Talk:Anti-Defamation League
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We really need a page for this. The ADL is basically a group that baws about the holohoax, supports Zionism (Jewish supremacy), and then cries about evil neo nazis, white supremacists, and arabs/muslims who hate them for it. Also, The founder was a pedo. AnonymousNY 06:25, 19 August 2012 (EDT)
- the current leader Abe Foxman, apparently supports racial profiling. and now Louis Farrakhan says
the best part was where he claims to be "directly" of The Messiah:
except for the newish thing with NOI using e-meters, this looks like something i could get into. except they believe white people were created by a jewish scientist for the devil himself, so im not likely to meet their criteria. -hipcrime 15:40, 19 December 2013 (EST)