to the dA users swift-tiger and leathurkatt reporting spam to the mods of dA, got Cyndilovespiccolo's account on deviantART permabanned. So, her dA account is no longer active and we can thank the two dA users for making Cyndi lose her dA account. Tama 23:59, 25 February 2012 (EST)

you guys are fags. -hipcrime 00:35, 26 February 2012 (EST)

Some Random Blog Stuff

As I recall I think she burned that entire first entry completely off after I made my post. The second is just more of her usual overly self-important, wishy washy, pity party, snit bickering. --Onideus 16:36, 30 August 2013 (EDT)

Yup, just checked, she burned BOTH of 'em off, comments, original post and all. Here's a couple lulzy bits she left though:
She seems to have absolutely no sense of modesty, decency or self-respect at all. I mean what kind of an idiot runs around on the INTERNET yammering on to completely random, faceless strangers about their fuckin BREAST SCABS! ಠ_ಠ
On an up note I found a couple things I could restore from her DA page, although there's still a lot of missing/thumbnail screen cap bits that are lost, not sure if I have them elsewhere or not, but I'll keep on the look out for 'em. --Onideus 17:55, 30 August 2013 (EDT)
Mmmm, doesn't look like you can get much of anything out of her anymore:
She's apparently wizened up quite a bit...pretty rare for kook types. Her trolling potential has basically hit rock bottom. --Onideus 18:45, 30 August 2013 (EDT)
Oh hey I got an email saying this page updated and that's a blast from the past. Cyndi quit dramawhoring a long time ago and acts decent online. She admitted her colossal fuckup sometime in 2011 and hasn't whined since. She's actually a decent person today and pretty nice to talk to.

Are you butthurt? BAWWW here. 18:49, 30 August 2013 (EDT)