Talk:Battlefield 3

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Battlefield 3 was the worst game I ever played

The article should reflect on how much of a piece of shit this game is. Tiny ass maps,no mods,can't make your own maps. HURRR DURRR LETS MAKE THE GAME PLAY LIKE CALL OF DUTY,THAT'S BETTER THAN GIVING USERS AN SDK ,RITE? Only a fucktard would pay for maps or skins. JohnathanNiggers 18:19, 14 October 2011 (CEST)

I cried over a beta

It looks like some permavirgin BF fan got too worked up over the beta and wrote a short article that lacks funny. He should learn to be patient or acquire medicine to help. Tree as easy with a pencil schism. 07:18, 20 October 2011 (CEST)

Butthurt BF3 fan alert --Onefingerwave 20:34, 30 October 2011 (CET)