Talk:Anti bush
I get the joke but DAMN, is that hard to read. Also, the word is "discord."
-No... the word is disaccord, if you don't understand the meaning of a word child, then look it up in the dictionary (or since we are online) go to and check out it's proper connotation if you're unsure or unconfident of what it stands for, alright? -- megan daisyflower sta
-It's not the meaning of the word that is in question. These comments are based not only on that, but also you're incorrect USAGE of words, do you see? Also, if you're interested [which I'm sure you're not], you can sign messages just like the rest of us do by hitting the little icon up at the top which looks like a signature. See? --girlvinyl 17:59, 19 Dec 2004 (PST)
My incorrect USAGE of words? If the words are being used in agreement to the frame work or circumstance of what I am talking about then how are they being exploited disharmoniously to the expectations of the english language?
P.S; Since you love to be so nitty gritty and meticulous all of the time when it comes on to these things of inconceivable unimportance, I thought I should further acknowledge you that the incorrect manner in which you had said "you're" in this phrase or sentence, here: "you're incorrect USAGE" should be then corrected to your, and not you are (which is what the apostrophe between the re and you stands for), hence you just said, you are incorrect USAGE of words, and etc, which utterly makes no sense. Do you get my point? daisyflower sta
-That's cool. Look, are you famaliar with KISS? Cause if not, you need to live it, learn it, love it. The goal of writing [specifically writing for the short attention span theatre that is the internet] is to convey an idea in a concise, accessible manner. You're not doing that. In fact, you're not doing a lot of things that would make the site better, you're only making it worse by adding your misguided bullshit. See? Please learn to use wikis, at the very least, before attempting to contribute to one. Google it. Thank you. --girlvinyl 18:47, 19 Dec 2004 (PST)
I'm sorry if I didn't get a degree or a diploma in writing alot with internet lingo on teh internet, I'll promise to do better next time ma'am.
In the mean time can you KISS... my ass? lolz! daisyflower sta
THE INTERNET IS SERIOUS BUSINESS, LULZ. --Jeremymd 17:16, 11 July 2007 (CDT)
that's a pretty wordiferous description there. --kh
oh i think i see what you did there. -- Dancingdrew
What did I do? daisyflower sta 01:40, 17 Dec 2004 (PST)
I don't get it. Someone enlighten me. Is there a reason for the constant improper use of words? Also, please see the talk at Onexlastxwish. If I am out of the loop, please let me know. --girlvinyl 16:31, 19 Dec 2004 (PST)