Talk:April Winchell/Commentary
April also spear headed the etsy team April's Army (btw Mary Thomas started the team [with April's permission and encouragement]), which thru donations from team members raised money each month for a charity case person. After two months in a row receiving questions from members (15 people talked about it, the banned were scapegoats, nothing more [except for the "questions" being horrifying comments demanding medical and tax records for a breast cancer victim and financial records and a curriculum vitae from a young woman trying to go to cosmetology school]) regarding the correctness of her choice. April flounced and threatened to close the charity shop as well as close down the team [lie. April decided to restructure the team with rules that anyone could follow. This will most likely include not saying, for example, a woman with massive medical bills coming due to double mastectomy surgery should not be helped because she only has breast cancer]. Then when she was called out publicly about it (at the pleading of team members [at the pleading of a group of team members who refused to discuss this with the team at large or in a venue that anyone could reach]), she claimed they were making changes to the team (she agreed to re-evaluate) due to disagreement. Do not disagree with Queen April or she will close down her charity [or, follow the rules, don't victimize a breast cancer patient, and follow the rules presented to you. Now, because of two banned members, a new set of rules will be put in place to make it crystal clear that blaming the victim for their problems will not be tolerated].
(A handful of people with bad attitudes broke the only rules laid out for the charity team. Because of this, they were banned and have, apparently, launched a vendetta against Ms. Winchell. Comments have been added in parentheses but the original text was left intact.)
I handful of people who supported the charity month after month want to make sure their time and money was going to something/someone they agreed with. [2 people are not a handful. 2 people were banned for breaking the one rule on the forums for the charity. They were given multiple warnings and refused to back down with bashing a woman with breast cancer.]
[Brackets added to clarify the truthfulness of statements made by the two banned members.]