Talk:Ashlea Clayton

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Ashlea Clayton:

Though not exactly world famous, yet, on the internet, Miss Clayton started quite the shitstorm in December of 2013. After posting multiple videos of her quite, embarrassing, to say the least, ‘raps’, on her own facebook wall, {{{{{is it possible to link one of the shitty raps I tagged you in here idk}}}}}Clayton decided the attention from her own circle of friends and family was not enough, and decided to join a group called “feel free to meet new friends  ;)” which is pretty much a game for teenage girls to see who could expose most amount of breast as possible, and horny men and boys aged 12 to use their extremely bad English skills to see how many females they could pick up. To say the least, the entire page is a stupid, yet entertaining for anybody with an iq above 12 to join and watch as young prepubes and strange old men communicate. However, the group changed its style after our lovely Ashlea had a brilliant idea where she’d post her little rap songs, as well as long, boring, 15 minute vlogs, exploiting her so called ‘mental illnesses’ , such as autism, Cerebral palsy {{{I CANT FUCKING SPELL}}}} (of which she has no proof of them existing other than her saying so in her videos), as well as showing off her barely visible “self harm scars”, and lifting up her shirt to reveal a pair of 12A’s and the amazon rainforest hiding in her underwear. This was apparently to show us more ‘scars’ she has received in surgeries, however after close inspection, me, as well as many others, see absolute fuck all. {{{{{{{{insert video 1}}}}}}}}

This was not the only video where the young lady bitches about her absolutely terrible life. There are many, including some where she sits in a dark room, threatening to kill herself in two Mondays, and then an apology video, where she, once again, shares her private life all over the page. {{{{{video 2}}}}}. Quick reminder, the recordings that she shares do not go on her personal wall, or a page purely dedicated to her life, she posts it on a page where lonely people are supposed to be “meeting new friends”, they did not join to deal with 20 year old women from Australia with autism and daddy issues.

After about a week, the comments were overflowing with ‘hate messages’, to which Clayton replied to with another charming video of her ‘self harming’. This may seem bad enough, but the worst is yet to come. This was no ordinary blade. She was self inflicting wounds with a house key. {{{{{Insert video 3}}}}}}

Obviously , this video would receive just as much, or even more hate than the previous ones, ‘Ashy’ responded once again with another, long, boring, blog about how, this time, she doesn’t give a fuck about what people thing. It’s about time you got in that frame of mind sweetheart. This doesn’t stop the girl from posting half naked pictures( all over her wall as well as the page, and multiple statuses stating that she is feeling ‘suicidal’

Her facebook:

some lulzy videos: (She makes Chris-Chan look normal) (She shows her hairy vag here) (Download link where she *Cuts herself* with care keys and makes noises like shes having an orgasm)