Andrew Quah/Chatlog

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Moar info: Andrew Quah.

   Anonymous1: im mandy :D
   Anonymous3: dIs is LuCY
   Anonymous3: ShEs PreETY
   Anonymous4: hey stel
   Anonymous4: sup babe
   Anonymous3: StELLa dOEsNT KnOW ManDy
   Anonymous1: ha! it was you all along! wheres katherine? you girls playing the annual net? training tomorrow, don’t forget! i’m bringing the oranges!
   Anonymous4: whos everyone else?
   Anonymous3: WhOs ManDy
   Anonymous3: yEaH YeAH ILL bRinG thE BaLLs AlONG
   Andrew Quah: i’m andy
   Anonymous3: hehEHEH baLLS
   Anonymous2: I’M nIkkI!
   Anonymous4: hi andy, how are you.
   Andrew Quah: i’m old.
   Anonymous1: please dont say things like that. my teacher is watching.
   Anonymous4: stella is andy hot?
   Anonymous2: AnDy iZ mY Bf!
   Andrew Quah: since when??
   Anonymous3: SoWi
   Anonymous4: are the rest girls?
   Anonymous3: i dNT kNoW
   Anonymous3: bUt AnDy kNowS iM hoT
   Anonymous2: omG R u BreAkiNg Up Wid ME?!!!
   Andrew Quah: yep, i’ll attest to that
   Anonymous3: aM i haWt AnDy?
   Anonymous2: :|
   Anonymous4: oh ok lol so yeah back to ahmed, he is treating me like shit, im thinking of cheating on him
   Anonymous3: hEhhHEHE
   Andrew Quah: nikki, baby, it’s not you, it’s me
   Anonymous3: oH nO lUcY
   Anonymous3: bUt yOO lOvE hIM
   Anonymous3: dOnT be StOOpID
   Anonymous4: stella, remember when he was driving us to that club on saturday, he wanted me to go down on him while driving
   Anonymous2: DuZ diZ meeN UR a GAY?!!!
   Anonymous4: i mean i don’t do that to guys ive only known for 5 fkn days
   Anonymous3: yEs bUT hE oNLY lURvES YOU
   Anonymous3: AwWH
   Anonymous3: i Do
   Anonymous4: hook me up with one of your friends seriously coz i wanna cheat on him
   Anonymous3: I dO fOR eiGht HoURs
   Anonymous4: lol i know
   Anonymous4: trust me i know ;)
   Anonymous3: :K
   Anonymous4: andy, are you hot
   Anonymous4: ?
   Andrew Quah: oh, most definitely not
   Anonymous1: i have to go. i have history class. ill speak to u gurls tomrrow!
   Andrew Quah: i’m as ugly as they come
   Anonymous4: lol i bet you arent ;)
   Anonymous4: ({)
   Anonymous2: aNdy SeZ hEz SmAlL 2!(thumb)
   Anonymous3: dOnT gO mAnDY
   Andrew Quah: well, the uni newspaper “honi soit” said i was
   Anonymous3: ilL mIss YoU
   Anonymous4: i actually prefer small penises lol
   Anonymous2: EEzy foR BJs
   Anonymous1: just make sure u go2 training!
   Anonymous1: we have to win!
   Anonymous4: uni newspaper?
   Anonymous4: what uni do u go to?
   Andrew Quah: usyd
   Anonymous4: i started at usyd this year
   Anonymous4: OMG
   Anonymous3: iLL brING tHE oRanGEs
   Anonymous3: toO anD the BaLLS
   Anonymous1: ?
   Anonymous3: hEHHEHHE
   Anonymous3: i dO aRTs
   Anonymous1: uni?
   Andrew Quah: i was a candidate for Union board in semester 1
   Andrew Quah: the previous year, i was the Con’s candidate for SRC President
   Anonymous4: i don’t pay much attention to studnet politics i just like partying lol
   Anonymous3: whATs thAT
   Andrew Quah: yeah, but my face was on posters.
   Anonymous4: ah i didnt see
   Anonymous1: i think katherine sent me the wrong email address. sorry i dont think u r who i thawt u were.
   Anonymous3: i DiDNt SeE
   Anonymous3: oHmyGoSH
   Anonymous3: wErE yOU tHE hAwT asIAN gUY
   Anonymous4: no but we have to meet up! do u go to main campus?
   Anonymous3: whOS fAcE mAdE me WeT
   Anonymous3: :k
   Anonymous3: KekEKkKE
   In a separate window between Anonymous4 and Quah, where the trade took place:
   Anonymous4: thats one of em
   Anonymous4: me
   Anonymous4: if u send me a pic of ur dick ill send u a pic of me in my bra ;)
   Andrew Quah: tempting
   Andrew Quah: wow, you’re hot
   Anonymous4: that was a teaser
   Anonymous4: not wheres the cock ;)
   Anonymous4: now*
   Andrew Quah: fine!
   Anonymous4: r u gonna do it
   Anonymous4: do it soon coz i wanna go to sleep soon but i dont wanna leave without a little something ;) (
   Andrew Quah: oh alright
   Anonymous4: yay!!!!!!!!!!!
   Anonymous4: im waiting!
   Andrew Quah: hard to take a pic, you know!
   Anonymous4: ok well hurry :D
   Anonymous4: SEND!!!!!!!!!!!!
   Andrew Quah: aiyah, i’m so embarrassed
   Andrew Quah: look how ugly i am, and my face isn’t even in it :(
   Anonymous4: thats a nice penis!
   Anonymous4: but how can i be sure thats urs!
   Andrew Quah: i just took it!
   Anonymous4: yeh but why is it like 3 photos
   Anonymous4: it doesnt look amatuer
   Andrew Quah: i took a few
   Anonymous4: well take one of ur face and the bedsheets to prove it
   Anonymous4: !
   Anonymous4: coz i know what the bedsheets look like now
   Andrew Quah: i so don’t photograph well in a flash
   Anonymous4: ok well just take a photo of ur bedsheets
   Anonymous4: or whatever surface u took the photo of ur dick on
   Andrew Quah: ok
   Anonymous4: NOW
   Anonymous4: and then ull get more pics of me ;)
   Anonymous4: more revealing ones ;)
   Andrew Quah: ok!
   Anonymous4: the bedsheets!
   Anonymous4: take a pic
   Anonymous4: so i can have proof :D
   Andrew Quah: it’s my laptop on the bedsheets
   Anonymous4: yay
   Anonymous4: ok wait
   Andrew Quah: niiiice
   Andrew Quah: oh, wow
   Anonymous4: :D
   Anonymous4: lol stella u whore
   Andrew Quah: i’m at main campus on tuesdays and thursdays
   Anonymous4: i have a big break on thursday
   Anonymous4: like from 11-2 lol
   Anonymous2: OmG, AnDrEw wHat BrAnd Of UnderweAr Do U oWn?
   Andrew Quah: i’m just hurt that people don’t know who i am :(
   Anonymous4: don’t take offence i don’t pay attention to student politics and stuff
   Andrew Quah: that’s alright, i wouldn’t either
   Anonymous4: i just go to lectures, tutes and the parties
   Anonymous3: iM a InTerRnatIOnAl StUDeNT
   Andrew Quah: i live an hour and a half away from uni, so i don’t even do the parties.
   Anonymous4: hey stella u know brian from snowball, we fucked in carslaw thatn ight lol
   Anonymous4: thats why you couldnt find me
   Anonymous3: oHhHhH
   Anonymous3: hEhEHHE hE wAs a qTepIe
   Anonymous2: R U iGnOrINg ME AnDrEW?!!!
   Andrew Quah: of course not baby
   Anonymous2: :’(
   Anonymous4: dont tell katie this but he was fingering me on the couch lol
   Anonymous4: i think ppl were watching
   Anonymous3: hEY aNDy wAnNa mEet at CarsLAw ToiLETs
   Andrew Quah: nice conversation here
   Andrew Quah: which one is carslaw?
   Anonymous3: i ThINK Susy SaW yoU
   Andrew Quah: oh yeah, eastern avenue
   Anonymous4: the one with the student centre
   Anonymous4: yeah
   Anonymous3: sHE wAs JEaLOus
   Anonymous4: carslaw toilets is where everyone goes to fuck lol
   Anonymous3: ThAT OnE
   Anonymous4: i fucked like 3 guys there last semester
   Anonymous4: not at once though lol
   Anonymous3: i hAvE mY leCturEs iN eaSterN avEnus
   Anonymous3: i hAveNT fuCked AnyONE
   Andrew Quah: i’m usually in the seymour centre when i’m at main campus. the practice rooms on level 5 are perfect for fucking. not that i would know.
   Anonymous3: cEpt BloWjoBS
   Anonymous2: AnDy, ComE DoN 2 TAFE aT BrOaDwAy, I wAnnA gEt BaK 2GeddEr!
   Anonymous3: thEyre So hAwT
   Anonymous4: lol i bet uve fucked in those rooms andy ;)
   Andrew Quah: i’m a virgin.
   Anonymous2: We KaN HavE MaKE Up SeX
   Anonymous4: you are!
   Anonymous4: OMG
   Anonymous3: iM a ViRgiN tOO
   Andrew Quah: of course, i’m an ugly asian student pollie.
   Anonymous4: nah i love taking guys virginity lol
   Anonymous4: no but like i LOVE it it makes u feel good being the first
   Anonymous4: please, have sex with me!! lol
   Anonymous4: im seriious too
   Anonymous3: iM aSiaN toOO
   Andrew Quah: hey, i have high standards
   Anonymous3: bUT iM hOT/
   Andrew Quah: good point
   Anonymous4: im hot!
   Anonymous4: nah plz i CRAVE virgins
   Anonymous4: its like a fetish i have lol
   Andrew Quah: haha
   Anonymous3: So yEs. HoW biG iS yOUR peNIS
   Anonymous2: I’m WiLlInG 2 dO aNyDinG 4 U AnDy!
   Andrew Quah: i’m an asian, you know i’m not gonna be the most “well equipped”
   Anonymous3: hOW bIG
   Anonymous3: i DoNT mIND :)
   Anonymous4: send us a pic of ur dick!!!
   Anonymous2: U cAn PuT iT anYwHeRe U wAnt!
   Anonymous2: YEAH!
   Anonymous2: SEND!
   Andrew Quah: no way, who knows where the pic would end up!
   Anonymous3: nO i WanT to KnoW hoW bIG
   Anonymous3: sO i CaN gEt ReADY
   Anonymous3: nO
   Anonymous3: wE woNT seND
   Anonymous4: nah andy can we fuck on thursday {PLEASE!
   Andrew Quah: i once took a photo of somebody, and i found it six months later on somebody’s site
   Anonymous3: bEcAuse We OnlY haVe SOme peOPLe wE knOW
   Anonymous3: EvEryBodY haTEs uS
   Anonymous2: I jUsT ToLd U wHeRe UR diK wUlD eNd UP!
   Andrew Quah: hell, do you even know what i look like??
   Anonymous3: cOS we”RE hAwT
   Anonymous4: i dont give a shit
   Anonymous3: nO
   Anonymous4: ur a virgin
   Anonymous4: thats all i need to know lol
   Andrew Quah: http://www.Andrew that’s me.
   Anonymous4: /OMG u look like my ex
   Anonymous4: !!!!!!!!!!
   Anonymous4: doesnt he stella
   Anonymous4: daniel
   Anonymous4: he looks like daniel!
   Anonymous3: wAIT
   Anonymous3: DaNiEl wITh thE bLAcK hAir?
   Anonymous4: yes!
   Anonymous4: the one i was with in jan
   Anonymous3: or DanIEL wiTh tHE nICE lEgs
   Anonymous3: oHhHHH
   Anonymous4: black hair
   Anonymous2: I wAnT U 2 SX mEEe aNdrOO
   Anonymous4: lol threesome
   Anonymous4: whats ur name?
   Anonymous4: the other one not stella or andy
   Anonymous2: I’m NiKkI!
   Anonymous4: do u go to usyd too?
   Anonymous4: hi!
   Anonymous2: kekeke%hehe%
   Anonymous4: ({)
   Anonymous2: I gO 2 TAfE oN BroAdWaY!
   Anonymous4: ohhh nice
   Anonymous2: *HuGs*
   Anonymous3: HEY AnDY
   Anonymous3: hOW bIG iS iT
   Andrew Quah: i only know what one of you looks like now
   Anonymous3: DoNT woRRY
   Anonymous4: lol i look like stella basically
   Anonymous3: YoU shOULD be MAn EnoUGh tO TELL me
   Anonymous4: ppl have mistaken me for her sister lol
   Anonymous3: oR alL of US
   Anonymous4: remember when we were on that cruise
   Andrew Quah: in cm? depends, varies from 12-14cm. would be nice if i had a little more, but hey.
   Anonymous3: i PromISe i Wont tElL anyONE
   Anonymous4: and this guy asked us for a 3some
   Anonymous3: oHMYGOsH
   Anonymous3: yEs
   Andrew Quah: a man’s gotta live with what he’s given
   Anonymous2: HOT!
   Anonymous4: thats a good size
   Andrew Quah: and if he don’t like it, he can get a penis enlargement
   Anonymous3: tHATs GoOD
   Anonymous3: iM aSIAN
   Anonymous4: it wouldnt hurt, but its still big enough to give me pleasure
   Anonymous3: aND smALL iS goOD
   Anonymous3: dO yOU haVE a PIcTURE
   Anonymous4: FUCK ME ON THURS ANDY!!
   Anonymous3: PLEASE
   Anonymous3: plEASE
   Anonymous3: pLEASE
   Anonymous3: PLEASE PLEASE
   Andrew Quah: of my dick?
   Andrew Quah: i’d have to take one
   Anonymous4: this convo’s gettin me pretty wet lol
   Anonymous4: YEH TAKE A PIC OF UR DICK!
   Anonymous4: NOW
   Anonymous4: im wet now lol
   Anonymous3: CAn YoU dO it noW aNDY
   Anonymous3: PleASe
   Andrew Quah: well, i want pics of you three
   Anonymous2: I wAnT U SoOOO BaD AnDrOO!
   Anonymous4: wait ill find a pic of me on this comp i thnk i have one
   Anonymous3: go aND sEnD soME lUCY anD nIKKi
   Anonymous4: but u have to promise
   Anonymous4: to send me a pic of ur dick
   Anonymous4: if i do
   Andrew Quah: well, maybe i’ll show you in person sometime
   Anonymous3: nO. ShOW uS a PicTURe
   Anonymous3: oR wE woNT slEEP :( :(:(:(::(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:
   Anonymous3: yOU DoNT wANT thAT do YoU?
   Andrew Quah: yeah, i’d feel guilty!
   Anonymous4: im sending him that pic of me in my pjs stella!
   Anonymous3: PlEAsE tAkE OnE nOW
   Anonymous3: PleASE
   Anonymous3: oH thTAs So CutE
   Andrew Quah: … let me think about it
   Anonymous3: oK
   Anonymous3: caN wE sEE yoUR fAcE iN iT tOO. ItS eaSY fOR uS to PleaSURE oURseLVEs thINkiNG oF yOU
   Andrew Quah: aiyah!
   Anonymous4: :D
   Andrew Quah: you’re so not getting one with my face in it!
   Anonymous4: WHY NOT!
   Anonymous3: :(
   Andrew Quah: who knows where you’d post it!
   Anonymous4: ok well as long as ur dick is in it!
   Anonymous4: lol were not like that
   Andrew Quah: see, i AM like that
   Anonymous4: i only use internet for msn anyway lol
   Andrew Quah: one of my friends is doing a campaign poster for my undergraduate senate rep campaign
   Andrew Quah: it’s her friend topless with “Andrew for Senate” written in lipstick
   Anonymous3: i DoNT gO oN inTerNET cEPT WeBcT aND mSN
   Anonymous3: nO waY
   Anonymous4: haha thats nice
   Anonymous4: did u take the pic yet!
   Anonymous3: pLEaSE
   Anonymous3: wE woNT dO anYThiNG
   Anonymous3: ThinK oF mE
   Andrew Quah: yeah, i took it.
   Anonymous3: i WanT tO crY
   Andrew Quah: i’m not completely hard in this one
   Anonymous4: SEND SEND SEND
   Anonymous4: i dont care! lol
   Anonymous3: pLeaSE sEnd
   Anonymous2: We JuSt WaNt U
   Anonymous2: aN UR DiCk!
   Anonymous3: AnDY?
   Andrew Quah: oh, fine.
   Anonymous3: :(
   Andrew Quah: give me a sec
   Anonymous4: k
   Anonymous3: oK
   Anonymous3: thANkYOU
   Anonymous3: :) :):)
   Anonymous3: mwa
   Anonymous4: OMG OUR MSN ICON kekeke
   Anonymous3: hEhhEHHE
   Anonymous3: oNly spciAL pEOpLE sEE it
   Anonymous3: :K
   Andrew Quah: okay!
   Anonymous3: OK
   Anonymous3: caN you TaKE a PIC of yoUR fACe NOW
   Anonymous3: PLEaSE
   Anonymous3: PLEaSE:(
   Andrew Quah: you’ve seen my face though, i sent you the link
   Anonymous3: nO
   Anonymous3: i WaNT to SEe yOU kNOW
   Anonymous3: nOW*
   Anonymous3: :(
   Anonymous3: PLeASE
   Anonymous3: thIS iS maKInG mE sO hORny
   Anonymous3: i ThiNK luCY is BuSY
   Anonymous2: AnDy, R dEr AnY PiCz oF U nEkkID?
   Andrew Quah: no way!
   Anonymous3: AnDY
   Anonymous3: dONT iGnoRE mE :(
   Anonymous3: pLEaSE
   Andrew Quah: give me a sec
   Anonymous3: mY pAnTs aRE doWN
   Anonymous3: hUrRY i Dnt WanT the GirL nexT dOOR to SeeE me
   Anonymous3: thE doORs iN thIS cOLLegE doNT haVE loCKs
   Andrew Quah: haha
   Anonymous3: pLeASe
   Anonymous3: ARE YOO DOING DIS
   Anonymous3: PleASE
   Anonymous3: :( :(:(:(:(:(:
   Anonymous3: HuRRY
   Anonymous3: :( aRE yOU dONE
   Anonymous3: whEreS luCY aND nIKKi
   Anonymous3: gURLS?
   Andrew Quah: i can’t believe i did all that
   Anonymous2: I’m HeRe!!
   Anonymous2: OMG
   Anonymous2: U R NEKKID?!!!
   Anonymous2: HOT!
   Anonymous3: aWWH bUT i WaNT tO sEE yOUr CHeST
   Anonymous3: caN yOU tAkE oNE of YOu lyING oN yOUR bED
   Anonymous3: PLEaSE
   Andrew Quah: nope
   Andrew Quah: i already wiped my camera!
   Anonymous3: iM lYinG oN mY bED
   Anonymous3: PlEaSE
   Anonymous3: PLEaSE
   Anonymous2: PrEttY PlEaSe!
   Andrew Quah: i think i’m done :)
   Anonymous2: U GoT ofF?!!
   Andrew Quah: no
   Andrew Quah: i haven’t done that yet
   Anonymous2: aWwWWWWww
   Anonymous4: wnak over me now!!!
   Anonymous4: i get off on the thought of someone cumming over me lolz
   Anonymous3: AnDY pLEaSE tORK tO mE
   Andrew Quah: any more??
   Anonymous4: more from you = more from me ;)
   Andrew Quah: temptress
   Anonymous4: when u take a pic of u COMPLETELY naked ie face and dick in same pic ill send the one of me without panties ;)
   Andrew Quah: damnit, i just got dressed
   Anonymous4: well hurry!
   Anonymous4: and get undressed ;)
   Andrew Quah: you have any idea how hard it is to take self-portraits like this??
   Anonymous4: its is worth it!
   Anonymous4: r u gonna do it!
   Andrew Quah: sorry
   Andrew Quah: it’s too cold :(
   Anonymous4: andy!!!!!!!!
   Anonymous4: dont u want a pic of my pussy :D
   Andrew Quah: i can’t physically take a picture of me face And me dick without somebody else taking a picture
   Anonymous4: hmm
   Anonymous4: take a sign then!
   Anonymous4: right ur name on it
   Anonymous4: and ur dick in the same pic!
   Andrew Quah: aiyah, you don’t think those are my dick?
   Anonymous4: not 100%
   Anonymous4: its a hot dick
   Anonymous4: but i need to know its u
   Anonymous4: its hotter that way
   Anonymous4: will you do this for me?
   Andrew Quah: nah, i’m done
   Anonymous4: but! its for me!
   Andrew Quah: sorry
   Anonymous4: but why wont u do it?
   Andrew Quah: gotta learn to say no to a beautiful woman
   Andrew Quah: before she takes too much from me!

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