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missing image
- -hipcrime 16:42, 6 May 2013 (EDT)
when the [+] is clicked, this section expands into this:
=== [+] Kirix vs. BLACKMAN/Klulz/GNAA === === [+] ORT-8a Protocol === === [+] BLACK_MAN giving a potato headed fat girl life tips === === [+] gay_analyst doxed === === [+] BLACK_MAN calls out homos === === [+] BLACK_MAN vs PseudoNamBSPP === === [+] BLACK_MAN is only human === === [+] BLACK_MAN as gnol === === [+] BLACK_MAN vs boilsac === === [+] BLACK_MAN submits a diagnosis on rufas === === [+] BLACK_MAN talks about his favourite subject ===
it looks like these are intended to be subsections but i can't seem to fix it. can someone else pls have a look and fix that kthx. <3 -hipcrime 16:50, 6 May 2013 (EDT)
My neckbeard is gone. What happened to this nig? Kirix 15:19, 5 May 2015 (EDT)