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  • Someone who isn't me please work on this article so I can put it on AOTN. Look into Buzzfeed. From what I understand they wrote an article about this that they based on made up testimonies and then had to retract everything (although they still insist that, even though everything they were told was a lie, it doesn't mean the article isn't factual). oddguy 12:14, 2 May 2015 (EDT)
  • Here's a picture of that BuzzFeed thing in case one of you lazy asses wants to use it. oddguy 17:50, 2 May 2015 (EDT)
Why not just merge what little this article has to offer with The Great Baltimore Riots of 2015? Adolph-in Hitler needs an army! (Talk - Shit I've done.) 21:30, 2 May 2015 (EDT)
  • That's an option. oddguy 10:31, 3 May 2015 (EDT)
  • The recent Baltimore articles I'm probably just going to cut and paste them into the The Great Baltimore Riots of 2015 article. The loot crew and info on the kid aren't enough for separate articles, but would make for lulz on the main article. --LoverOfBats 12:26, 6 May 2015 (EDT)