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First one here

And I love it when i witness a birth of a new ED

this gon b gooood

--Flamekitty412 19:24, 9 April 2013 (EDT)Flamekitty412

Except one of the *new* EDitors wants this article deleted for whatever reason.--SHOOPBitch at me here 20:11, 9 April 2013 (EDT)
Make that one EDitor and an admin. What the fuck kind of pervert goes around "trolling" twelve year olds on DeviantArt? Pedo-much? Not to mention this article is about as entertaining as watching grass grow. Oh, let me guess, yer a fucking furry who had your ~precious~ "unique" art works "stolen" by this tweenage muppet fuck (also a furry) and so you went and made an article on ED to try and "get back" at them over it, amirite? ...or, ya know, yer just a fuckin pedophile. Which explanation do you prefer?
--Onideus 19:48, 10 April 2013 (EDT)
It was actually wanted by a lot of people. I don't know the person well enough so I got some other people to edit it for me.--SHOOPBitch at me here 20:20, 10 April 2013 (EDT)
FYI, a lot of these tweenage muppet fucks tend to group together in packs/cliques, especially on DeviantArt. They start little tweeny bopper "clubs" and shit, so I wouldn't be surprised at all if there was more than one, especially if "pretend stealing" is involved. That's the most common form with these kiddies, one accuses another of "stealing" their overly derivative, horrifically cliche "art" and then they band together with other little tween drama snits and fight it out retard style over the webs. --Onideus 20:24, 10 April 2013 (EDT)
I guess that's true I mean, I'm not complaining lmao. --SHOOPBitch at me here 20:25, 10 April 2013 (EDT)

Right The First Time

Nope, right the first time, definetly just a butthurt tweenage furry fuck whose all snitty about some ~other~ tweenage furry fuck:

Here's Flamekitty412's DeviantTartlet page:

I say we lock these two tweenage muppet fucks up in a room together and let them bitch it on out with hair pulling and nail clawing!

Now ~that~ would be funny! --Onideus 20:02, 10 April 2013 (EDT)